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    Casa Grande, Rovers Roost, AZ
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    boondocking - chaos & quantum physics + change in social & environmental systems and structures

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  1. . I think I got the info I was looking for, so Thanks everyone tor the input. Very helpful.
  2. https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Chinese-Brand-Pickup-Overland-Rv-Pick_1600684638411.html?spm=a2700.7724857.0.0.21e01742x2IyW6 Yes, that is the one. Thanks.
  3. I've been searching the net and am unable to find what this Rv is. The closest I can come is that it is a dual-axle Earthroamer. Was not able to talk to the owners, and Earthroamers website does not show dual-axle.
  4. 2 QUESTIONS: 1 - I have over 1 million files indexed, but the index file shows 0 bytes. Reason? 2 - I am supposedly indexing C drive, but I show DATA as being excluded. I do not have a DATA file or folder. I am asking the questions, as every search seems to take a long time, as-if it is searching the computer, rather than the INDEX file. Thank you for any response.
  5. Sorry for the late response, but I got the transmission fixed in Cedar city and have been traveling until a couple of weeks ago, but had forgotten about this post. Exciting part was I had the RV towed from Richfield to Cedar city, 120+ miles, at 80 mph. If you have to be towed, make sure you have phone number for the owner or manager of towing company. Generator has a bad carburetor, which I’m just now ordering from Amazon while in Deming. I had ordered the part while I was in the mountains near Show Low, but after ordering it, I discovered that UPS would not deliver it to a post office. The only thing I can figure out is that I had labeled it as general delivery to a ZIP Code, without putting down the street address of the post office. Learned a lesson about both UPS and the post office. i’ve shipped general delivery before, but it was always using the post office, not UPS or FedEx.
  6. Teh other thing to do is to take the poop baggie to a gas station and dump the contents in their flush toilet. I have seen people also use a bottle for urine, and then in the morning "secretly" water plants with the urine, which I don't recommend if you're in a commercial campground.
  7. I have a 2009 Thor Chateau Four Winds. I have been having electrical problems so called THOR to see about getting the schematics. I was told they have NO information on my rig, or for any Four Winds that old, that when they bought the Four Winds brand the build plans and schematics were not included in the purchase. This is confusing, for I have called THOR in the past and recieved some build plans. QUESTION: Does anyone by chance have any build plans and schematics for a 2009 25' Thor Four Winds? Or know of where I could acquire them? Also, before buying a used Thor satisfy yourself that they HAVE NOT thrown away any paperwork for the vehicle.
  8. I know many full-timers are enjoying extra income to support their life on the road by renting their homes. Here is an article anbout what can happen when you do rent your home that you might find very interesting . I’m wondering how many people on the road have run into this problem when renting their home, and what they did about it? https://www.westernjournal.com/handyman-devises-simple-system-legally-get-rid-squatters-home-now/#insticator-commenting
  9. Thank you Randiretired. They haven’t given me an estimate, because they have to do the workers. They’re the only transmission shop in town, and Re placement of the heat sensor is a must anyway. So I’m going to have them replace the sensor tomorrow and have a general service. Im stuck, but I know it needs to be done. Since Re placement of the of the heat sensor is a must anyway, I’m going to have them replace the sensor tomorrow and also do a general service. Being a full-time RVer when you’re traveling can be fun.
  10. I took 70 over from Denver through Vale to Grand Junction, where I stayed for 1-1/2 weeks, then ending up in Richfield Utah. Almost a fun trip, until my generator went out in along the way, so no AC While boondocking. Along the way I was unable to find a place where I could order the part through Amazon, as believe it or not I could not find a locker to send the part to. Even Amazon said there were no lockers in Grand Junction. It was only couple of days before leaving GJ that I discovered there were lockers Now for the real fun part. After leaving Grand Junction, and climbing the steep hills towards Salt Lake City my engine light came on. My OBD2 indicated a P0713 code, which is a faulty heat sensor inside the transmission. Since I was more than halfway to Richfield, I had to keep going, Arrived there at 6:30 Thursday evening. Checked into the KOA in Richfield and tried contacting somebody to work on it Friday, but nobody in Richfield can work on RVs. I had to wait till Monday to start calling around and finding somebody outside of Richfield, like Salt Lake City area, which was 130 - 150 miles away. THE SITUATION: I made many calls on Friday and Monday to find an ATRA shop to work on these transmissions. ATRA has 2 programs: Technical Subscribers, and Golden Rule Warrenty shops which issue nationwide warranties; I don’t yet know what kind of warranty Technical Subscribers offer {maybe only local}? The problem is that i had been looking for Golden Rule shops and in my frustration of not being be to find a shop (no call backs) I ended up today choosing the nearest shop in Cedar City (111 miles away), which the SKP Roadside Service accepted and towed me to at a cost of $1500, which Allstate paid. I will have to find out in morning what kind of warrenty this shop offers. (FYI: SKP Roadside Service contracts with Allstate for towing) . DILEMMA: [1] Get it repaired without a nationwide warrenty, or [2] pay to have it towed to St. George (maybe $600) where there is a shop which offers nationwide warrenty, [3] trust it will be repaired without downstream issues by shop it was towed to, [4] other ideas?? Any thoughts?
  11. What a joy it is to Rv. I have been wanting to put new plugs and yes filter on my own and 4000 and Sew have been buying the parts on Amazon, and when the plug comes in this Friday, I was going to install them. What a joy it is to RV. I have been wanting to put new plugs and yes filter on my own and 4000 and so I have been buying the parts on Amazon, and when the plug comes in this Friday, I was going to install them. Then in reading this post, I realized I had not started my generator for a couple of months, so I decided I better start it just to get it warmed up and run for 30 minutes once a month. Turn the engine on, since the generator wouldn’t start right away, and then started the generator. After about 10 minutes, the generator choked up like it was running out of gas and stopped. Now it won’t start. So Friday or Saturday after I’ve gotten my plugs and gas filter I will install them and see if it will start. I also will check the ground wire, as my Thor class C was assembled in 2009. again, it is a joy reading this forum. But please, don’t let me read anything regarding engine problems.
  12. Before signing with National General, read the policy. I purchased National General several years ago and had to immedialty cancel, as the policy states you have to be in state for a set amount of time during the policy period; if I recall it was 7 months. If anyone has the policy and can report differently, let me know. Merry Christmas all.
  13. Very interesting turn this topic took. An innocent question is asked which quickly turns into a free-for-all of fun making attacks on the topic initiator. Though there were some honest responses, many others where obvious attacks of ridicule for asking the question. This is NOT something I would have expected from Escapees on this forum. AND, I'm not quite sure what to make of the moderators (Kirk) last comment. If I was a new commer to this forum, and to SKPs, I would be cancelling my membership.
  14. I have not run into this situation, as a Boondock.What would be of interest to me, though, how many of these “rowdies“ are weekenders or are new full-time RVers on the road because of having lost their housing or job, for whatever reason, And are therefore “forced“ to live on the road. The subject reminds me of the article I remember reading several years back where some people had parked at a Walmart in Wyoming or Montana and, due to their actions, got into a gun fight when the police were called.
  15. Never heard of this. At Rovers Roost Co-op you can stay as long as you want, or until the lot owner comes back. We will then move you to another available lot. If no lots are available you can move to boondocking until a lot becomes available. But I believe (this is a gotcha for me) you can only stay for 7 days in boondocking before you need to leave the park: this time might be negotiable if boondocking is not full, but don’t quote me, as you need to check with the office. At the moment there is only one rig in boondocking.
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