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Changing Current TX DL's to Livingston PMB Address


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We recently sold our TX Stick and Brick and are in the process of changing our address on our current Texas DL's to our SKP Livingston PMB address, using the mail in form.


Ran into a couple of issues I am sure other have encountered and solved. My question is how did you solve it?


In the Residence section of the form it states the address can not be a post office box.


On the back of the form you have to sign an affidavit the your residency address is a: (check one); single family dwelling; apartment; motel; temporary shelter.


So which do you check?




Hank Folk


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What you do is tell them the truth. You legal address is your Escapee address using either PMB or the #, the latter of which is preferred. The address has been completely though the Texas state court system including the supreme court and it was upheld. When we changed our driver's license address and registration address, we did so by mail.


On the type of residence, how many families are living in it? Most likely the answer is one, so you have a single family dwelling. That was what I was told by an employee of the DMV some years ago.

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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