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Leaking slide ram issue.


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Anyone out there who has ever had a problem with a leaking ram...more specific....a slide ram on a 2013 Cyclone by Heartland?  Would like to hear from you about how you went and had it fixed and repaired.  The whole bottom is saturated with hydraulic fluid and is sagging really bad.  I got a few ideas on how to secure the under side but to get the ram repaired...no clue.

Thank you


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 If you are going to try and work on this situation you need to prepare for collecting the fluid. First would be to put down some heavy plastic to protect the ground from getting the oil on it. Then have several containers to collect the oil. Then poke a small hole in the belly material at the lowest point. Now do not poke your tool into any tank, wire or anything to create a nother problem.

 So once you make a hole for the oil to flow it may take some time for it to drain most of it out. If you do not do this it may flow uncontrolled on to the ground or onto you. Yes I have had bad water do that to me so be prepared.

 Sealing that hole is easy when done. A call to manufacturer may help on the fix. Or a local hydraulic shop may be the way to go.


  But you need to see what is wrong first.


Safe Traveis.   Vern

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2 hours ago, Wrknrvr said:

 If you are going to try and work on this situation you need to prepare for collecting the fluid. First would be to put down some heavy plastic to protect the ground from getting the oil on it. Then have several containers to collect the oil. Then poke a small hole in the belly material at the lowest point. Now do not poke your tool into any tank, wire or anything to create a nother problem.

 So once you make a hole for the oil to flow it may take some time for it to drain most of it out. If you do not do this it may flow uncontrolled on to the ground or onto you. Yes I have had bad water do that to me so be prepared.

 Sealing that hole is easy when done. A call to manufacturer may help on the fix. Or a local hydraulic shop may be the way to go.


  But you need to see what is wrong first.


Safe Traveis.   Vern

Thank you to both of you.  I let you know how it goes.



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I had the same thing happen to the cylinder on my Vengeance  and it was leaking where the piston exits the housing.  Mine was out of warranty but when I contacted Lippert they sent me a new cylinder at no charge and the instructions were pretty straight forward and I did the job myself.

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22 hours ago, Vagabond said:

I had the same thing happen to the cylinder on my Vengeance  and it was leaking where the piston exits the housing.  Mine was out of warranty but when I contacted Lippert they sent me a new cylinder at no charge and the instructions were pretty straight forward and I did the job myself.

Was the under pinning all messed up....soaked and sagging when you finished installing?  Did you just cut an access hole or did you remove the under pinning?

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15 hours ago, Ronbo said:

If it is lippert, you need to know the color of the cylinder. Also take measurements. 

Ronbo...the measurements your talking about....is that with the shaft completely extended from bottom of housing to end of shaft or end of shaft to where the shaft slides into housing?

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My housing had a unique number stamped on it as well as a part number that help identify the correct one as well as measuring the cylinder.  I retracted the slide which pushed most of the hydraulic fluid back into the tank and also removed the underbelly so what little dripped landed on the ground. 

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