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Does anyone use this?

I have been happy with it for the year so far i have been planning our trip but now it has started changing my start date on its own! i log on and find my planned and saved start date of 8/30/19 could say anything from 08/27/19 onward which totally messes up the whole forward plan of 48 stops!  I have sent them an email but so far ...nothing!

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I use RV Trip Wizard also.  Once, while setting up this trip I'm on, it did have a hiccup with the date of departure that threw everything off.  I corrected the beginning date, it switched to something else again, I switched back to the correct date and all has been well since.  I have several trips with routes, alternate routes and future - maybe - trips.  This was the only time it's ever had an issue.




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so its got worse changing it to many dates now.....I have complained to customer service and they have been trying to fix it but to no avail so far and have given me a free month subscription.....but to the person who told me there is no such thing as the computer going wrong only the one doing the inputting well and nice British way of saying it is "naff orf"....(I think he/she must have thought better of his rude comment because i cant find it now 😡

but thank you guys for the positive input as usual

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