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Everything posted by lappir

  1. Tuna, my first rescue, has adapted well to having another feline in the home. She is less aggressive and 90 percent of the time is either playing with Mitten Kitten or sleeping. It's that 10% of the time that seems to always happen between 2 and 4 AM EVERY MORNING. She starts to MEOW loudly all over the trailer. I thought it had to do with some birds that built nests under my slide out rooms, but they have hatched and been vacated. I thought maybe she was hearing a squirrel or some other nocturnal animal (are Squirrels nocturnal?), but tonight I'm staying for the first night of a week stay in an apartment at my campground and sure enough she had awakened me again. In my home on wheels I don't worry about it much. I'm not a heavy sleeper and can fall back asleep most of the time or I get up and visit the Forum for the latest info. With being in the apartment, I'm worried about my neighbors. I haven't seen many, but I could hear television moving in yesterday, so I assume they will be able to hear Tuna. I'm taking my home to the Factory today to drop it off for a week to get a new bedroom slide put in. Hence the apartment. I guess tonight I won't hear Tuna, but I hope she doesn't wake up the building. Mitten doesn't seem to hear her and just stays asleep between my feet till I get up and try to find out what's the cause for the ruckus. If it continues I guess a call to the Vet will be in order. Rod
  2. lappir

    When to stop fixing?

    So after my trip to the Dealer in Sikeston Mo and my ride back to Cape Girardeau. I went back to pick up my Emergency Triangles. I left 5 of them on the shoulder and I found two bases and a pile of broken reflectors. There was a third base, but it was broken and leaking sand. I put it in a garbage bag and on my floor mat in the passenger side.
  3. lappir

    When to stop fixing?

    Picked up the truck this morning and it made it all the way home. It's full of fuel now and I even hooked up the trailer. Not sure when I will depart for Spacecraft, need to figure a few things out. I put myself on the work schedule for Wed, Thurs and Friday for this week so I can't leave today. Also sort of agreed to work till the end of the month, with the potential of giving a 2 week notice, but that's almost the end of the month. Rod
  4. lappir

    When to stop fixing?

    It's a tire shop if you call fixing replacing and balancing tires a repair shop. They to a lot of truck tires, but it's outside year around. None of the doors are tall enough to get a full size semi inside. Rod
  5. lappir

    When to stop fixing?

    Waiting on hold for one of our wonderful government agencies for an hour and missed a call from the Sikeston, MO. dealership. Truck is fixed and the service manager proudly said he went 25 miles without an issue. It was too late for me to make it down there tonight but first thing in the morning I will. They want me to take a test drive just to be sure. For all of you who said it would be a simple connection or corroded wire the culprit was finally located and I know exactly who did it and when. The when was 2013. I'll show everyone the what once the person responsible has a chance to defend themselves in a Duel. Rod
  6. Have a great time. Hope it's cooler where you are than it is where I am. Rod
  7. I don't believe anyone said anything about an accident and I don't mind those who drive slow as long as they do it in the correct lane. How many times on a multi lane highway (4 or more lanes each way) do you see the IDIOT in the middle most lane just cruising along with people passing on either side. Often times they are looking down at their phone, because they are on "CRUISE CONTROL". Maybe they have the lane control and the adaptive cruise and the lane control works best in the center lane. That's a MAJOR accident waiting to happen. I drive my vehicle and don't just ride in it sitting behind the steering wheel or handle bars. More people need to drive and not ride. Rod
  8. My lesson to my youngest daughter at age 15. If you feel you need to pass, pass with a purpose or stay behind the person in front of you. Way too many people refuse to reset their cruise control and want to hang in the left lane at 1/10 a mph faster than the car (or Truck) they are passing. It can take miles for that pass to ever happen and then they still stay in the left lane. Rod
  9. I haven't read Glenn's response, but I agree completely with whats said above. I would go one further though, there are many people who just plain don't know how to drive and have no business on any roads, yet they find themselves on an interstate highway system and assume they can drive in what ever lane at what ever speed they feel safe at. They are also the ones who will slam on their brakes on an entrance ramp instead of pushing a little harder on the accelerator to match the speed of the traffic already there. I probably have video of some of them that failed to pull over today when I had an issue on the interstate and was trying to exit my truck. Rod
  10. lappir

    When to stop fixing?

    All was not well when I went to pick up the truck. They did a lot of working and searching, but didn't throw parts at it. I told them to stop at #1k in labor. I haven't seen the bill yet so I don't know how close it will be to that right now. I went to the shop Sunday hoping to find the truck outside and I would have taken it for a test drive, filled it with fuel and parked it right back where I found it. (If it didn't die during the drive.) Truck was behind a locked door and the hood still up, so I went to Lamberts and had a big Supper instead. Rode the motorcycle down this morning and asked if I could do a test drive before I accepted the truck back, they said sure. I headed out and got maybe 3 miles on the interstate before it did the exact same thing it had done 5 other times since a week ago last Friday. No engine power, Data Link Missing or NO DATA on the message board. I did find a way to encourage it to start and run again, but you would have to be here for me to show you. I won't do that every 5 miles for the 400 it probably is to SpaceCraft, so I have some decisions to make. I can continue to throw money at it, but I doubt the current tech or "Shop" will figure it out. They said they could put a manual transmission in it for around $12K. They would get a remanufactured transmission, replace the clutch install the new shifter and boot and adjust the drive shaft if required. I didn't get a time estimate for the job though. I spoke with Jack Mayer to find out if he had a truck that I could rent, but they only have dealer licenses on them or they belong to someone else. Suggested a truck they recently took in to sell, but it will require a bit of TLC to get it to the point where it could pull my trailer. They would want to go completely through it and I don't think I can wait, besides it has the same transmission I am currently having issues with. I don't think I will look further into that purchase. I know there are a few here on the forum, but none that match what I need. Greg at Spacecraft said getting it from Cape Girardeau to Concordia could be as low as $1K or as high as $4K. I'd do the $1000, not sure about the $4000. They have been having issues getting their new builds to the paint shop in Iowa. I can stay and work here for a while. It's too hot, but I do have an inside job. I'd rather be in the mountains though. I'm going to visit the local Penske location and see what I'd have to do to rent one of their day cabs. Might have to find a driver with a CDL willing to drive it. My brother has his but agreed to restrict it to the boundaries of Iowa a couple years ago so he didn't have to have the annual medical. TMI Rod
  11. lappir

    When to stop fixing?

    Thanks for the info so far. I have asked the shop to put together a price. Wasn't aware you could covert the 10 speed to a manual shift. I would want to change the clutch components for sure though. I'm assuming the swap you did was to convert the 10 speed to a manual. Rod ps what issues have you had with the trucks after the conversion?
  12. lappir

    When to stop fixing?

    I have shut off the flow of money. They can't say they found anything, but ran down a big list of wires, connectors, locations and report pulling apart the connection between the recently replaced ECM loom and the Transmission and found nothing worrisome. No bent or missing pins or anything. They say with what they have done there has been no more "DATA LINK FAILURE" or "DATA LINK MISSING" messages, but they haven't taken a test drive. I guess they are waiting for me to arrive Monday morning for that. Wish me luck. I tried several avenues for obtaining a truck for a move within Missouri, but all of my Iowa relatives and friends have trucks that are not to leave Iowa. They are also busy hauling the $8 corn before the price falls. I don't know enough people in Missouri and my only relative doesn't have the truck in a size I need. Once again, wish me luck in your thoughts Monday. If you don't see anything you may assume all is well. Rod
  13. lappir

    When to stop fixing?

    Thanks for the info. Rod
  14. lappir

    When to stop fixing?

    Got a call from the shop yesterday afternoon. Apparently they did start looking Tuesday late afternoon, but so far have not found a cause. They thankfully were able to see the "Data Failure" message. I gave them a dollar amount to not go over without calling me. Now it's the wait and see. They did report something that I already knew from my time in North Dakota. I tried to remove all of the pine cones that a "Red Squirrel" packed into every nook and cranny of the truck last fall, but they found some. Didn't see any chewed on wires thankfully. They did mention checking many ground connections and others, will be checking the modules on top of the transmission next. When they hit the next mark I'm thinking of asking if putting a manual transmission in would potentially solve the electrical problem. It wouldn't be cheap, but could work, at least in my mind. I already have the clutch pedal and I'm sure there is a plate on the floor that can be removed for the shift lever. Just don't know if I'd want to stay with the 10 speed (that I didn't like during test drives) or if there is a 13 speed that could work. Rod
  15. lappir

    When to stop fixing?

    So the counter said I made the last post 4 hours ago. I just got back from dropping the truck off at Trucks Inc, a Volvo Dealership in Sikeston, MO. All the service bays were full and it looked like plenty of trucks waiting for something in the back parking lot. I was told it would be at least Tuesday or maybe Wednesday before the truck will be looked at. It's now a waiting game. Have gotten pretty good at that. It took three stops and waiting to get to the dealership. I also waited this morning for a reasonable time to call a few "Towing" services to inquire about availability. Good thing too, a couple that listed "Heavy Duty" tow either didn't have anyone available today or just didn't have the equipment for an HDT. The one I ultimately called seemed good and accommodating and made it to me in a reasonable amount of time (sort of). Long story short. The tow truck arrived, pulled in front of me and while waiting to get ready to hook up the truck died and wouldn't start. While waiting on the truck to arrive earlier I tried to start my truck again and it started. I called to inform the tow operator to keep coming and hopefully meet me at my destination. I got no answer so I started south again, only to be sidelined again and this time the truck was just minutes away. While helping the guy with his truck and recording multiple vehicles that were not pulling over I decided maybe my truck will start again and I might just make it the last 9 miles. Sure enough it did. It took me about an hour to give information to the Service Writer, unload the motorcycle, secure everything (almost, just remembered I forgot one thing) and get back on the road North in a pretty good rain storm. Thankfully when I got to the last place I stopped the tow truck was gone. My reflective triangles were still there and a bit later today I will take the Jeep to finish locking the truck and maybe pick up the 5 triangles I left on the side of the road, if they are still there. I will stop at the Tow place and give them a bit of cash for their trouble. I offered him a ride before I left, but he declined. Will post the next information when I have it. Rod
  16. lappir

    When to stop fixing?

    Have been there multiple times. My favorite so far is the "Frogs Legs", believe it or not I have been asked a couple times if I'd like more, sort of like "all you can eat". Have never taken anything with me. I'm usually just passing through or on the Motorcycle. Rod
  17. lappir

    When to stop fixing?

    Thanks to all for the replies. I will hopefully hop in it early tomorrow morning and head to Sikeston, MO. It's a 36 mile trip, so I don't think I'll even top off the fuel tanks yet. May need that money to get it out of the shop. I know that no one can make my decision for me, but it's helpful to read the posts and get a couple other ways at looking at things. The truck is pre DEF so at least I don't have that to worry about, but electrical stuff can be a bear to find, and I don't have the patience or inclination to start looking. Also don't have an extremely deep pocket to throw money after it, especially if it's a fix one thing and then another and another and another and so on. Rod
  18. I don't know for sure but assume its Credit Card. Now that I think about it I have no idea how I paid Steve and Gail except for two when I just brought them cash for the few days I was able to attend. If you are attending the full event it's always best to pay in advance to help the host's prepare. Rod
  19. My 2001 Volvo has been a very good truck till last fall when I had the misfortune of the dreaded oil contamination of the ECU harness. The shop in Grand Forks, ND was quick to diagnose and pretty quick (considering) in obtaining the repair parts. It allowed me to at least make a visit to the National HDT Rally and visit my youngest Daughter in Norman, OK. I had a few hiccups after leaving Hutchinson, KS. One in Kansas a bit before entering Kansas City I think and another the next morning as I was getting on the interstate in Concordia. The first one was a brief "NO DATA" message on the dash and I lost all engine power. The radio was still playing and the A/C fan continued to blow, then suddenly I had power and all was back to normal. There were no messages in the log, so I kept on rolling. As I was pulling out of Concordia a different message popped up for a bit. Don't remember the exact text and again checking the ECU logs I don't see it, but again it went away and the truck ran fine for awhile. It's been several months since the incident. I thought I had posted something on the forum about it, but a search of my content didn't bring anything up. My plan was to get to my destination, get settled and then find a place to take the truck to. Instead I came down with a pretty good case of COVID and the truck has pretty much set. I did change parking spots and drove it for just a bit, but didn't fill it up with fuel as I had planned. I waited till yesterday to get fuel for my next trip. And then it happened again. The truck started well after sitting for several months. I let it run for a bit and then headed out to get some fuel. The gauge was on E so I stopped at the closest place that had Diesel and put in $300. The needle hardly moved. I headed to the Interstate and was going to visit the next town North where I usually stop for Gas when I'm on the bike or in the Jeep heading to visit Iowa, but didn't make it. Just before the next exit I lost engine power again, looked down and say the message "NO DATA" and a new "LINK BROKEN" message. I was able to coast to the middle of the exit before stopping. I got on the phone and called the Volvo place in ND and spoke with the "On Call" service tech. Of course the answer was "without having the truck to plug into the computer we can't really help." My next call to the Volvo Dealer in Sikeston, MO which had an after hours parts and service option if you agreed to a hefty "Call out" fee. I didn't. I waited a bit, cycled the key a few times and low and behold I get the green neutral light and the truck starts right up. I make it to the next turn but the truck again dies. This time I'm near a "Dollar General" and make it into their parking lot. Once again after a bit of time it starts up and I make it back to the Campground. I won't be hooking up the trailer till I get it fixed, replaced or figure out another method for moving my home. I have an appointment at Spacecraft in Concordia early next week, but it doesn't look like I will make it. Now for the decisions. 1. Fix the truck no matter the cost and hope for the best. 2. Sell the truck and hire someone to move the trailer when needed. 3. Sell it all and retire. I'm on call this weekend, so will have a lot of time to think about it. Rod
  20. I have attended the National Rally (several times) and the ECR once. Both are having a changing of the guard and while changes can sometimes be undesired often times they work out for the best. Good luck to the new organizers who step up and continue to support the HDT'rs out here. Best of luck to Carl, Donna, Steve and Gail. Thanks for all you have given us over the years. I met Chad in person recently and one day will make it to the West Coast Rally. Rod
  21. lappir

    Kansas Turnpike

    I think it's pretty clear. If I remember correctly it's the left lane. The Far Right is the "Transponder" Rod
  22. I have a custom built toy hauler and have hauled a 1999 Isuzu Vehicross and currently a 2019 Jeep Wrangler. I wouldn't do it with any of the commercially available toyhaulers. Rod
  23. I'm in the 950,000 range and while I did have an issue that required a few K and a tow it was not the end of the truck explosion. I know several "Farmers" who have millions of miles on their trucks and yes the occasionally need to go to the shop and get a major overhaul, but they get back on the road for a lot more miles. A new truck can spend almost an equal amount of time in the shop and are a lot more expensive to start with. Probably the biggest issue for my truck is the sitting. I go to a place, park and don't drive again until the next long trip. It's usually 5 to 8 months between drives. The drives are usually fairly long though several hundred to over 1000 miles. Rod
  24. Chad, Is there a color code for your map? Each color has three states, will there soon be a new color? Rod
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