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winter travel

Susan Jones

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Any details on your travels, are you planning to stay in it as you travel.

What are some details of your travel trailer, Make, Model, Age, slides, will help with needs.

Some will drain everything and blow out the lines, other may also flush with the RV antifreeze including drain traps ( My choice).


Clay & Marcie Too old to play in the snow

Diesel pusher and previously 2 FW and small Class C

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If you are staying in the trailer, leave the furnace running while on the road. I usually set ours to about 50° that will keep everything from freezing but I'd also keep the water heater on. If you won't be spending the night and/or if you have plumbing that is exposed to the weather, then you do need to winterize and here is a video to help you understand what is needed.

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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Adding on to the advice that Kirk provided while on the road,

You may wish to turn them all off before you enter the fueling station, particularly if you're going to get gas.  

Don't make an ash of yourself in front of a lot of strangers by setting the place on fire.

Some states have restrictions for transporting propane through tunnels, like NY, and Maryland, and New Jersey.

I found this on tripsavvy.com

"If you’re traveling from Illinois to Iowa, route around the bridge between Fulton, IL, and Clinton, IA. Trailers are prohibited on that bridge. 

If you have propane tanks (don’t we all?) you cannot pass through the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel or Fort McHenry Tunnel in Maryland. 

In Virginia, you’re limited to two portable bottled gas tanks of 45 pounds with valves closed in the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel, Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel and the Norfolk-Portsmouth Tunnel. "

Safe Journeys



2021 Ram 3500  2017 Arctic Fox 25W(to be traded??)
HAM guy (Ke7FIX), photography, woodworking (mostly sawdust),
Electronics Technician,  USAF DAV

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