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Everything posted by rynosback

  1. What doesn’t Walmart sell? : )
  2. Have you visited the area that you want to spend the winters at? If so, look at what people have. Talk to them about the challenges and solutions. Do they have any recommendations? As they have the real world experience of living in those conditions in trailers. As any manufactures can make claims that really do not measure up to what they claim. Best of luck.
  3. We never travel in the rain. As why have another factor working against us when traveling? There are quite a few bad drivers out there that have NO understanding of what towing TONS of weight behind you involves. This is why I travel with a dash cam now. I think in 4 years of full timing we have driven in rain twice. It was not for a long period of time or was it hard rain. We will stay longer or leave early if we know that ran is in the forecast.
  4. Congrats on buying a campground! How many people do you think were on the network?
  5. We just pick up a 90 day supply at any major pharmacy. Been doing it that way for 4 years now. But we also have a great PPO plan.
  6. DRV is an option also. They make units with tank heaters and even two furnaces.
  7. I chose not to answer as I do not want to disclose what I know or may not know.
  8. Personally I think you are pushing it. Always better to have way more truck then you need. Why drive white knuckled? Once you add all of your gear to the camper and truck you will be close. What does the camper state it’s max weight is? As some do not give you much weight to carry cargo. You would be shocked how much cloths and all of your stuff weighs. Are you planning on full timing? How far are you planning on traveling? Have you towed something this big and heavy? Where will you be towing, straight and on the planes or in the mountains (steeper grades)?
  9. Not sure what format or even version that is being used here. I’m on 3 other forums and there is not this issue. Maybe it is just about the settings that they have allowed? Two of them are using , Powered by vBadvanced CMPS v4.2.0 and Powered by vBulletin® Version 3.8.8Copyright ©2000 - 2019, vBulletin Solutions, Inc
  10. Yes, you are correct as each computer has there own IP address/Mac address. But you can mask your location using a VPN. So unless you know all of the IP address of the spammers, it is impossible to stop them. The only way I could see is a stronger verification system for new members. But sites like this want to show high numbers of members, as I would think that they could sell more advertising. Even though looking at the active members is the real key.
  11. That could be tough and exclude any people thinking about RVing that have no knowledge of it. Which motorcycle site?
  12. I would not. Mainly because of the salty air. It can wreak havoc on any RV. Salt air is very hard on any metal.
  13. But if people just want to use the mailing service, I would think that they are keeping there state issued drivers license. There was a form that I had to fill out stating that my intent was to come back when applying for a SD drivers license.
  14. I would think that you have to look at the disclosers at each park. As you know with PPA they all very from the amount of days and times of year. If you make reservations, why not ask the CG?
  15. All of our financial companies took the Rainbow Drive address. How did you mark you box number? As just the number, apt#, unit#, PMD or just the number? But if you have a real address, stick and bricks. I see no problem with using that. Are you signed up for all electronic communications? Hope this helps
  16. I should send that into Confucius to be made into a fortune cookie.
  17. I guess I would be considered one of the newer 11000 members, as I joined when I was 49. But not anymore....
  18. When Teri Lund shut her doors, they were all be referred to one of the other mailing services, and it was not Escapees. As far as the Sensis, I believed we are qualified as Simi Affluent Street People, as we do not own or rent a home. I even named my WiFi networks SASP for that very reason.
  19. I would think the question about being trained and rules might be best coming from the home Escapees office, as they would know best. I have stayed in 3 parks so far. Everyone has been very friendly, no dogs running around or tied up. It honestly felt more like a community then a regular RV park.
  20. I would not do it as the older equipment might not fly. From Verizons website, Note: After March 1, 2014, all consumer boosters sold in the United States will be required to meet new network protection standards intended to reduce the likelihood that consumer boosters will interfere with wireless networks and devices.
  21. I do not blame people for not wanting to rent there rig to complete strangers. I posted this because I did not even know that this even existed. And it kinda shocked me as you can rent RV’s through Cruise America or El Monte. But there are thousands of hotels and true bed and breakfasts out there yet air B&B is growing and making cash.
  22. And the other option or options would be? If you have a booster you either have or have not registered it.
  23. It all depends on where and when. I make them to insure that I have a place to park. There are some places that you need to book a year in advance. Again it goes back to where and when.
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