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Tubo leak...messing with my pac brake


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I have a plate on my turbo which has a slight leak. This does not affect the normal running or operqation but it does affect my pac brake. When it is on, all I get is an air escaping sound.

My guys tried to seal this plate with high heat silicon w/o any joy.

Their recommendation is to stop using the pac brake. My engine / turbo has only 136K miles.  I would hate to spend a couple of K replacing a good turbo.

Any ideas ?



. Arctic Fox 29-5T

. Beagle co-pilots - Faffy and Lulu

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Get better guys. Silicone belongs in Hollywood. There has to be a way to bolt on a better block-off plate, or a thicker plate. Pics would help.

I have been wrong before, I'll probably be wrong again. 

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If the leak has been there for some time, or it allowed some real heat to warp the plate, then the problem might be as simple as removing it and replacing it or having it surfaced.  This should return it to a flat surface.  While it is apart, check the mounting surface of the turbo as well.  Flat surfaces like to play nice together. 


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Is this the mounting flange that goes to the exhaust manifold?

If it is, it can either be machined flat or if it's close you can file it, BIG bastard file, then sandpaper, moving up thru the grits from 80 to 320 or so.  Make sure no grit or filings get into the turbo or into the exhaust manifold.  Nothing else is going to hold the back pressure created by the Pac Brake.

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Thanks. I think Darryl is right.

Unfortunately, plate is on bottom of the turbo. The whole was so small I could not see..but felt the air coming out.

Time to move on. Appreciate the advice.

. Arctic Fox 29-5T

. Beagle co-pilots - Faffy and Lulu

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