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Microsoft narrows Win10 upgrade options to 'Upgrade now' or 'Upgrade tonight'


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I love Windows 10 so far with a few exceptions. I now understand Jack and all the other Android fans statements that they don't mind Google gathering all their personal data, which to me is heinous and intrusive to target me for advertising. But now I am in that position. I don't take issue with the telemetry or conspiracy theorists. And will stay with MS regardless. I think those that want to genuinely drop MS for Apple or Linux should go! But not because of the nagging on the Win 10 upgrade.


Now I find myself not minding Microsoft's telemetry to be able to keep up with issues and correct them as found. MS, unlike Google, sells products and software and that is their bread and butter. Google sells our data for advertising targeting with no other forms of revenue. Apple and Microsoft have a stake in privacy and customer trust.


That is what really torques my jaw. They went from really doing well on the Windows 10 product itself, and the free upgrade to getting pushy in several ways. I say they should just leave the free upgrade out there and all the rest of us know that later, when they find they should have upgraded, will have no sympathy for their attempts to get it free later. I'll have no sympathy.


But now MS is going too far with their push on Windows 10, especially with the RV crowd and other connection disadvantaged folks with no or slow connections.


I like their immediate responses to issues with the Pro 4 devices but I sure wish that they would get all the extensions in Edge and let the folks that want to pass by perhaps the greatest OS to come out of Microsoft, pass it by now and pay or upgrade their systems later.


Infoworld published another informative Woody Leonhard article, who is known to not give Microsoft any sprout at all. I have to agree with him this time.




"Microsoft’s nagging 'Get Windows 10' campaign has hit a confusing new low -- and user backlash is vocal.


It's hard to imagine any marketing campaign worse than Microsoft's ongoing "Get Windows 10" debacle. Microsoft is pushing hard for Windows 7 and 8.1 customers to upgrade to Windows 10, and the backlash from users has been vocal and very negative.


Paying Windows 7 and 8.1 customers have been subjected to:

•Surreptitious installation of a potentially unwanted program, GWX, starting way back in April

•Incessant nagging by a balloon notification in the system tray that "Your upgrade is ready"

•Forced download of 3GB to 5GB of unwanted installation files

•"Accidental" automatic launching of the upgrade program


On Sunday, Microsoft's over-the-top pushiness (or is it hubris?) led the company to introduce a new Upgrade to Windows 10 dialog, shown in the screenshot. Windows 7 and 8.1 users who click on the Get Windows 10 icon in the system tray are now presented with two options: Upgrade now or Upgrade tonight. As you can see, there's no option to defer the upgrade, and no obvious way (short of the "X" in the upper-right corner) to dismiss the ad."


There are good screenshots for those like me who already updated to see and shake our heads about, related links, in the full article here: http://www.infoworld.com/article/3015238/microsoft-windows/microsoft-narrows-win10-upgrade-options-to-upgrade-now-or-upgrade-tonight.html?token=%23tk.IFWNLE_nlt_infoworld_tech_microsoft_2015-12-16&idg_eid=6aa01e18b29f7b6f9149f611f8eac228&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=InfoWorld%20Windows%20Report%202015-12-16&utm_term=infoworld_tech_microsoft#tk.IFW_nlt_infoworld_tech_microsoft_2015-12-16

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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RV.......I hear you....


Some of our posts have been a "bit-spicey" in the past...........likely a couple geezers with too much 'keyboard" capacity....


It can be......."Irritating".......to have "folks" looking into your life in.......Real-Time........and for most of us older.....geezers it seems damn-UN-American as well........


So........what really are our......."Options"..........maybe just a "skinny-few- options" in the real-world of today.


Back in the "stone-age" I "hovered-around" a "outfit" the had the "I-word" as a middle name and they were fairly well known to "mine-Information-at-any-cost"..........were they good at mining..........sometimes they did "fair"...... but sometimes.....their "mines" would fail and more than a few "folks" paid with their lives.


Now I am not sure if any "folks" are "At-Mortal-Risk" with Windows 10 "mining-activities".........(maybe a few "folks' will pull their hair out and maybe might over-use adult beverages) but who knows.......history shows that mining tends to be a "Risk-Adverse-Activity"........


So RV........turn down tour pacemaker a notch or two because......For the "folks" who get fed-up with Windows and say...."I will switch to the L%$#^@S OS .....hang on a minute..........The "L- OS" is not perfect.......and other "folks" can "look-up-your-skirt" in the "L- OS" as well but the catch is..... that often the "peekers" do not send you a bold pop-up........no some of the "L-OS" "peekers" are a just like the old "I-word" "outfit" ........your being mined and likely do not know it......


So am I seeing black helicopters..........well yes the "outfit" Did have some helicopters that were black but the also had some the looked a lot like ag-spray helicopters, some looked like med-evac, some look like news-choppers......kinda of a "diverse-fleet".....


Thats my point......these days.....it's fairly hard to "opt-out-of-the-mining-biz"...........


Drive on.......(Who's not looking up my ......"skirt")

97 Freightshaker Century Cummins M11-370 / 1350 /10 spd / 3:08 /tandem/ 20ft Garage/ 30 ft Curtis Dune toybox with a removable horse-haul-module to transport Dolly-The-Painthorse to horse camps and trail heads all over the Western U S

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Hey Dolly, that's twice now you assumed I was excitable and read my posts as excited about your words. I'm 63 and healthy as an Ox save for the usual back and spine issues a military career entails for many of us. MY BP is 120/70, Cholesterol levels low and ratios great, no diabetes or other and I rarely get upset. But I will answer with some facts and enjoy doing the research.


While it is nice to say you switched to Linux you did say you keep an old machine with Windows or am I misremembering. Because I say if you aren't into the kind of all nighter glazed eyed determined and enjoying setting up new toys like I did in my youth, no one that I know goes exclusively Linux. They all have one program or one data system that requires Windows occasionally. Apple folks run Windows. See, when you get right down to it, whether admitted or not, everyone uses or imitates, or stays with Windows.


I did 27 years as a senior leader for most of that time, in the USAF. What are you trying to prove with all your alphabet org insinuations etc.? I knew a few folks in my career, most used my ranges in the area. Whether they are shooters or not, Seals or Rangers, OSI or local alphabet agency station chief, have a thousand yard stare or not, we don't "talk around" real exploits. We have no one we want to impress. You've lost me with all the conspiracy theorist sounding stuff. Just sayin.


Microsoft and Apple aren't the eavesdropping anyone needs to lose sleep over to me. The rest are on my team.


BTW, I just noticed you are a rider. I started as a trail guide at a hack stable in Stamford Connecticut when I was 12 years old, sleeping in the hayloft summers and sitting up with any sick horses or ponies. My horse was Chuckie, a short and sturdy perfect example of a buckskin quarter horse. I rode him because his owner, another youngster boarding him, asked me to as he was afraid of his own horse. Chuckie was a real cutting horse and would do the almost sit down or sitting stop when asked. He responded to even the slightest knee pressure as he should. But he'd turn and bite his owner because he knew he was afraid. I just put a four inch Hackmore on him and rode him the first time in the corral. When he tried that on me we did a few spins until he got the message. He actually was a respectful and obedient horse, not spooky or barny. He just needed a rider he respected but not from fear. We had some times in the two years I took lead and trail guiding beginners on tame hack horses. Now they were barny! I never did get a horse myself. Too many military moves, and now, even with five acres in semi rural Louisiana, I'm not into that anymore.


Laissez les bons temps rouler

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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I also noticed that MS recently got more aggressive & annoying, in pushing the Win10 upgrade. Now, every time I reboot one of my Win7 laptops, I get the popup prompt to upgrade; and in windows update they now have the Windows 10 upgrade pre-selected as a default "Optional Update". So unless you're careful to check/uncheck which specific updates you want, you may get a 3 gig Win10 download.

I've already upgraded one of my laptops to Win10 for testing & trial, but am holding off on the other 2 until I'm forced to upgrade. I still prefer Win7


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I think you will come to like Windows 10 as I've found with some use it has all the best of 7, 8.1, and touch if you have any tablets. But I agree and having said that another annoyance I have found after the upgrade is the dang Edge browser prompts. I set my Surface3 Pro to express settings and every time I open a link from email, despite it showing IE11 as the current browser of choice and default setting after the fact, it asks if I want to always use this browser, I say yes and it opens in IE11 but then asks every time. I am sure this will get fixed because lots of folks will use continue to use IE 11 until they get extensions and a few other modern browser niceties on Edge. I have nothing against Edge, it is faster and leaner, just not ready for Prime time, unlike 98% of Windows 10 which is already "ready for prime time."


I'm still working through a lot of it because I have all upgraded to 10 save one laptop I'm selling, and my main desktop. And that is waiting on a good backup because it started as a Windows 8 that was supposed to have Windows 8 Pro on it, and then I used one of the Pro licenses I bought on it and it took a Microsoft tech four hours on remote assist to get it right. If I have to start from scratch then Dell will have to ship another unit with the right version Pro, slaved to the mobo. it will be Windows 8 and that whole scene again. Better to replace it if the hardware matching is as critical as I think it will be for another upgrade. Dell replaced this system three times and sent a Windows 8 premium instead of Pro the last time and I was so absorbed in building a new system again that I didn't check until I'd built it. and damn if I was going to build another that quickly.


I'm happy with the system and how fast MS has responded to problems and how transparent they've been. Folks are accusing them of the opposite because they are making updates less manual, and than is a good thing, as long as the goofs don't brick the system. The last goofs just reverted Outlook to default screen size in safe mode, no biggie and it was instantly fixed with a removal of the offending 2 updates I found with a with a quick free phone call to MS support.


I'm as critical as any but not conspiratorial about it, nor just accepting. I was the one totally pixed off by the first Surface, the RT 32GB one I bought not being able to handle IMAP or POP mail! ( I guess they were pushing for only outlook.com use?)


But their legacy support has been outstanding, so far.

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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A friend did the upgrade and now wishes she had not. She lost the calendar with the upgrade to Windows 10, on which she had recorded the full 6 years of full-timing. She phoned MS, and was told "oh yes, we are working on that issue".

Both my desktop and laptop now have the pop-up for download now - download tonight, every boot-up. Tuesday evening, on Entertainment Tonight, one of the hosts read a spot from MS pushing their Windows 10 free upgrade. What's up with that?


P.S. My contrariness streak is now awake. :angry:


2000 Winnebago Ultimate Freedom USQ40JD, ISC 8.3 Cummins 350, Spartan MM Chassis. USA IN 1SG retired;Good Sam Life member,FMCA ." And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country.  John F. Kennedy 20 Jan 1961


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She needed to have it backed up. She can revert it within 30 days. Were I her I would revert it and hold my breath. It "should" come back. HMMV

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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Hey Dolly, that's twice now you assumed I was excitable and read my posts as excited about your words. I'm 63 and healthy as an Ox save for the usual back and spine issues a military career entails for many of us. MY BP is 120/70, Cholesterol levels low and ratios great, no diabetes or other and I rarely get upset. But I will answer with some facts and enjoy doing the research.


While it is nice to say you switched to Linux you did say you keep an old machine with Windows or am I misremembering. Because I say if you aren't into the kind of all nighter glazed eyed determined and enjoying setting up new toys like I did in my youth, no one that I know goes exclusively Linux. They all have one program or one data system that requires Windows occasionally. Apple folks run Windows. See, when you get right down to it, whether admitted or not, everyone uses or imitates, or stays with Windows.


I did 27 years as a senior leader for most of that time, in the USAF. What are you trying to prove with all your alphabet org insinuations etc.? I knew a few folks in my career, most used my ranges in the area. Whether they are shooters or not, Seals or Rangers, OSI or local alphabet agency station chief, have a thousand yard stare or not, we don't "talk around" real exploits. We have no one we want to impress. You've lost me with all the conspiracy theorist sounding stuff. Just sayin.


Microsoft and Apple aren't the eavesdropping anyone needs to lose sleep over to me. The rest are on my team.


BTW, I just noticed you are a rider. I started as a trail guide at a hack stable in Stamford Connecticut when I was 12 years old, sleeping in the hayloft summers and sitting up with any sick horses or ponies. My horse was Chuckie, a short and sturdy perfect example of a buckskin quarter horse. I rode him because his owner, another youngster boarding him, asked me to as he was afraid of his own horse. Chuckie was a real cutting horse and would do the almost sit down or sitting stop when asked. He responded to even the slightest knee pressure as he should. But he'd turn and bite his owner because he knew he was afraid. I just put a four inch Hackmore on him and rode him the first time in the corral. When he tried that on me we did a few spins until he got the message. He actually was a respectful and obedient horse, not spooky or barny. He just needed a rider he respected but not from fear. We had some times in the two years I took lead and trail guiding beginners on tame hack horses. Now they were barny! I never did get a horse myself. Too many military moves, and now, even with five acres in semi rural Louisiana, I'm not into that anymore.


Laissez les bons temps rouler




Not even a ten yard stare here.......


Wife has the love of horses since age 1....... I am a mere "stable-boy and Dollytrolley-pilot"


Shucks, as far as 'exploit's .........recall, I am just a "stable-boy" .........the "Big-boys" were the "miners".


I am just reminding some "folks"........the price we often pay for "communicating" is that other folks seem to feel the need to "mine" our "communications"......this "theory" seems to keep Google profits well-in-the-black.


Seems the hobby of conspiracy is NOT as popular as it once was ........with all of the cams and other methods utilized to "assist-us-in-our-everyday-lives" and of course a bit of evil seems to be taken up by the hacked-data-breaches that keeps us well supplied with new credit cards often........


Whats left is......the booming field of "Data-Security" no conspiracy there.........just get the latest "bug-killer" and hope that you stay Up-to-date.


Drive on........(may all your pop-ups be......useful)

97 Freightshaker Century Cummins M11-370 / 1350 /10 spd / 3:08 /tandem/ 20ft Garage/ 30 ft Curtis Dune toybox with a removable horse-haul-module to transport Dolly-The-Painthorse to horse camps and trail heads all over the Western U S

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Thanks for clarifying. :) I can agree with that. I was a freak for no Cloud, no Social networks but did do Ello, never use it though. No FaceCrook, no Twittering, and I just two years ago had it with Google when they changed their user and privacy notices to extend to anyone with any of their programs on their computer. I dropped my Galaxy phone in 2014 and got a Windows phone and just three months ago got my wife to follow. Google programs of any type are not allowed on any of my systems.




I have changed my opinion of the cloud and have my own (Personal Cloud Lenovo EX Media 3 TB http://www.amazon.com/Lenovo-Media-Back-up-Center-70A29002NA/dp/B00EJ3H95I I'm the first review in the customer reviews D B Gore) that I was afraid to crank up because of concerns with the firmware from Iomega that Lenovo actually patched, and I have started to set up to run my internal network. I do use Microsoft's One Drive for a lot and Amazon, both of whom I trust to keep my data to themselves to sell me their stuff which is fine and desired by me. I bought several kindles and just a few months ago found a Fire HDX 7" tablet never, used but once, and reboxed for sale for $50 bucks with very high resolution, unlimited picture storage on Amazon and the ability to download to the device any of my Prime movies as a loaner to watch when not near a signal, like Boondocking or on the beach. Best of all Amazon uses their own Android and has their own App store. So as long as I do not use the Google play store, or any Google apps, I feel secure about it. I use Windows top line tablets that are full computers unlike the iPads and Android tablets. For those who got into the iOS and Android by Google I have no ill will, just not my choices, Google would not be rolling out fiber if no one bought their client's products.


Anyway, I am no Luddite but let others test some of the waters. I still prefer my storage here with critical backed up to the cloud along with some little public areas. For accessing my pics from phones and tablets, that will be accessing my home EZ media 3TB one of these days. My hobby got interrupted when my Significant Harassment of 43 years insisted on a new house here where we will be moving from whenever we are no longer needed to help care for our one remaining parent. (Our two remaining, one recently gone are why we came off the road early.)


So now I use cloud storage, yet duplicate it here, I use Windows Phones and the only things I still avoid are Google traps like YouRube channels, which I do visit as a guest, but do not register. No Google earth as Bing and MS phones and computers, which include tablets in Windows, have satellite views and ground views without connecting their customers to Google. The Windows Phone Navigation software Drive+ is awesome, better than the Galaxy phone nav we had.


But I know quite well the only way for me to not be data mined is to not connect to the Internet. I just make it a bit harder. As far as the government is concerned, all my guns are registered anyway, and I'd still pass a security clearance investigation, and I will not be running for any political office. :o


Microsoft is irritating me along with everyone else with some of their missteps on Windows 10. I just hope they continue to let us know quickly when they goof and fix issues fast as they do 90% of the time. IMO they are still the most forthcoming and transparent with customers. I can get a MS tech or an Amazon tech almost immediately on the phone like Dell. But my Amazon Fire HDX 7" has Mayday, which I just used for the first time to check my device storage allocation, as I have no clue on Android anymore; my last Galaxy Tab was Ice Cream Sandwich four years ago or so. I clicked on help and within 30 seconds I had a live tech on my screen in a video support session. I could see Adrian in a little square live, but he can only hear me. I asked him how to check storage on it. He had control of my device and drew a quick circle around what he was asking me to do, and he led me to the Device ]options screen! That was the best customer service I've ever had! And fun too! Glad we were discussing privacy and security and my reasons for trusting Amazon to not sell my info to others because they want to sell anything to me themselves.


Hey Dolly, thanks for getting back to me. My problem is that I like to learn my devices to at least proficient with them. But between the new RV and living in it while the House was put together. Then new computers tablets and 4k 65" TVs and setting up a new house I have been just getting them up and running and acceptable not tweaked all the way.


I needed an excuse to try out Mayday. and just difd and was blown away. I don't know about Apple products but when I was using Android there was nothing to compare to what Amazon offers in downloading and borrowing for free books, music, and now videos all with no expiration date. The only limit is one loan at a time, of each. I cannot read two books at a time nor want to, nor watch two movies simultaneously. But this screen is awesome too, 100% sRGB, 323 ppi / 1920 x 1200 resolution. But I still have to have WiFi for Mayday calls. Which I always do at the end of the day anyway.


Anyway the conspiracy theorists are everywhere it seems, I don't live in their world and they don't live in mine. Fear is a powerful tool. Reality, what a concept! I'm seeing that Voltaire was right. 30 years ago I did not understand that except from history.


I'm riding out the minor irritant of the nag to use Edge.

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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