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Everything posted by rpsinc

  1. I vehemently disagree. I have 32+ years as an installer of warehouse equipment, all done in the field using portable service truck and experienced people. There are MANY mobile welders, trailer repair techs and truck mechanics with great skills that can do a good repair, perhaps even overcome the unfortunate original design and/or materials & workmanship quality or lack of. I agree. I want whatever I do to be safe and be reliable for the life of the product or equipment. It has my name on it. Now, I do find that this approach is not very common in our modern world. Too many are just putting in the hours needed to get a check, not so much caring about the quality of the job they are doing ie. poor welds which I see EVERYDAY. It will be interesting to see how Lippert follows up on this issue.
  2. No display just the FT sensors and not sure what model either but the trailer also has a signal booster. I am a bit ignorant of this system and its technology.
  3. I had mine towed about 1.5 hrs to a repair facility and it cost me $1200 cash, in Cali. From experience, will CoachNet also tow 5er to a safe place, other than the side of a freeway or highway? Wondering what the scenario might look like if stuck and HDT has to go to shop.
  4. I came to this topic because of the topic but got distracted. My apologies! We bought a new to us NH 5th wheel with flow through sensors & booster. I dont have anything else for a system but am looking into what to do to put a system in place for safety's sake. Any suggestions? I run 6 tires on my HDT and my 5er is a 3 axle.
  5. And then you see them going 75 on the freeway in those same tires with speed ratings WELL below that. And they wonder why they have tire problems. AND, they run overloaded too.
  6. Not specific to the hitch or Anderson in particular, but NEVER, EVER trust what any salesperson or dealer rep tells you without doing your own research. They are in the business of selling product and anything they can do to get that done is on the table for them, and by extension, your safety is not. As was mentioned, you need to provide and consider the information that was asked for before your questions CAN be answered.
  7. Big thanks to jim & wilma for the heads up about keeping an eye on the radiator overflow tank. Yep, it sure started weeping and losing coolant. Just changed it today, another maintenance item completed and learned more about these trucks.
  8. Ah, the best helper I ever hired was a FORKLIFT. Seldom complains and almost always gets the job done. Thank you Forklift!
  9. I am in much the same place. DW prefers to stay in rig so I have decided to do my own thing and IF she chooses to join then good, but I wont be letting my dreams/plans be undermined by her attitude. I have worked for over 50 years to get to this point and there is an expiration date on my ability to do this type of life, so here I go. I heard Phil Harris of Deadliest Catch say this years ago(probably from someone else). "You can watch things happen, You can make things happen or You can wonder what the hell happened." I guess its my choice.
  10. Champion has been my go to brand. Found them to be reliable and long lasting while less expensive than Honda or Yamaha. Parts are available in California from their warehouse if needed.
  11. Now we have the info needed to start a consideration process. I will pass the info along. Could you PM a phone #?
  12. I have a friend in the market right now for something like this. Would help to know what your asking price is and where it is located, neither of which requires uploading pics.
  13. Perhaps it may be better to approach this from the point of the experience rather than the destination. While a nice RV park is a positive, why are you doing it? If it is about that RV park and its amenities then that is 1 perspective that I dont necessarily have high on my priority list, but rather I enjoy the people and the experience that always seem to over shadow a less than ideal RV park or boondocking area. Enjoy the journey rather than the destination. This lifestyle is SO MUCH MORE than RV parks and their features.
  14. We met you at the National Rally in '18 and totally remember the tour you gave us of your rig, in fact, it left us with such an impression that we are picking up a used Majestic to be our rig, at the end of the month. It is being purchased by a couple that has been fulltiming in it. Kuddos for keeping your M2, as a truck like that is not easily replaced but certainly will be missed if sold. Enjoy your new journey.
  15. Sadly this is the market we are in at the moment. At least you got it sold, now you can move on from that part of your life.
  16. Just throwing out some perspective, not as a judgment but as information. The pandemic taught me a lot about keeping some sort of "home base" as an opportunity to have a place to call home in the event that we should need to shelter in place again. I have met some that hunkered down in RV parks during the early part of the pandemic but were subjected to the price that park owners etc decided to require for that opportunity. As well those parks would let you leave BUT you couldnt return due to the existing requirements at the time. Some were able to go to their land/property/home/lot and not have to deal with that. Heck, even Bob Wells of Cheap RV Living has done a video on having a place to be able to bug out to in the case of another pandemic or other circumstance, which experts have said that we should all be prepared for as it is a likelyhood. You said you have 10Acres in AR, perhaps that could serve as your backup plan. Might also be able to do some gardening and animals for subsistance. Other may join you and then it could become a community with many hands to lighten the load of chores. You can still travel to your hearts contentment while having a safety net.
  17. Would you be interested in a hydraulic loader designed to be used for loading bikes at ground level and then the whole thing articulating onto the frame/bed? https://amerideckproducts.com/advantage/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=branded&gclid=Cj0KCQjwn9CgBhDjARIsAD15h0CcbbA4iK2iPKxi5T-Qjjolk59OZZUvgoEZObs-Lm4AesmgVpr9_ygaAl2eEALw_wcB
  18. A ship engine failed, no one could fix it. Then they brought in a man with 40 yrs. on the job. He inspected the engine carefully, top to bottom. After looking things over, the guy reached into his bag and pulled out a small hammer. He gently tapped something. Instantly, the engine lurched into life. The engine was fixed! 7 Days later the owners got his bill for 10k. 'What?!' the owners said 'You hardly did anything. Send us an itemized bill. ” the reply simply said Tapping with a hammer- $2 Knowing where to tap- $9,998
  19. No need but thanks. I will do what works for my situation but now I have a much better idea of what my min/max is.
  20. You didnt say if you were talking impact or not. Just a bit from my 30+ years of experience in mechanical work as a contractor. I have tried all the name brand impact sockets and have concluded with significant time of use, that Harbor Freight makes the best impact sockets over ALL the major name brands that I tried. There were times that my crews used 1/2" electric impact guns to tighten 1000s of 1/2" bolts with Whiz nuts per DAY, and per GUY. Harbor Freight sockets outlasted them all. Now in my twilight years but still working some, without crews, I still rely on some of those same sockets that I had those guys using. That being said, I NEVER buy HF electric tools esp the lower priced line. Its $ wasted in a few hours due to failure. They're good for what they're good for.
  21. Will be repurposing 1 of the 2 of these that I already have. My doors open the other way and I will have those opening to the rear. 78" long will allow for 10" boxes on each side to house the lights. The top tray will be modified for ramp storage, either in front of the box(which will be toward the cab) or on top of the box, which is built for chain storage on rollback tow trucks. Henry-what did you use to extend the frame for the hitch support. I am thinking some 3/8" roll formed Cs made long enough to bolt to existing frame or weld to end and splice plate.
  22. Very helpful guys. Thanks. This will provide a good start to my design. Its raining here in So Cal so have some time to do inside work.
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