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We are newbies and this is my first post to SKP.  Not sure how everything works here.

My understanding is that all RVs will eventually leak (even with the sealant).  A manufacturing rep whose product had luane told me sealant should be applied every year.

I am not good at maintaining things and figure I need to stick with Azdel.  Is Coachman the only manufacturer who uses Azdel?

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First, welcome to the Escapee forums! We are here to help and are happy to do so if we know what you need to know. Azdel is used in 2-+ brands of RV today and for many reasons. If you visit the Azdel web pages you can download a copy of the list of manufacturers that use it. 

8 hours ago, Ricardo said:

My understanding is that all RVs will eventually leak (even with the sealant).  A manufacturing rep whose product had luane told me sealant should be applied every year.


I have owned 6 different RVs over the past 40 years and to date have never experienced any major problems with leaks and only two of them ever leaked at all. Leaks that are not repaired will damage any RV and that is true no matter what product they are made from. There are many reasons that Adzel is growing in popularity but good RVs with few leak issues have been built for many years before that product existed. There is no RV that I would buy exclusively because they use that product. As to the need to reseal the roof every year, that isn't really accurate but it is a good practice to check it or have it checked annually. It isn't a difficult thing to do and can be easily learned. Building with Adzel or any other product will not remove the need to prevent leaks or to repair them promptly if they happen. 

8 hours ago, Ricardo said:

Would any of those brands manufacture a 5th wheel toy hauler?  Coachman only seems to have a travel trailer version, Adrenalin.

As I look through the list of users, there are at least 5 or 6 of them who build toy haulers. It seems to me that you may be listening to what salespeople tell you far too much. Twisting the truth is a chief skill in commissioned sales and complete lies are not uncommon. 

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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17 hours ago, Kirk W said:

 It seems to me that you may be listening to what salespeople tell you far too much. Twisting the truth is a chief skill in commissioned sales and complete lies are not uncommon. 

Salespeople twisting the truth?? ....A chief skill?? ....Complete lies??? ....Not uncommon??

(IMO) - Happens *ONLY*  if/when the salesperson's lips are moving..😎




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