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Everything posted by chirakawa

  1. How did you determine that you had algae in your RV water system?
  2. My wifi is via a hotspot device which has a battery which will last about eight hours without power. A conventional router could be used on an ups (uninterrupted power supply) for hours if power went out. Just saying it is doable on wifi without shore power.
  3. Lazy Daze owners are pretty proud of theirs.
  4. I have had a very different experience. I could name at least 20 of my previous co-workers who have told me they wish they would have worked another five years or more and increased their retirement income. They thought about retiring for years before they became eligible, then couldn't wait to retire in their late fifties. Now in their seventies, they regret it. My father is another example. He retired at 55 after being self employed all of this life. He and my mother were full time rv'ers for 15 years. In his late seventies, he had serious regrets. His retirement savings were gone and he was living month to month. Poor planning? Absolutely. Regrets nonetheless. By no means are these people the rule. Most people I talk to say they wish they had retired earlier. However, they do exist and certainly are not mythical.
  5. It's a personal choice and each must make it based on their own personal circumstances. However, here is one way to look at it. If you retire late (66-70), start rv'ing, then die a year later, you will have absolutely no regrets later. If you retire early (55-62), rv for 10 years, then live to 88, you may spend the last ten years of your life seriously regretting not working another five or six years. I retired at 59, have spent over 10 years full time rv'ing, and am still in good health with no regrets so far. But, my financial needs are pretty simple and I'm not responsible for any other's financial security. Who knows how I will feel if I live another 10 years.
  6. Thanks for this very informative update. Do you own your receivers?
  7. Why be frustrated? It takes two to argue. Tell them you don't have a smartphone.
  8. I also have a Outdoor Dish account designation and can't change my locals with the app. I had a longtime DIRT member tell me that it has nothing to do with PayAsYouGo and that it is because I have a leased receiver. I don't think anyone at DISH actually knows what's going on.
  9. As usual Kirk, you take the discussion to the level of absurdity. Boston Tea Party? Really? I think the actions of the doctor who is an owner/partner in a medical group is a good analogy to this owner of the Anderson products. I have no doubt that this doctor will be prosecuted and most likely lose his medical license and probably his ownership rights in the business. Those are the legal remedies resulting from such an act. Your real argument is that you don't think the laws in place to deal with Anderson for his actions are sufficient and you propose to exact a greater penalty on him than those statutes call for. Certainly, there are some actions which justify the destruction of a business and the suffering of it's employees. I just don't agree that a rock in the desert is more important than the lives which will suffer if this business goes under. JMO Persons working in a chop shop are violating the law. They will and should suffer the consequences of their actions. If employees of Anderson are engaging in illegal activity, they too should answer for that. I haven't seen any evidence of that.
  10. Daveh, Aren't you a medical person, a nurse? Suppose a doctor commits a murder, kills his wife in a fit of rage. Would you suggest that we boycott his medical group, the ten other doctors in his group and all of the medical and clerical employees of the group? I mean, a doctor should be an ambassador for the sanctity of life, shouldn't he? Wouldn't you wonder what other shortcuts he might take in his medical practice which might endanger his patients, since he has such a lack of respect for human life? Surely, he must have caused someone's death in the past. I understand your rage about what this Anderson guy did. I understand the desire to make him pay a penalty for his actions. I certainly agree that he should suffer the limits of the law. I just don't follow your logic in wanting to penalize his employees, business associates, vendors, etc. But, I respect your personal choice to spend your money where you will.
  11. I agree. I remember when the head of Uber assaulted that driver. There were some who proposed a boycott of Uber. Really, punish thousands of working, productive employees and associates because their boss is a jerk? There are procedures and processes in place to deal with this situation. If you don't think the penalties are harsh enough, then lobby your elected representatives to change the law.
  12. Modern hieroglyphs. Says a lot about the civilization of the time.
  13. An egg shell neutralizes the coffee acid and helps settle the grounds. I would never put an egg in coffee.
  14. I've been using a dripolator for over 50 years. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zg4ncWWqjno
  15. Thanks. I've been using lithium batteries in RC vehicles for years. They can be very unstable. This lithium iron battery seems to be the answer for that.
  16. Tell me more about these lithium-iron batteries.
  17. Don't know about South Dakota, but take your Class A CDL to Texas and sign the exempt form and have your new Class A Exempt license.
  18. Which law is that? Texas has had Class A, B, C, and M licenses for decades.
  19. Yes, mine is the 8.9" HDX. I don't know where I came up with 10.
  20. I have a four year old Amazon Fire HDX 10. It's an outstanding tablet, faster than any other tablet I've worked with, great screen, etc. My only complaint is that it won't allow downloading apps from the Android Store. There's a workaround using a file manager in which I have downloaded and installed Android apps, but they won't run on the Fire. They will boot up like they're going to run, then I get a message saying they won't. Amazon's own store is limited, but not bad.
  21. Hey Ray, did you look at that link I provided. That's amazing how they both use the acronym SMART and are similar groups.
  22. This may be what is referred to. It says it is only for active duty and retired. http://www.militarycampgrounds.us/community/groups/viewgroup/52-smart-special-military-active-and-retired-travel-club
  23. Yes, you can record from both at the same time...............and watch a pre-recorded program while you're doing it.
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