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Everything posted by lappir

  1. This is certainly an interesting project. I know nothing from personal use with the Geothermal, but know a person who did one in North Central Kansas several years ago on a new home. It was a large home too, so not exactly what you are looking at. I have read a recent article in I believe the "Mother Earth News", where the person utilized the maximum depth his mini excavator would dig to decrease the length of his run by stacking loops to get the required (or recommended) length without having to cover as much ground. There was also a suggestion to utilize a deep pond of water as the constant temperature source instead of the ground. The only requirement for the water is that it does not EVER freeze completely. There are so many ways to use heat by moving it to another area, there should be the same amount of uses of the cooling. I have been amazed with my Mini Split putting out 88 to 90 degree air 40 feet from the source when the temperature hasn't been above 27 for the last several days. My prior "Coleman Heat Pump" would have declined to run and would have given the heating job to the propane furnace. I for one will be interested in your final choices and how they work out over the next several years. Rod
  2. I have the 12 liter Volvo motor. Had 800 thousand and some miles on it when I got it, turned over 900, 000 a couple years ago. To my knowledge it has not had any type of overhaul. I have some white smoke if I go from highway speed to a rest area occasionally, but it runs well and there isn't oil in the water or water in the oil that I can see. Set the cruise at 70 and it just rolls down the road. I do have the three pedal auto shift so I have to clutch when I start and stop. I can hit the resume on the cruise at 20 mph exiting a rest area and not have to do anything but steer till my next stop though. Having a fully manual, you won't have that luxury. It's not that I mind shifting, but do try a 10 speed and a super 10 before you buy one. I'd rather have a 13 than either one of them. Rod
  3. It's a 2003, have you driven it? How many others have you tried out? I'm not saying don't test drive lot's before you buy, just once you settle on one, it's best to not keep test driving. (At least for me. I got a GL 1500 to replace the GL 1200 I Loved because a guy said never ride the newer one. Happened again recently when I thought I wanted a new Volvo. Test drove a 2020 and am trying to figure out how to buy one now. ) That's the reason for my comment. I have heard good things about the Detroit and have ridden in and drove a few KW's and Pete's. My 2001 Volvo puts them all to shame with how quiet it is and my 12 liter Volvo motor is getting closer all the time to the Million mile mark. Rod
  4. My mini split is working well in the +20's, will be 4 this weekend. Will see what happens then. If you are staying put as I think you are, why not use Geothermal for all? Rod
  5. lappir

    Advise on selling rig

    Good luck with your sale. Rod
  6. If it's a truck you love, then go for it. If you haven't driven a newer truck or another brand and can keep from doing so until you are ready willing and able to part with it you will be fine. JMHO. Rod
  7. Don't watch the next sled pull with Plumb Crazy unless you want to see one break. Rod
  8. It takes a long time for the odor to leave. I stayed at a place in South Florida that had the "Iron Oxide" odor in the hot water. Cold water had no odor, but I wouldn't drink it. The house on the property had huge filters and a water softener I had filters but not the softener on the first stay. The second time I did and it worked for a bit, but then no matter how many times I "activated" the softener or changed the filters, there still was an odor when I showered. Thankfully it doesn't remain long enough for anyone to notice and I don't believe it's harmful. I would flush my water heater at least monthly, but usually every couple weeks while I stayed there. I only filled my fresh water holding tank once and then let it drain without going through the pump once I started noticing the odor. I took samples to a couple water companies in the area and they found only high iron content, which they said was typical in the area and "Would you like a water softener to take it out?", "Sorry we don't have anything for a RV. " Good luck with it getting better, thankfully we can move. Rod
  9. Is this a Midwest thing? I had the same problem with my truck on it's maiden voyage many years ago. My younger brother (and seasoned over the road truck driver), delivered my truck to me in South Florida from Iowa. It was purchased in Wisconsin earlier in the year and had some things done to it at a shop in Iowa before I thought it was ready to hook up to my trailer. ( There is a longer story but not today.) All was good until we stopped in Chattanooga, TN and parked the truck and trailer in a Truck stop and hopped in the F350 to go to breakfast. Came back and the truck wouldn't start. Voltage showed 12 volts but only a click was heard when the key was turned. Sure enough the nut to the solenoid was a bit loose and with a bit of fineness I was able to get my socket to it and tighten it up. Though that would be the end of it, since the truck started right up. Not so. It happened again and again and then oops, my fineness wasn't so fine, and I thought tighter would be better and SNAP. Thankfully it was in Iowa and I knew someone who could come and help me fix, but it was on a gravel overflow lot in a small State Park. Thankfully there was some shade, but it was still hot and humid. I should have taken the truck to the mechanic as soon as I got to town, but wanted to spend time with my youngest "camping" at the Lake. Hopefully you will have a person with fineness add a lock washer and torque it so it won't loosen again. Rod
  10. Very sad to see Dave has passed away. May he travel long in the future and give us guidance from above. It was always nice to catch up with him at the HDT Rally. Rod
  11. lappir


    I am one of the "I will believe it when I see it people." I saw the price of gasoline rise above $1.00 per gallon in the 70's and doubted I would ever see it below in my life time, yet just last year I purchased gasoline for $0.99 per gallon and have many times over the years since the 70's. Supply and demand still works very well it seems. I do hope we are able to decrease our impact on the environment over time, but we have been trying for decades, much of which was tossed out the window over the last 4 years, but that's getting toward the political side. As an Associate Degree Nursing Student in 1987 to 1989 I was encouraged to continue my education to a Bachelors Degree so I would be able to remain an RN. I was told "Before long only Nurses with a full 4 year degree will be able to call them selves a R(eal) N(urse)." That has not happened and won't in my lifetime. I am glad I didn't spend the 10's of thousands of dollars to change from an AD to a BS. We all take the same test and have the same license. I often times feel the care provided by my fellow ADN's is superior to many BSN's. The BSN's do write a better story though. What is affecting my future purchase decisions is my lack of frequent moves. I will continue to move from one place to another, but if anything happens to my truck, I most likely will consider renting a truck for my moves. Not sure how that will work, but sure hope it's possible. I will never be able to replace my truck as it's currently set up for a reasonable amount. So there is my side question for those who are considering a HDT purchase. Rod
  12. What is the company doing the "PreFab"? In the 1970's my Uncle, Cousin and I worked for a company called Wausau Homes. They were based out of Wausau, Wisconsin and Ottumwa, Iowa. I can still recognize a Wausau when I see it on the street. The smallest Model could be put up, roofed and most of the interior cabinets hung in a day. The wiring and finish carpentry was done by the middle of the third day and we were on our way to set the next. Floor plans got real creative before I ended my year working for them. They did apartments, and a couple Motels and of course some interesting Lake homes and very large multi dimensional homes too. Wick Homes were the competition in those days. Rod
  13. Will be watching this. My AGM's are on their last leg. I don't boondock, so I'm fine right now. I do want to replace both the batteries and modified sine wave inverter and am hoping to find a plug and play unit, that's still in my price range. I'll start small and hopefully work up to full power with a full roof of solar. Rod
  14. That's a good question, I do not believe there is a battery for the bag, but my 2001 does say on a tag that service is required every 10 years I believe, or there is an "Expiration date". That could be a battery or maybe degradation of the propellant. I'm guessing it's the latter, but who really knows? Rod PS my Dad replaced his Volvo Steering wheel too, but it was a long time ago. He said it was too small I think. What is your reason?
  15. I have owned two and used 3 toy haulers. My current one is the only one that I feel will last as along as I want it to. My brother bought a "Winners Circle" in the early 2000's and used it for a bit the first summer. I "Borrowed/rented" it for a 3 month winter in South Florida to see if I could survive full time in a home on wheels. By the next Fall, I had my first Toy hauler a 2007 Weekend Warrior Full Throttle. I looked at almost every Toyhauler available for many many months and many many locations. I made a lowball offer in a Weekend Warrior that had a larger garage and needed some repairs and the seller got mad and wouldn't negotiate at all after that. I liked a couple of models but their prices didn't match my budget. In the end I wound up spending a lot more money, I guess if I would have spent more at the start it might have worked out better or a lot worse. Dave and I both have custom built Toyhaulers and are able to fit our cars in the garages. I also carry a R1200RT in a garage on the truck. Most of the off the lot Toyhaulers are not made for full time use, why that makes a difference I'm not sure. My thought process is if you are using it it should last longer because you will see what needs worked on sooner than if it's sitting unused in a lot. Of course unused is not moving and usually all closed up so moving parts are not worn out unless you use it every weekend. My brother passed away after having the trailer for just a few years and not much use. They were able to just pay off the loan with the proceeds of the sale. It has disappeared from the second owners property at my last visit. Who knows where it is now. My Weekend Warrior needed a lot of work after 5 years of fulltime use and didn't bring much to the table in trade for my current trailer. I'm sure it's somewhere in Texas now or that's where I heard it went. Rod
  16. Most any "Truck" can have multiple hitches, but it's best to decide which one is primary and what type of situation would require you to use the other. As for "Work and Play", it's hard to comment on that subject not knowing what type of work it is or if it's being used to commute to work or actually working for the money. Not sure what you are saying in the "Fold Down Seat" comment. Good luck with your search. Rod
  17. Thanks for the new information. It appears you will not be changing anything at the moment. With your systems, how long is it before you have to start up a generator, or plug in to recharge the batteries during full time use and limited sunlight? Rod
  18. lappir

    19th around 2:44PM

    Sorry for everyone who watched the whole boring thing. I will see if I can edit and put the part about the truck and trailer being in the first 10 seconds. Rod
  19. lappir

    19th around 2:44PM

    You don't have to watch for long. The truck and trailer are just ahead. If you watch more than 10 seconds then you missed it. The rest is boring. Rod
  20. https://youtu.be/hRkTlGluvhs Met the Truck and Trailer in Oklahoma 1/19/2021 Hope the YouTube link works. Rod
  21. If you like your DRV and can live in it, why not put it on your property, build a suitable sized ramp and increase the width of the steps up to the bedroom to accomidate a lift chair. Putting some sort of enclosure around the trailer could be possible too. Buying something you haven't lived in will bring up things after you live in it for a while you wish you had noticed. At least that has been my experience. Good luck with you search and ultimate decision. Rod
  22. Very sorry for your loss. Rod Lappin RN
  23. I have read the initial post, but only skimmed the replies. If this is a repeat, sorry. I didn't see where you have "Camped" before. It's truly different in a tent, pop up, pull behind, 5th wheel, Class A, B, C, D and all the others. Before I "Went Full Time" I borrowed/rented my brothers trailer and spent 3 months living in it in Florida one winter. I have traveled a lot, but never taken my home with me. I found out I could in fact live in a home on wheels and have not looked back since. I have heard stories of others not having the same positive experience. My suggestion is to rent first, borrow if you can and just make sure to return it in the same or better condition if you borrow. It's hard to decide what vehicle you want to tow with, I thought the F350 long bed dually I bought would be fine, my brother towed the same trailer with F250 short bed and said it was fine. When he drove my F350 back from Florida a couple years later he liked it much more than his newer F250. I have an HDT and have never regretted it's purchase either. Good luck with your search for what works until you don't regret your purchases too. Rod
  24. Thanks for researching, guess I could have done a search before asking, but then I wouldn't have asked. Glad to know it wasn't just me. I will turn off the power or unplug it for sure till I am able to fix it another way. Thanks again Senior Member durangodon
  25. I'm not on a LAN, there is no internet available if my phone is not connected (that I can see anyway). I do not connect with any local WiFi in the area and see no open ones to connect with at all. It's a first for me. I always use Shut down and never choose the Update and shutdown unless I will be there to check and see if the computer light goes off completely and it has recently only to be back on when I get home 12 hours+ later. Thanks to all who replied. Rod
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