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External Hard Drive Read Only


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Ok so I started this thread over on the Vet's thread by mistake and Admin did not see fit to move it over here even though I asked them to..  So I have a new question.  The New Seagate 3TB external Expansion hard drive I ordered for my Sister in Omaha will arrive today.  Thanks to several folks on the Vet thread she now knows that she needs to format the new HD using the Mac compatible formatting not the NTFS that was on the original 2 TB external HD that she dropped the pictures on back in 2015.  So after she formats the new 3TB HD with Fat 32 will she have a problem dragging the pictures from the old external HD which was in NTFS onto the new external drive?  They are an apple family 2 Imac's, 3 Apple Notebooks, 3 Ipad's, 3 iPhone 8's  ya get the point.  After she gets the pictures moved over onto the new 3TB HD she will reformat the old 2 TB to be Mac compatible and have it as an extra storage device.  She will then move more pictures off of her daughters IMac which is what she was trying to do when she ran into the read only issue on the original 2 TB HD.  Her daughter is getting ready to head to the University of Utah for her Masters Degree and My sister was trying to make more room on her internal HD for her.  Thanks for the Help and suggestions.


USA Master Sergeant Ret.

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You'll need an Apple owner who has transferred NTFS files to a fat32 formatted drive but my guess is that a .jpg is a .jpg and will go across the formats fine.

That's a WAG. Perhaps one of the Apple aficionados will jump in and verify they have done that.


http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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Thanks maybe one of the apple folks will jump in.  In less she hears different she plans on formatting the new 3TB HD using her daughters IMac. Now with a Fat 32 format on the new 3 TB HD she will then drag and drop the pictures on the IMac to the new 3 TB verifying that they are there and good to go and removing them from the internal HD.  This will then free up the space which should allow her to try to drag the pictures on the old 2 TB back onto the internal HD on the IMac and then drag them to the new 3 TB with the Fat 32 format.  Does that sound like that might work?


USA Master Sergeant Ret.

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Ok Mark is the format just exFat?  Is there a difference between Fat and Fat 32?  I thought the links provided said the Mac OS format is Fat 32 maybe I read that wrong?  I went back and looked at the links it is not Fat 32.  Thanks for the heads up Mark.  I don't believe the Fat 32 format would have showed up anyway as an option to format on a Mac


USA Master Sergeant Ret.

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When you get into the Mac Disk Utility you should set up a single partition and then use the "erase" to get to the choice of "Mac OS Extended and Guid" are two of options at that point as well as a naming option.

On the Mac:

1 .   Click Launchpad

2 .   Click on Disk Utility

3 .   When Disk Utility opens click on the "new" HD

4 .   Click on "erase" near top of Disk Utility

5 .  3 options pop up

6 .  Top of options = "Name",  Middle = "Mac OS extended (Journaled)", Bottom = "Guid              Partition Map".

There are some Fat(Fat 32, MSDos(FAT) options depending  on the age of the Mac but if using with a Mac there is no reason to use those options .jpg files can be copied directly onto the Mac formatted EHD. Hopefully to make things a little clearer, the "erase" on the Disk Utility is basically the same as "format" on the Microsoft System Software.

Now, just to confuse you a little: 3TB is huge. You just might want to consider partitioning that into 3 1TB partitions to give you more selections down the road. You would use the "erase" function on each partition individually and have like 3 new HDs instead of just one. Feel free to PM me if you think I can help.

Almost forgot. You can copy directly from the ntfs and paste directly onto the Mac HD and vice versa. I do this several times a week with my music, photos and occasionally videos.

Ron, Linda & Finn Dog
Sticks 'n' Bricks

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I should probably add that I've been a Microsoft guy since 1994. I bought this Imac for my wife in 2010. I've had it for me for two years now and learned quite a bit.(I'm still a windows guy with no windows). 

A good way to get Mac info is to search the Mac forums. The are a great help. The other way is to put your question into Youtube. I can't remember not finding a video to show me just how to do whatever I want to do there.

Ron, Linda & Finn Dog
Sticks 'n' Bricks

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Thanks.  I will pass on to my sister in Omaha.  They have been a Mac family for 15 years or more.  The 3 TB hard drive arrived in Omaha yesterday and I believe my sister will be working on it today if she has not already done it.  I think she will keep 1 big HD because the only thing she is going to use it for is her daughters pictures which there a lot of.  Thanks again


USA Master Sergeant Ret.

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I'm apolitical OS wise but it is rare to find an Apple techie who helps answer Apple/Windows questions without saying something like "there would be no problem if you got your whole family to switch to Apple computers and tablets" - when all they wanted was some 123 steps to get done whatever was asked. There are other websites for those who want to troll or start smug fests.

Welcome to the Escapees forums and thanks for jumping in! I sure can't help with Apple issues. I do report any serious threats to Apple as well as Windows here. It is really nice to have you. :)

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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I came back to complain about my daily "good deed" being a waste of time. If his kin have 15 years of Apple stuff they will easily put me to shame. lol NOW I have to find something else that might help someone today.

I've been on this Escapee forum since early 2000s loving all the help everyone is willing to give so freely. I remained on this computers and hardware site when I sold the Beast because of you and your particular mindset re computers. 

I'm serious though about finding most any answer about almost anything on Youtube. I only figured that out in recent years due to my in-expertise re my Imac. It's really great, helped a lot.

Ron, Linda & Finn Dog
Sticks 'n' Bricks

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OK it is done.  New 3 TB reformatted using DOS and pictures moved from internal HD to new 3 TB and then pictures dragged and dropped from the old 2 TB onto the new 3TB.  She then reformatted the old 2 TB and is using it as the auto backup drive for her daughters iMac.  She is also going to move some stuff off of Katy's MacBook Pro laptop to the 3 TB external HD.  The daughter says the laptop is getting slower so going to move some stuff.

Thanks for all the help and advise.  I am not an apple person and can barley turn on my DW's iPad.  I passed all the links and suggestions on to my sister and she watched the videos and told me this morning that the whole issue was a walk in the park.  She had not run across the read only issue with the external HD.  I had got her a good deal of $70 delivered for the Seagate 3TB Expansion HD so all is good.  Thanks Again


USA Master Sergeant Ret.

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Good to hear. It's all easy for some.(not me)

I am curious as to why she wants to format a dos drive for a Mac if you should find out please post.

I used to be an "expert" on Dos hard drives for over 20 years. I actually scoffed at all those amateurs talking backups and such. Then one year about 20+ years of being an expert I finally started backing up after my 3rd hard drive loss in one year with no prior backup. Still don't know why they died. I am skeptical of anyone calling themselves "expert" when it comes to computers. Certainly don't scoff any more and I do backups and clones. lol

Ron, Linda & Finn Dog
Sticks 'n' Bricks

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I believe that is what they called it on the video links that were posted in answer to the read only hard drive issues and reformatting from a NTFS which is PC vs a Mac (DOS Fat or DOS exFat). I screwed up and started this thread on the Vet thread by mistake and a couple of folks provided links to the Hard Drive read only issue she was running into when she tried to copy more pictures over to the old 2TB HD that apparently arrived new formatted for NTFS.  Anyway there are a couple good links on the read only issue down 3 threads or so on the Vet thread.


USA Master Sergeant Ret.

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I'll take a look at that. I've been such a windows fan for so long I even had my Mac HD split with windows on half and the Apple OS on the other half. It seemed as though, after many, many updates to both Mac and Windows that the updates finally broke the Bootcamp Windows partition and I haven't had Windows for over a year and surely miss it. Too cheap to buy the less than quality systems I see for sale for the most part.

Ron, Linda & Finn Dog
Sticks 'n' Bricks

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On 4/22/2018 at 1:04 PM, AlleyOop said:


I've been on this Escapee forum since early 2000s loving all the help everyone is willing to give so freely. I remained on this computers and hardware site when I sold the Beast because of you and your particular mindset re computers. 

Hey thanks! You made my day! YouTube is indeed a first resource for me too. I picked up two smart watches, a $10.99 U8 and a $12.99 dz09 smart watch. I looked them up on YouTube and found they are crazy useful. I now have micro SD cards in them and will try my old spare Sim card in them. These things can't tolerate even hand washing splashing. I also have three Martian Smart watches that ranged from $40.99 for the notifier to $200.00 for the two m-voice which I bought when they were closed out for $79.99. The m-voice much more expensive watches can't do as much as these cheapo watches, and they all look good. Without YouTube I'd still be lost with them. Now they're fun!   Well met bud!

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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I used the Timex until 1978. Haven't had a watch since although I have to admit these "smart watches" are pretty tempting. My biggest problem is the size of the print. The ol' eyes just aren't what they used to be and glasses are just to doggone unhandy for me.

Ron, Linda & Finn Dog
Sticks 'n' Bricks

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GO here: https://www.amazon.com/ThinOPTICS-Keychain-Reading-Glasses-Strength/dp/B01KJQ7ITU/ref=sr_1_1_sspa/146-4843911-1193245?ie=UTF8&qid=1524596068&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=thinoptics&psc=1

I bought my 2+ Thinoptics readers last year when I had enough time on my cataract surgery as now my distance is perfect but my near vision is not as good. JUst go to any Dollar Tree store and try out the different power dollar reading glasses and buy them, then order the same power in thinoptics. And yes, they stay on great.

I have two pairs and both the key chain case and the cell phone stick on case. I use the key chain case exclusively and the other case has my travel spares because we use mobile phone cradles that the case on the phone makes too thick to use when in the car or truck. The phones fit fine in their own protective cases but adding these to it makes it too thick for our car cradles. I've already gotten great customer service on a replacement set. Awesome company to do biz with. And folks freak out when they see me pull them out of a thin key chain case.

The cheapo smart watches are easy to read! see videos below. I only need my reading glasses to do programming. Just search YouTube for secret DZ09 watch codes.

I'm wearing my cheap under ten bucks U8 just because. I  use the DZ09 when on the riding lawn mower because I can feel the vibration best on it. It's my lounging and yard work watch so my phone can stay in a zip lock bag and not get full of dust from the riding mower, and it vibrates for my calls. The DZ09 really has a working camera on it! I think it can do videos with the micro SD card installed. And that is easy because neither are waterproof and the cases just snap apart in half to get to the card  and sim holders.

There are much better reviews for each but that one shows both of my first cheapo Smart Watch toys. Both will go dead when not in use for a few days even when off. I just charge the one I am using the next day overnight and get all day from my U8. Get both and play for ~$20.

This eBay seller sells the U8 for $7.99 with free shipping: https://www.ebay.com/itm/GT08-Touch-Screen-Bluetooth-GSM-Smart-Wrist-Watch-Phone-Mate-For-Android-IOS/263178725811?hash=item3d46aca9b3:m:mCEJUO5phJJbia1FbFzRNBg

Just select the U8 and the DZ09 from the drop down menu for the best prices I found today for the U8 and DZ09. As well there are some great Apple watch clones designed for Android only with magnetic charger for $32-$39: https://www.ebay.com/itm/King-Wear-GT88-1-54-Inch-Smart-Watch-Phone-IP57-2-5D-Screen-Heart-Rate-Monitor-/112718946610?_trksid=p2141725.m3641.l6368

I would start with the U8 or GT08 and the DZ09.

I am just ordered this one just because it looks like an Apple watch and is just $10.99 with free shipping: 


Crazy huh?

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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Now I am back to buying more toys and it is all your fault Ron! <wink>

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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Thanks a lot. My resistance to spending is wavering. I "did" have it under fairly good control. I'm going to give the glasses a shot. I had cataract surgery with super results the very next day. Unfortunately the following days I was back to normal. My eyes have deteriorated since also. 

I think the glasses at various spots around the house will make it a little easier.

Ron, Linda & Finn Dog
Sticks 'n' Bricks

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That is why I bought a bunch of Dollar Tree $1.00 reading glasses for around the house. They have a nice chart to see which power you need. Some of their readers are junk, others have lasted more than a year.

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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