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Information for non US folk

bruce t

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Just a note to those who come over to the USA to get their RVing hit. In the past it was possible, at the port of entry, to 'persuade' the person at immigration to give you a longer stay. Making it possible to stay longer. (This was always a risk but it had worked for many including us). Well we have just come through immigration and those folks no-longer exist. You have a nice friendly touch screen to deal with instead. The only human contact now is one official at customs. These changes are world wide. On leaving Australia the immigration folks had also been replaced by similar machines. All one does now is slide your passport in and answer a few questions on the touch screen. So no chance to seek any variations to you travel details. I don't now how many airports have changed but it on its way if it hasn't yet changed.


This wont affect many but it is good to know for those who do 'play' the system.



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Hi Bruce,


Can you please tell us what airport was that? Also, was that for *all* Foreigners, or just for ESTA/visa waivers like I presume you to be (coming from Australia and all)?





Getting ready to join the RV full-time lifestyle in 2017!

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We flew out of Sydney and the new systems was in place there. We arrived at DFW and it was also there. My observations was the all incoming passengers were serviced by the 'machines'. The 'normal' booths manned by immigration staff were no longer present. A few staff helping folks understand the new system. We usually travle on visas but this time we entered using the ETSA/waiver system. But the visa section also had machines.


My concern was those folks who had 'problems' had no one to help sort it it. Many of the new machines had problems and weren't working.


Ahhh nothing like sacking real people and replacing them with machines!!!!

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I 'think' my point is that everything is undergoing change. Just be alert to the fact that there is a move away from the human element. FWIW we still had to fill out the papers on the plane. We still have them. No one was interested in them. Even our QANTAS crew were taken by surprise with the new system.



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Stekay it can't have been for 'years'. It's only recently that 'electronic' technology has been introduced into passports.




My passport is 7 years old and has "'electronic' technology" built into it. At least, that's what I consider a bar code to be. :)

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Here is the Wilki entry on bio-metric passports....https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biometric_passport


They have been issued since 2007. I don't know what information is in there, but since I got mine going through the borders and traveling in Arizona has been a breeze. Once it gets scanned I am good to go!!


Prior that time I got to visit the "little room" at every border crossing....both coming and going.

Vladimr Steblina

Retired Forester...exploring the public lands.


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Passports have been digital for awhile, along with the cards. The customs terminals in major incoming terminals are swapping to electronic readers. Swipe your passport and move on. You are still observed and sniffed, just remotely. All the computerized do not fly lists, and new biometric scanners are all new technology that have taken the human element out of the equation of screening incoming passengers.

Jim's Adventures

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I'll return to my original point. The human element, that some relied on to change their visa times, has changed. The opportunity to ask for a variation is no-longer possible with the new system/s.


No doubt there will be a time lag between the first and last port of entry to be changed over.



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Chalkie no offense taken and I have no issue with it. We've done it. All I was trying to do with the thread is to highlight the fact that the opportunity to 'convince' the immigration person is disappearing. Works in both directions.


The worlds changing.



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