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Everything posted by hemsteadc

  1. I've been shopping Amazon since the late 90s. In all that time the only problem I've ever had was when UPS or FedEx hands off to the USPS for the 'last mile.' And oddly, it's often packages that are too big to go in my mailbox and I have to drive to the post office. By contrast, I recently ordered a Honda generator from the White Cap company, a business I found searching for a place close to AZ to get it here in a few days. After 3 days there was no shipping and no response. No email response, no online form response, no text response, and the telephone greeting said they were too busy to answer the phone. "Leave a message and we'll call you back." Sure. The only way I was able to connect with them was through a comment on a Facebook ad they put on my page. It took them 10 days to respond and refund my money because they no longer carry the item and haven't updated their website. I'm thinking this is a walk-in business doing online ordering as a sideline. It's not hard to understand why Amazon's stock is $3,000 a share.
  2. Wow.. Amazon is so easy. I tried to return it, but got a message saying it's not returnable. I clicked on more help and got a chat bot that refunded my money after answering a few questions. Thank you Jeff Bezos.
  3. I remember getting a can last year that had a dent in it, and trying to return it. Gas cans are not returnable, so Amazon simply sent another. I wonder if they'll do that again. I seem to have rather bad luck with these things. Maybe I'll buy an Eagle can next time. Why am I buying cans again? I had 3 full cans stolen at Mecca Beach CG in February.
  4. tyet New Justrite metal can arrived, but handle not attached properly with pin. Assuming customer no-service will take a week to get back to me, anybody have one of these cans? Can you advise me on how I'm supposed to attach the pin so it doesn't just flop around in there? Best I can tell I'm supposed to beat it in with a hammer. Or replace with a coat hanger. I'm not interested in packing it up and sending it back, although I probably should, considering what these things cost. If I know Amazon, they may just ship a new one no charge since I'm a long time customer.
  5. Claim it.. for what purpose?
  6. Duly noted. If the store held your $20 for a year, you might consider it a refund. I've never understood why it's called a 'return.'
  7. X2. Some people just like getting a refund.
  8. What interest? That used to be an argument years ago, if the refund was large enough.
  9. I'm sure the other answers are fine, but this may help a lot better than I could: https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk03aD14mTAb_LF3uk10kefgTMzz0XQ%3A1615228641676&source=hp&ei=4W5GYI-fJr7P0PEP25yv4AE&iflsig=AINFCbYAAAAAYEZ88Vy2gj1s4u1qkSoAN-j7VKbYvpVc&q=amp+hours+to+watt+hours&oq=amp+hours+to+watt+hours&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyAggAMgYIABAWEB4yBQgAEIYDMgUIABCGAzIFCAAQhgM6BAgjECc6CgguEMcBEK8BECc6CwguEMcBEK8BEJECOggIABCxAxCDAToFCAAQsQM6CAgAELEDEMkDOgsILhCxAxDHARCjAjoFCC4QsQM6CAguELEDEIMBOg4ILhCxAxCDARDHARCvAToICC4QxwEQrwFQ_QpY4i5g0i9oAHAAeAGAAdgBiAGgGpIBBjAuMjEuMZgBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXo&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwjPk6nLq6HvAhW-JzQIHVvOCxwQ4dUDCAo&uact=5
  10. Cool. The stock has been struggling lately. It should be a good long-term bet.
  11. That's easy to do when you have a single steady income, but with investments etal constantly changing, not so much.
  12. I don't think so. I just think more people are impatient and going by the vast dissemination of false information and amateur medicine found on the internet, coupled with the anti-science 'fake news' movement of the last administration. They got that vaccine pretty right. Science makes mistakes, no doubt about it, but it's the best chance at the truth I know of. Of course if you simply don't want to believe it then you do so at your own peril.
  13. 12v is fine as long as you don't do a lot of high -wattage inverting which tends to heat things up with all that amperage. And dealing with huge wire. Solar controllers can handle more wattage at higher voltage. As said, 36 is not a good choice. 48v is.
  14. Well, who wouldn't, but science doesn't work like that.
  15. Refund? What's that? I've been paying for years. They're never late picking that up.
  16. There are just too many appliances I use to worry about small inefficiencies in inverting. Toaster, coffee maker, TV, DTV receiver, mattress heater...etc. Trying to find 12v versions of these things that actually work is fruitless. You have to feed them a certain amount of watts to get the job done, regardless of the voltage.
  17. We're all impressed with your astute observations.
  18. Exactly. When surgeons and nurses stop wearing masks then perhaps I'll rethink my position.
  19. Masks were never promoted as protecting you, they were promoted to protect others *from* you.
  20. The problem is the correlation between infection rate and the percentage of people who actually obey the mask and lockdown orders, not the orders themselves. Other countries have handled this far better than we have.
  21. Possibly from the CPAC convention too. That appears to be another super-spreader.
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