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Very very small air leak not detected by a whisperer


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 Just for info on searching for a really small air leak. I have air shocks on the front of my yj jeep. They stay inflated normally for about four weeks. 

 But over the last two months they started to leak down. First it was maybe a week, then 3 days and finally 24 plus hours.


 The Infineon whisperer would not find the leak. Now there is only the 1/8" od supply lines and the air shocks them selves. I looked several times and had no readings of a air leak . Finally when they only lasted 12 hours till totally deflated did it find the air leak. It was in the plastic airline where it rubbed through. I had checked all the fittings several times with soapy water with no effect.


 So if you are have a very, very slow leak the whisperer may not find it.


 Just for info,.   Vern

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I've had the same experience.  Both very small, and large.  Sometimes it seems to here echos on large leaks.  

I did accidentally find a leak in my Mack's shifter.  I was looking for a leak I thought was under the cash, and while climbing into the truck, pointed the sniffer at the shifter.

Newmar X-Aire, VATICAN
Lots of old motorcycles, Moto Guzzi Griso and Spyder F3 currently in the front row
Young enough to play in the dirt as a retired farmer.
contact me at rickeieio@yahoo.com

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