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If you have a web site with your photos and writing on it.........


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This really should be cross-posted in a couple of forums......


About a week ago, late one night, I was finishing a fine bottle of wine while surfing the net. I was using Google Chrome and was reviewing some of my earlier postings on my blog. I noticed that when I right-clicked on one of my photos one of the action items was.............Search Google for this image.


So I clicked on it. In less than half a second Google returned ALL the web sites that were using my photo. All the web sites. Nice documentation page with my photo on top and then each website with a clickable address where I can find my photo.


I printed out the photo on my blog right next to the copyright notice. I then printed out their web page with my photo.


Wrote a nice, short letter about using my photo without permission and attached an invoice for payment.


Sent out the first small batch of letters on Tuesday.


Today Friday I received a check for $250 as per my invoice. Not bad for 10 minutes of work with a fine glass of wine.


I have checked my photo's previously using other software, but always focused on my "best" photos. Nobody wants to steal those. Nope, everybody wanted to steal pretty ordinary photos that were "representative" of an area or subject. For example, my most frequently stolen photo is a picture of my dog!! He is a rare breed, and there are very few "good" photo's of his breed on the internet.


If your into hunting and rare dog breeds you might have seen it. I got back several hundred web sites that were using my photo without permission. I have to be stone cold sober to process all of those sites!!


It also works with written material.


Happy Hunting. It was fun seeing who was using my photo's.


Be forewarned a couple of web sites are virus sites so be sure to have your shields up before clicking on those. There were also porn sites, they displayed my photograph in full size then on the side showed pictures of naked boobies. I really don't know the link between my landscape photo's and boobies. There were NO photos of the Grand Tetons on my site!!

Vladimr Steblina

Retired Forester...exploring the public lands.


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Interested in copyright for your photos?


Photographer's Survival Manual - my favorite

Got sued for using an image on Google: $8,000.

Copyrighting tutorial - walks one through the process

copyright.gov - where to get it done


Just a note from the Photographer's Survival Manual. . .once you post an image on the internet, that image is considered "published" and rewards for infringement are greatly reduced.

Images can be copyrighted in "bulk" - say, 500 to 1000 at a time and the cost was $35.00 last time that I did it.

Once the image is officially copyrighted, you have tremendous legal power when it comes to infringement - we're talking six figure amounts.









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Vlad and Rich,


Many thanks! I'm careful to avoid copying entire articles, but notice folks here don't seem to know about "fair use" laws and think if they post the name of the source that is enough when they copy the whole article. Fair use is encouraged by intellectual property holders. I just today received a request to add a link to my article on guns an RVs. I thanked him and told him I was glad he could use it. Now my website is not yet for profit. But the content there is mine. I've also found my work elsewhere. And even found a person from here, who knows me, go over to another RV website and copy my user name years ago.


The beautiful thing about being a creator of whatever, arts, music, and letters, I can write another, if they could, would they?

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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I used Tineye in the past and found it awkward and slow.


The google search is very quick.


Thanks for posting those copyright links. That was interesting reading.


At this point in my life.....the money is nice, but not that important. I really want the credit for ANYTHING I write or photograph.


In the end, there will be a small amount of money for my daughter and my images on the internet. It would be nice to have my name on the lower right hand corner of those images.

Vladimr Steblina

Retired Forester...exploring the public lands.


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Thanks for posting those copyright links. That was interesting reading.


At this point in my life.....the money is nice, but not that important. I really want the credit for ANYTHING I write or photograph.

Since I have quite a collection of my pictures on my website along with some of my written work, both published and unpublished, I found this thread and your experiences very interesting. But I also share the lack of monetary concern for that but do prefer to get credit. Some years ago I was contacted by a university asking for permission to use one of my photos and offered in return to not only give credit but to also suggest my site to those who were interested in the place that they wanted to publish my photo. The shot was of a sea lion and the request was from a marine biology school, so I felt quite honored. That was several years back and I've not looked into it in a long time, so am not sure if it is still in use or not. Your post brings up a subject that I'd not thought of in some time.


It might be worth some time to do a little bit of poking around just to see, particularly now that I am regularly contributing both pictures and written word to two other organization's websites. Thanks for and interesting post/thread. And thank you also to Rich for those links!

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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Depending on your camera you might be able to put a copyright notice as well as contact info in the meta data, if not your camera then with your photo editor. It won't stop a crook but it does make things easier on honest folks.

First rule of computer consulting:

Sell a customer a Linux computer and you'll eat for a day.

Sell a customer a Windows computer and you'll eat for a lifetime.

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Depending on your camera you might be able to put a copyright notice as well as contact info in the meta data, if not your camera then with your photo editor. It won't stop a crook but it does make things easier on honest folks.

There's a bit of humor in that.

It doesn't stop Facebook from stripping out the meta data on photos uploaded to them.

Check it out.



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http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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Who would upload a photo or anything else to a place like Facebook? :-)

First rule of computer consulting:

Sell a customer a Linux computer and you'll eat for a day.

Sell a customer a Windows computer and you'll eat for a lifetime.

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