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About Jaydrvr

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  1. Oh yes, I had completely forgotten that Henry had one, too. I would think most of them are too old by now to be viable. Jay
  2. I think Jack Mayer started with a Royals International. You might check out his website. I looked at them, but they were too dated for my taste. Jay http://www.jackdanmayer.com/our_trailer.htm
  3. Have you considered swapping out your hard drive for an SSD? I did that with my ten plus years old laptop and it transformed it. Now it boots up in seconds, not minutes and is perfectly functional for the things I do. Happy with the result. Also, more RAM always helps. If you're annoyed with long boot times, you could just put in in sleep or hibernation. I almost never turn off my computers. Jay Re: Your poll, I don't think there is a best, just what works best for each individual.
  4. As I recall... Rt 20 is a full sized road and I've been on much of it with my commercial truck and trailer with zero issues. It's a pleasant, if slow way to go. It's only slower because of the towns, etc., but very enjoyable. Hope my memory is still accurate.... Jay
  5. I guess they didn't ACTUALLY want growth all that much.. Jay
  6. I've been trying to get to the Rally for years and something always gets in the way. Sometimes it's fairly minor and sometimes it's catastrophic. Since I'm retiring and slowing down, the chances of my making it are getting slimmer, but we'll see. Jay
  7. Inficon Whisper air leak detector for HDT, etc. Used a couple of times, still like new in box. Retiring and no longer needed. Free shipping to all 48 states. $235.00
  8. You might try this site. Jay https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwi1l4f1uaKEAxXln1oFHZ8RAkYYABAAGgJ2dQ&gclid=CjwKCAiA2pyuBhBKEiwApLaIOwuz7H9h3lA51Q50W8-FWGAooRBXBOLqVHPd9vTFUqIT7yrh1RqiARoCIckQAvD_BwE&sig=AOD64_1M5BjneTynnDjCoNnNehOJVsAf3w&ved=2ahUKEwiG7_70uaKEAxW5QzABHQMoD8AQ0Qx6BAgLEAE&adurl=
  9. That's often another way of referring to the odometer. I assume that's the case here. Jay
  10. I have carried as much as $1000.00, but I would never have tens of thousands in cash. It's all too common for LEO's to use civil asset forfeiture to take all your cash and accuse you of a crime. Then it's up to you to prove your innocence and it may take months or years and lots of $$$$ to get it back. I have enough other problems to deal with... Jay
  11. Start with this.. Once you've created a link from that, use the OTHER MEDIA tab to inset your new link where it says insert image from URL. You'll need to strip off the [IMG] from the front and back first. Jay
  12. I used the Xantrex echo charger for some time and wasn't impressed with it. A dedicated stand alone system works much better, at least it certainly did for me. Jay
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