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Pat & Pete

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Everything posted by Pat & Pete

  1. No more than any one of us is / has been singularly wholly independent from other humans and or animals . Happy Fourth ... Don't get blown up . Be Careful .
  2. 1/2" is asking for problems . 5/8" is questionable .
  3. Maybe something like : https://www.lowes.com/pd/High-Performance-Cement-by-Quikrete-Cement-Mix/50146060?cm_mmc=SCE_PLA-_-LumberAndBuildingMaterials-_-MasonryBaggedGoodsRepair-_-50146060:High_Performance_Cement_by_Quikrete&CAWELAID=&kpid=50146060&CAGPSPN=pla&store_code=1845&k_clickID=3aac8184-bb42-4b44-bfb7-e80874fc6a28&gclid=Cj0KCQjw7J3KBRCxARIsAPMXNVLsYvA7XlI16wO2pm0_2fUcsicuDlU5qYh7dsnnnmWCWp36rtBS_4saAtN2EALw_wcB Or why didn't you shim under the 5/8 ?
  4. As with everything else , always buy more tire than you need . It calls for G rated , buy H or more . And , have fun exploring the outer reaches of your new home .
  5. Hmm , Conditions ... after the fact . I see how you are . LOL
  6. 10 bucks an hour ? That's cheap . Stop by our rig . I have a few things that need doing .
  7. Hmm , I've heard of those high dollar hoses . We have used the el cheapo brown hose ( more than one when needed ) for 6 years . IIRC , we haven't replaced them yet . But , I can see the one usually used is starting to fade in color , which might indicate it could be losing pliability . No leaks , so far . When it does start leaking , I'll replace it with the one not used as often and then I'll have to but another brown hose to replace the replacement . Those brown hoses replaced the seriously el cheapo black hoses that were in the rig when we bought it . That was just after the first year .
  8. Almost have to feel sorry for some of those guys .
  9. You guys are making this way too complicated . Why not simply ride the bike into place , carefully . We know a fellow that loaded a Goldwing into his toyhauler . He made a couple of short 'ramps' for his feet and placed on both sides of the bikes entry path . They gaped the area of where the hauler ramp met the ground . He used those more for unloading than loading .
  10. I don't say it often , but , WOW . Amazing what some do for a pittance . But , maybe that's a lot of money for that part of the world .
  11. What exactly is a 'typical' RV ? Maybe an RV that's not yet oxidized ? Everything in it's own time .
  12. I always like to have a bit left over . I go over my work after it cures and if I find thin spots , I have a 'treatment' . Sure , I spent a bit more , but better to have too much than not enough .
  13. Which ever portion size you end up using , always put the lid back on after you pour the quantity you're going to spread . That will lengthen the 'workable' time of the liquid .
  14. Just use the BB code ( S ) at top of the reply box . You can underline ( U ) things , too .
  15. That's exactly how we handled the closing of our house ... from 250 miles away . Smooth transaction without a 'hitch' .
  16. We're 'online' as much as possible as well . We do use a forwarding service with no complaints . We do have items ( parts pieces or bits of whatever delivered by USPS , so , if at all possible , like Al , I like to talk to the route driver to let them know ... Of course , it's the route subs that screw it up , occasionally .
  17. Take a close look at Dirt Devil vacs while you're at Walmart . Cheap 40 - 50 bucks fairly small and get a ton of crap off the floor . Easy clean and you can see when it's ready for emptying .
  18. Glad no one was hurt . Tools can be replaced , with better tools .
  19. You didn't just park that rig along side a dumpster , open the windows and start pitching ? LOL
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