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Everything posted by lappir

  1. If you have only visited the Foley, Alabama location, you need to try at least the Springfield, MO. or Sikeston, MO. Both I think are better than Foley. Of course they have changed a lot since "COVID". Rod
  2. "I am a single healthy male in my 30's. I do not have income." The above in quotes is a copy and past from the OP's first post. There has been one other post after the first from the OP. Rod
  3. I agree with the above. My Brother (the Tire Guy) said I should run "steers" on the drive when I first got my truck. I was on a flat surface of wet grass that summer and was stuck. Managed to get myself out, but I quickly went with a closed shoulder drive and got along fine. Last set I think are a bit of an open shoulder. Have not been stuck since except for the time al 6 tires settled to the rim in the apparently soft turf in Tahlequah, OK. Mo amount of digging could get me out and the C30 Chevrolet (old one) that came to pull me out of the holes struggled a bit with it's Holmes wrecker winch. (Another old one). Rod
  4. While I think there may be others who are in your same situation, I find it hard to understand a single healthy person who does not have an income and wishes the rest of us who are employed to pay for your health care. You apparently also want to travel from where you currently reside to somewhere else where you will somehow survive without an income. Is it you just don't declare the income you generate? If you feel I'm being too blunt I won't feel bad knowing that. Of course this is only my personal opinion and is not the opinion of the forum or others who may participate. Rod
  5. Congrats on the fix. It's called "Sweat Equity" for a reason. Plus what Suite said!! Rod
  6. First thing I do when I pull into a new park is to fill the onboard water tank. Don't use it unless needed until the last week or so I'm there. At times I have used the pump to augment the pressure. Maybe what the OP is asking is if there is a way to diminish the cycling of the pump. I sure would like to do that. I turn on the dishwasher if I'm just using my stored water and the pump cycles at least a dozen times filling the small drawer. At times I take a shower at the same time to just keep the pump running or I'll fill a couple containers with water to use later. An accumulator or pressure tank is said to decrease the cycling of the water pump. Haven't found one I like yet. Rod
  7. I liked it when I got it, but I think I liked my regular Samsung 7 better, except I to like the USB C for sure. Having lots of trouble with Android Auto, some trouble with my Pda Net and am wondering if it's the phone. Have also had missed calls and phone messages on occasion. Mostly in Cape Girardeau at the "Hospital". Thanks for the suggestion and confirmation that 5 G isn't ready yet. Rod
  8. I was having a few issues with my Samsung Note 9 and posted about replacing. Maybe here and maybe on the Full Time forum. Since leaving my work location the issues have diminished (probably reception inside the Hospital) but am wondering if I need to do an upgrade to get in on the 5 G stuff. I've resisted so far and am not sure if it will be that much better, but a newer device maybe helpful. I'll still need to buy it and activate it on my Verizon account to maintain my old unlimited plan. Rod
  9. lappir

    When to stop fixing?

    So I had another problem on the latest trip. First I was using the manual shift running through town till I got on the big highway. About 1/3 the way there it got stuck in 6th gear and would only ding. Managed to find a large parking lot to turn it around and get ready for a tow. Luck would have it I didn't need to. When I actually stopped it completely it disengaged and found neutral. I was back on my way. Drove 4 hours to Springfield (Ozark)Mo, and stopped at the Lamberts. Had planned to stop in Sikeston, but with the late start I decided to put some miles on before food in the belly. All was well for the trip so far. No additional transmissions issues till I found the above when I came back from dinner to head for Norman, OK. Trying to add photos proves to be still difficult. My internet connection keeps loosing contact when I open the photo sharing app. Rod
  10. Sorry just found this looking for help with my Gen 1. I called the Eaton Help line this morning 1-800-826-4357 (HELP) and they were very helpful. You say it will shift into Reverse and Drive, but does the light change to R or the forward gear number? First question I was asked was what is the condition of the truck batteries. Fully charged or not? New or a few years old? I'll check back later to see if you have had any success. Rod
  11. Depending on the tread, but some of them take several heat and cool down episodes to make them less "Squirrely" feeling. My first set of open shoulder drives were that way for several trips, many months apart. The latest set didn't seem bad from the start. Congrats on the new rubber. Rod
  12. The system is ready for full use, but you still might want to use a macerator so you don't have the problem I did. Waiting to have a full tank to dump so you don't have a clog can empty all of the P traps in the house and then your homeowner will not be happy. My first empty into a "Cleanout" port caused that and it took days for the odor to go away. The residents were not home and I had no idea it happened until hours later. I stopped using that method and hired a Port-a-Potty company to come out and let me empty into their truck. With a macerator you won't have the volume a 4 inch sewer hose has. Rod
  13. It did. I took a trip around the area today and out to Lake Thunderbird. I decided to stay at the Fairgrounds before heading out to the lake and am glad I did. There were a lot of spots open but they are tiny and most with only 30amp service. I require 50amp for my mini split for now. Found a lot more storm damage. Thankfully the storm move through at about 60 mph (Covered 26 miles in 26 minutes) instead of taking its sweet time like the Cat 5 many years ago. Rod
  14. Very sorry for your loss. Got a glimpse at some of the other damage today. It's more widespread than I thought. It was nice that there were very few injuries and no reported deaths. I will say the Norman Police Department has done a great job about being there without being intrusive. I stopped on my way out tonight to thank one of the officers in his patrol vehicle and I'll do more as I see them over the next days. My daughter is spending her first night back in the home since the storm and of course there was a late afternoon/early evening thunderstorm. I'm only 8 minutes away tonight. Much closer than the over 8 hour drive I did earlier in the week. Rod
  15. Chad, Thanks for the update and a reminder for me to let you know your system is working very well for me and it exactly what I asked for when building my rig. Too bad it took nearly 10 years for me to get it. I'd like to have a system similar to yours. The ability to run everything I need and never have to plug into an outlet every. I'll do it some day, but need to decide if I want to do it with the trailer I have now or if it's better to fix everything at once with a new one. I'm going to start reaching out to some folks about that. In reading I saw you went back to a "Regular" RV toilet. I went the other way and purchased a Natures Head composting toilet and will never go back to a "Regular" RV toilet again. It was a little less expensive than the one I think I really want and I could also see it, feel it and evaluate at least the construction before the purchase. (I hate online shopping). Now that you have your system completed and know the exact component costs, have you ventured to evaluate the potential cost savings you could have had by going with a 48volt system vs staying with your 12 volt? If I have a new trailer built I think I will have every thing set up similar to the sticks and bricks as far as voltage. The only converters necessary would be the ones that come with the disposable items, i.e. phone chargers, computer power blocks and such. I remember you had strong feelings about going away from 12 volts. Thanks again for you post, photos and other information. I'm getting closer to heading west for a bit so I hope I can attend a WCR and then say I've been to them all. Rod
  16. Here is my walk around Wednesday morning after getting the call "I'm OK" on Sunday evening as 2200 hrs.
  17. I arrived last night at 0300. As much as I thought I could be ready to go at a moments notice I've found it takes me the same time to do what's needed done no matter if I'm in a hurry or not in a hurry. Sort of like taking multiple different roads from one place to another. It's going to be the same distance so it will take the same amount of time. The scenery will just be different. I arrived at my daughters home just after 8am this morning and suddenly realized all the news coverage from the storm, most likely was taken from her backyard. The Red Jeep turned over on top of another car was still there just East of their home across a residential street. How the two homes were literally destroyed and while damaged, my daughter and her roommates are hosting dinner tonight while the neighbors will most likely not ever return to their homes. I'm uploading a YouTube from this morning. Haven't watched yet, but may link it here. Have a spot at the Cleveland County Fairgrounds. They have plenty most of the time. A lot are just power and water and most with only 30amp service, but I found one pole with 2 30's and a 50. Might post a photo of it later. The newer "Camping area" is fine for a 30 ft. rig and tow vehicle, but not close at all to being large enough for me to park. Everyone I have met so far have been very friendly and helpful. Rod
  18. Thanks for the replies. I will be leaving tomorrow, but won't be making a reservation just yet. My daughter lives in Norman and her home was damaged by the storm. She, her roommate and felines are all OK, but the neighborhood is quite damaged. She said a few windows were broken and the fence was destroyed at their home. I'm not too worried about all the parks and campgrounds being full this time of the year. I do have a back up plan, just don't want to be that far away. Rod
  19. The thing about weather in every state I have visited. The locals would always say "Hey if you don't like the weather, stay a while and it will change." For 30+ years I thought that was an Iowa saying. Of course I didn't stay very long in Southern California which until 2023 has had mostly the same weather for as long as most can remember. Rod
  20. Tried to send you a PM. 



  21. I agree with all the above. My biggest regret was pulling my "BRAND NEW" trailer on freshly treated roads during the first week of owning. I should have known better. If you are serious enough in the purchase to drive your truck all the way to get it, then flying there to take a look, arrange for it to stay till you got back and to place a good insurance policy on it may be the best. Wait till at least late spring and ensure you have enough time to wait if needed if the weather changes. I have not visited much of Montana, but I have gone across the Rocky Mountains a few times and I wouldn't do it in the winter unless my life depended on it. Fuel will be very expensive on your drive and driving "Bobtail" isn't the most fun for that distance. If you really calculate it out you might find the shipping is actually reasonable. You might find it possible to have someone do a partial move. Get it far enough South that you will be comfortable getting it the rest of the way home. Again flying up is probably the best option and I HATE to FLY, but would do it in this situation. If it were me. Rod
  22. Now that Phil has chimed in, I'll recall a time spent in South Florida shortly after getting my stuff. My younger brothers were also OTR drivers for many years and I learned a lot from just listening to their stories. I had parked my brand new big trailer at a small equestrian "Ranch" in South Florida. I was too big for the first spot they suggested but they had an alternative that I could use. I got parked and set up, but it was a big JOB. If any one has watched the YouTube videos of Dave and Sondra, I wish I had some of their "Traction Things" when I parked. I used my 200# Steel ramps. Can't just throw them under the wheels, but they worked the same. (Hint. Dry sand bad, wet sand better.) So, long story shorter (maybe). I drove by a "Truck Driving School" multiple times during my stay in SFL. They had several Day Cabs and I thought maybe I could hire one for the move out of my spot. I spent several days visiting the school, watching the activities and deciding on which truck I thought was in the best shape (some were terrible) I also spent a lot of time in the office waiting on the "Owner" to talk with about my plan. Remember the recent item on the news about a Nursing School down there who just printed out diplomas so people could sit for the nursing board exam? Well it's sort of what they were doing at that driving school, or so it appeared. Way more students sitting in the class than they had trucks for. Hardly ever saw one of the trucks go off property. I didn't follow up with my plan, but did wait till after a little rain shower before I tried to move off my spot. I did stay there again the next year too. Spend some time at the school before signing up. Attend one of the three (that I know of) HDT Rally's and remember the GOAL. It's the best lesson you can learn. There is a reason why it's on a lot of truck mirrors. Rod
  23. I may have been one of the eye rollers in the past, but no longer. I guess as we age we either get more opinionated or less (depending on the topic). I rolled my eyes when I picked up my brand new trailer in 2013 looking at the "Off Brand" tires it had on it. I had offered to bring my "Desired" tires and wheels to the factory, but they declined saying 'Timing is critical and we don't want to have to wait for them when we need them.' (That's a whole other story.) Needless to say my tires have now aged out. I had no problems with them except for a stupid activity I tried to release a stuck brake drum. (another story) I have decided I'll go with "Good" tires for the Steers, a modified open shoulder for the drives (cheapest ones I can find when I need them) and One day I'll change my front wheels on the truck to 22.5 so I can cycle my steers through the trailer. I'll replace the steers more often and will put them on the inside on the trailer so the oldest one's will be on the outside for easier "Watching". That's my plan today, it might change if I need to replace a trailer tire before I can change the wheels on the truck. Maybe I should just change trucks with one that has all 22.5's. I do like the speedo error caused by changing from Low Pro (Profile LP) to 11R on the drives though. GPS Speed and speedometer are 6mph different from the LP to the standard profile 11R's. Of course if I was on the road daily, weekly or even monthly. I might have a different plan. I currently sit for months at a time and that's the worse thing for tires. (except for overloading, running under or over pressure, aggressive driving and running over road hazards.) Sunday mornings, they are the best. Rod
  24. Ignore the mess if possible. I'm getting ready to move and trying to organize things better. Wish me luck. Smoked some pork chops for about an hour while I prepared and fried potatoes in the cast Chicken fryer skillet. Finished the chops off with a reverse sear before cooking eggs for my breakfast. Things truly do taste better when cooked outside, even using the same utensils as you do inside. It's also nice to know my induction cooktop works just fine with the Generator. It didn't do well with my modified sine wave inverter and I don't think I've tried it again with the current pure sine one. Rod
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