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  1. That doesn't have the angled rear end of the original one. Linda
  2. Even some of those can be scams. My previous health insurer had a company that called me all the time wanting me to sign up for this program or that one. They called from numbers all around the country. Now, I don't answer any calls from numbers that are not in my contact list. If they leave a voice mail, I check that to see if it's someone I want to call back or not. If they didn't care enough to leave a voice mail, I don't care about them either. Linda
  3. The one I founding your price range is already sold but this one is just a bit more money: https://sportsmobile.com/van-inventory/14910-2/. Sportsmobile has been doing high quality conversions since the days of The Beach Boys. Linda Sand
  4. I, however, lucked out. I bought a five-year Certificate of Deposit just before the rates dropped. The bank I bought it from was not happy with me since they had to pay that 20% for all five years.
  5. Our daughter's age--so, yup, being the age of our kid makes you a kid. Linda
  6. And diesel mechanics appear to be fewer in number.
  7. Ham sandwiches are one of my favorite foods no matter what the budget is. Linda
  8. Our 2008 Winnebago View Class C had a diesel engine and the noise was surprisingly quiet. We could talk with people standing by the open cab window without shutting down the engine or feeling like we were yelling. Linda Sand
  9. Maybe that's in hopes of keep us itinerants out of California? Linda
  10. Things I learned about water in my Sprinter van: 3 ounces of water is enough to dampen a wash cloth to use on your critical areas between showers. When it's cold out, put the water in the microwave for 30 seconds before pouring it on your cloth. 3 ounces of water in a cup is enough to brush your teeth and rinse your brush. A bowl in the sink will let your dampen your hands for washing then rinse them multiple times if you don't go overboard with the soap. It only takes a drop of a liquid soap to do the job unless you've been greasing your bearings or something like that. For those jobs, wearing disposable gloves removes the need for extra hand washing. Our daughter went to an environmentally conscious camp and the sign in the bathroom said, "If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down." If you put used TP in an air tight bag, you won't fill up your black tank as quickly.
  11. Testing your boondocking limits where you have full hookups available makes it less stressful. I wish I had done that because I always wondered how much longer I could have gone if I'd been willing to push the limits. I did once have my gray water back up into my shower but I never waited for the toilet to burp. Linda
  12. Depends on your conservation efforts and how many people you have. In my last van I had 40 gallons fresh and 20 each black and gray and I could easily go a week or more. I also had 400 watts solar and 400 amp hours with everything being electric except for the diesel furnace. I never came close to using all my fresh water before I found a dump because I got nervous since my sensors did not work. Linda
  13. I didn't know we had an exit plan other than keeping a bunch of money handy but it turned out Dave had already decided which apartment complex he wanted to move into. We have moved once since then into the place where we plan to live the rest of our lives. Our last house, the first apartment and this apartment are less than 5 miles apart; I guess we like this neighborhood. Linda
  14. I used a paper towel. Worked well. Linda
  15. Wow! No wonder I feel so at home here--2/3 of the participants are in my age group. As to those whose ages appear in two different groups, I would either choose the one who actually posts to the forums or make two entries if both are active. However, you do you. Linda
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