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Problems with Windows 10 Anniversary Update


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I updated my Toshiba laptop a week or so ago and it went without a hitch. I didn't time the update, but it probably took a couple of hours to completely finish...?


Early this morning I decided to update my Surface 3 (4GB ram/128GB memory). Once again, I used the link provided by Derek in a previous thread and it's been in the process of updating ever since. It's at 99% "Getting your update ready" for hours now...and it took several hours to even get that far.


Should I just exit and start all over again?

2014 Winnebago Aspect 27K
2011 Kia Soul


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I have had a couple of PCs in Annapolis and one of mine not get thru the Anniversary Update. After rebooting, the first thing is that the Anniversary update will be backed out. You will need to reboot before retrying. My local PC went through the second time.


I am still working on the Annapolis PCS. Three went fine. It is more of a challenge when doing it remote because if the PC hangs, I have to wait until someone comes in in the morning to reboot the hung PC. The two that had problems are problem PCs in the first place. They are victims of too much extraneous program installations. Hard to use the club remotely.

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I updated and it was version 4607, a feature update. Since then my internet connection has been very iffy. Sometimes the wired connection dropped and the WIFI kicked in. Sometimes neither worked. the windows check reset the router and all was well . . . for a short time, then it did it all over again. Restarting would fix the problem for a short time but then it started again. All settings were checked, sometimes although the system thought the internet connection was OK nothing worked, neither up nor down link.


I finally reset to the older version 1511 and the problem S L O W L Y fixed itself. Several restarts were required before my system was stable again.


I hope no one else has this problem but . . . .


Update: On 8/12 my update check revealed a security update and the infamous version 4607 update. Like an idiot, thinking that MS may have found and fixed the problem I allowed both updates to occur. No surprise, I had the identical problem that could not be fixed be resetting etc. I changed back to the older version 1511 and after a few restarts the system is now behaving itself.


I have to find a way to refuse to upload the anniversary edition in the future, it gets old downloading, installing, uninstalling etc. just to get back to a workable system but MS doesn't appear to allow selective downloads. What to do???

Happy Trails,


Florida Mike


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I had one of mine hang at 99%, it may have been the Surface 3 Pro. I just rebooted and started again but it had everything downloaded, and it only took about ten minutes to finish.


I'm reading about a lot of issues this t time around. I think we'll see a flurry of out of cycle pat c he's.

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Retired AF 1971-1998

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“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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My update went fine. But after installing the anniversary update, my IE11 started freezing up with partially loaded web pages. Not any specific web sites, just every 2nd or 3rd page all day long. Through trial & error I found that the problem went away if I disabled the AdBlockerPlus IE add-on. Never had this issue before, been using ABP since it was released; problem started immediately after the anniversary update and as soon as I disable ABP the issue with freezing web pages stops. choosing between ads or freezing pages is a bad choice, so I've switched to Chrome, but I much prefer IE.


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I had one of mine hang at 99%, it may have been the Surface 3 Pro. I just rebooted and started again but it had everything downloaded, and it only took about ten minutes to finish.


I'm reading about a lot of issues this t time around. I think we'll see a flurry of out of cycle pat c he's.


Well, I rebooted and tried it again. This time, it hung up at around 96%.


I just checked my data usage and I'm at a little over 50% with 22 days left in my billing period, so I think I'll wait until next billing period to try again.

2014 Winnebago Aspect 27K
2011 Kia Soul


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If you created media (USB or iso image), you only down load once. There is a scan for updates but they are only downloaded once too. So you can try again without much concern on bandwidth used.

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Mark & Dale
Joey - 2016 Bounder 33C Tige - 2006 40' Travel Supreme
Sparky III - 2021 Mustang Mach-e, off the the Road since 2019
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Linda did you do the firmware update? https://neowin.net/news/microsoft-rolls-out-latest-surface-3-firmware-update If not I would do it before the WAU.


Here is one of a few threads on Surface 3 (S3) issues with the WAU (Win Ann Update): http://www.surfaceforums.net/threads/anniversary-update-bug.21221/


My Surface Pro 3 (SP3)is a bit faster and does not overheat as before.


I was offered the firmware update separately for my SP3.


Here we go again as the patches to the patches get developed for systems that are not running compatible drivers or firmware/Bios versions (Including Microsoft's own hardware.)


Mine is less than a year old and to be honest Linda I do not need the SP3. If the S3 was 11.6" or 12" as MS calls 11.6" (Is that a guy thing?) I'd sell it and buy the S3. Those quad core Atom SoCs run almost as snappy as the dual core tablet i3/5/7s but more importantly ran comparatively cool. All the tablets running i3-7 really run hot from all the vendors, thus the SP4 liquid cooling. Yep liquid cooling in a tablet.


I think the hardware is excellent in our tablets. Now if MS can just hurry up with all the fixes for hardware and software we would be set. :rolleyes:

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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I did not create any media image...I simply clicked on "run."


I also didn't do any firmware update since I originally updated the Surface 3 from 8.1 to 10.


I'll try that, but I'm going to wait until the beginning of my next billing period before I do any more attempts at updating.

2014 Winnebago Aspect 27K
2011 Kia Soul


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I ran into a problem with the Win 10 AU update on reboot. This is on a newly built desktop with Gigabyte MB, WD 1tb HDD and AMD processor along with an original clean install of Win 10. The update downloaded fine and apparently installed to the point of rebooting to finish the install. It would not reboot as the system HDD was no longer recognized by the BIOS. A hard restart did get the install to finish but the computer would crash on further updates that require reboots. Apparently, there was no signal to Bios to spin up the system HDD after the installation of Win 10 AU. We are now back to the 1511 version and works perfectly.


Dave K

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