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Guest cindona

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Elon Musk announced that they would have a network of their Supercharger solar powered charging stations that will span from L.A. to New York by the end of this year in addition to about 28 already installed in California and other major Tesla store locations. The supercharger stations are solar powered, and will recharge a Tesla Model S in 20 to 30 mins to 50% charge. Which means with today's Tesla you take a 30 minute break every 150 miles or two - three hours of driving depending on traffic and weather.


So with no exaggeration you will be able to drive from New York to L.A. free. Remember? Tesla's refuel/charge for free at all Supercharger stations. Making a cross country trip cheaper to drive than fly again for the first time in decades. Folks, this is not forward thinking. They are done with R&D and expanding rapidly to support the current 20k cars being produced this year and the expanded production with the newer and cheaper models coming out in 2014 - 2015. The pic below is how they look not a rendering of a maybe. Howe can they do this you ask? Well Musk the CEO and majority stockholder in Tesla is an actual top dog rocket scientist and Physicist/engineer. Oh, and he owns a majority interest in his own solar installation company Solar City, in addition to outright owning Space X that was the first successful private commercial rocket to dock with the ISS. (International Space Station)



Musk also announced that while they initially predicted total sales worldwide to be 20k units this year, that they are selling that many in the U.S. alone!


Tesla hit a high then seems to have settled at over 100 now at 104. Tesla longs like me are accustomed to these plateaus. Once reached they rarely go below them again for more than a day.


Tesla already has California equipped with Supercharger stations and they look just like the photo above.


Tesla also paid off their Government loan in full last week. Ford and Nissan got billions in the same loan program, but Tesla's loan was only 512 million or so. That loan program was a success with all but two major failures, Solyndra and now Fisker, but Fisker may be resurrected by private investors and may yet live to pay off their loan and add to the choice in hybrids, because they are not an all electric EV like Tesla.


(edited: typed GM, meant Ford)

Edited by RV

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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Yay here too.

Cindona, where on earth did you get that list? You obviously have your programs and presidents mixed up. And if you would please explain how you define faltering, and why you include whatever definition of faltering in a list of failures. Let's stick to fact, not conjecture shall we? I remember not too long ago when Tesla was using all of its assets to build its factory and was called faltering because all monies went into the factory, and now into the Model X and building up the 90 second battery swap infrastructure. Your list just looks like a list of loans that you characterized as faltering or failing.


First your program mix up. The Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing was proposed by Bush, the guidelines for awarding the loans and the loan rules were done as he wanted and signed into law Sept. 2008. The application process was closed before 2009.

There were only three applications immediately approved.



"President Bush signed the $25 billion Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Incentive Program (ATVM) into life last year, but for the past 8 months, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has sat on the money, carefully evaluating applications to see which companies would make the best use of the funds. Today the first announcements of disbursement were made from Ford's Research and Innovation Center in Dearborn, Michigan.

The three recipients - Ford, Nissan and Tesla - will be getting a total of about $8 billion in loans to help fund the development of advanced technology fuel-efficient vehiclesicon1.png. Ford will get $5.9 billion of those funds, while Nissan will get $1.6 billion and Tesla will get $465 million, reports the AP."

Source, MotorAuthority http://www.motorauthority.com/news/1033557_u-s-doe-announces-8-billion-in-loans-for-fuel-efficient-vehicles-at-ford-nissan-and-tesla

The 2008 MotorAuthority article announcing the ATVM program signing is here:


The ATVM was not available to a couple of really faltering companies at the time, really faltering by my standards is when Chapter 11 is declared as Chrysler and GM had declared that year. The rest of the ATVM story and mention of Chrysler and GM is here from AutoBlog.



You will note that the auto and transportation industries do not report on energy production and generation stories because they don't mix up industries making apple to orange comparisons, as you did bringing up that cross industries list as "proof" that more than the few ATVM loan failures I mentioned occurred.

But let's look at those figures:


Ford got $5.9 billion = Focus Electric-90 mile range or less, mediocre acceleration, no national charging effort, disappointing sales, Loan not paid back


Nissan $1.6 billion = Leaf -75 mile range, mediocre acceleration, no national charger install effort, disappointing sales. Loan not paid back.


Tesla $512 million= Model S-200 - 300 mile range,super acceleration, first model year has waiting list, thus far sold out. Loan paid back nine years early!


So look at those results for the amount loaned. Does that make Ford and Nissan faltering? Because unless they do much better, with all that extra money they haven't been able to pay back, and produce a competitive car in range, do someting about the charging infrastructure as Tesla already has started big, not to mention 90 second battery charging ( http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?video=3000177598&__source=yahoo%7Cheadline%7Cquote%7Cvideo%7C&par=yahoo )


So let's stick to the DOE ATVM program unless you want to start your analysis of which green energy generation company will be a winner to invest in for us, as I did with which green Car company to invest in like I did with Tesla. You never heard a peep out of me about Fiskar, or any other hybrid because that is what Fiskar is, not an EV. If I wanted a hybrid I'd get the Prius. In almost 14 years no one has competed with that hybrid with their own really.


I look forward to your breakdown of ATVM loans, and what use was made of the money. If you want to discuss energy generation and production DOE loans which is a completely different program and industry, please do. I look forward to your list of failed companies and your accurate analysis of the faltering one/s you like, their CEO/s, and when you invest in it?


At least separate your list into failed or not, and post your source. It might be interesting. Don't be so quick to judge Presidents. I personally applaud Bush's ATVM program!


If you DO want to engage me in energy production I will give you advance info on my pick. TWRs or Traveling Wave Reactors. Small, safe, and burn up the nasty spent rods we are storing now with much less maintenance.

Edited by RV

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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TWRs are interesting ....but have a long way to go, IMO. But it is only a "lightly" informed opinion.


Tesla has a great product, no doubt. I wish I would be willing to spend the money on one. Out of my league. But is sure would be a fun car to own. I've seen several on the road. Now if I owned a house, wanted an electric, and was not travelling distances I'd probably buy a smart/tesla electric. But it simply does not have the range for me.

Jack & Danielle Mayer #60376 Lifetime Member
Living on the road since 2000

PLEASE no PM's. Email me. jackdanmayer AT gmail
2016 DRV Houston 44' 5er (we still have it)
2022 New Horizons 43' 5er
2016 Itasca 27N 28' motorhome 
2019 Volvo 860, D13 455/1850, 236" wb, I-Shift, battery-based APU
No truck at the moment - we use one of our demo units
2016 smart Passion, piggyback on the truck
See our website for info on New Horizons 5th wheels, HDTs as tow vehicles, communications on the road, and use of solar power
Principal in RVH Lifestyles. RVH-Lifestyles.com

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Guest cindona

RV--- my bad. When you made this comment- "That loan program was a success with all but two major failures, Solyndra and now Fisker"-------It appeared as though you were not limiting your comment strictly to ATVM loans. I believe Solyndra manufactured solar panels, yes?? SOOOO, I corrected your short and spiffy list of TWO, and listed all the green energy boondoggles that have failed, gone bankrupt or are faltering, after having received taxpayer dollars. You want sources??? Here ya go.










I didn't have my presidents mixed up and am well aware of which president the loan guarantee program began under., so am not sure why you felt the need to mention Bush. Maybe because I was asking about this anti Obama movement you brought up???


Calm down, dude. Life is too short.

Glad TSLA is making you a little money......for now,

Edited by cindona
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Calm as can be. Wow! You completely sidestepped answering my main question. What is meant as faltering by them, and you. There are lots of companies laying off workers and downsizing today. Is IBM faltering because they are laying off workers right now too?


I am truly interested in finding out why all are faltering but the bankrupt ones filing chapter 11 are they? Is that like GM and Chrysler did in 2008? They are still here. So please do find the wording for faltering, and what filing chapter 11 means to you? The ones that went completely under like Solyndra are held up as the poster children of the waste of government spending but no mention of the spending to bail out the nation's biggest "too big to fail financial institutions" is made or even referenced.


So once more could you give the research on why each are called faltering. My goodness the original article was so full of holes and gross errors in guessing that they actually had a Government laboratory on the list. They had to retract silly stuff and correct it like these:


Figures for four companies have been updated: Beacon Power received $43 million from the U.S. government, not $69 million as originally reported. Azure Dynamics received $5.4 million from the federal government, not $120 million as originally reported. Compact Power Inc. received $151 million as part of the stimulus, not $150 million as originally reported. Willard and Kelsey Solar Group received $700,981 in government funding, not $6 million as originally reported.

The following companies have been removed from the original list: AES’s subsidiary Eastern Energy, LSP Energy, Schneider Electric, and Uni-Solar did not receive government-backed loans, based on additional research. The National Renewable Energy Lab did received $200 million in stimulus funding, but it is a government laboratory.


I did miss that Solyndra reference on editing the post from a digression I decided to remove as not really on topic explaining the different loan categories as they are missed a lot. You will note all of my posts are edited immediately because for some reason I see most, not all, I missed, on seeing the different font.


No comment on the results from a half a billion loan to Tesla with spectacular to me and others results, and the disappointing, at least to me, results from Ford and Nissan with three to ten times what Tesla borrowed and paid back? Don't you think that as a fiscal conservative the companies posting larger profits should pay back as soon or sooner than a start up? I would demand it of Ford and Nissan were I looking for budget recovery from Gov't loans in the same category and others.


I am really looking for that breakdown Cindona. And thanks for the sources all copying the same article, some after the original was edited for embarrassing errors. Personally I doubt the companies called faltering are all faltering, or even most. But without the research and sources, I'm from Missouri.


And now you know about the three different industries that DOE invested in, and that the applications for the loans in the ATVM program were closed in December of 2008 and had nothing to do with the companies on your list. You see, I have no interest in investing in any solar production company trying to compete with the last three year dump of panels by the Chinese bringing prices down to 1/10th to 1/20thj of what they were.


So define faltering. Let me know if you think the other two surviving companies that borrowed with Tesla did anything nearly as beneficial to our country in jobs, tech, and just plain innovation. That is my American way!


Oh and BTW. Too late. I took all my original investment out plus $5k so no matter what happens I already made my money from Tesla. The much larger amount for now is still in, and will be for a year or ten. We will see. But I am not greedy, and the advice to take a bit off the table was sound. So I took as little as I could and still have plenty in play for the next rise to 200 a share maybe 5 or 600 like Google and Apple. I remember folks bailing on Apple as it could go no higher they thought at $55.00.


I have learned that there is more hype in the investment circles and no one who can guarantee a profit, than I realized. When I first started posting here I thought to learn some about stocks because I was fed up with not making anything on savings. Several hundred percent is acceptable using my crazy research and facts and background of the players approiach regardless of how many said I was wrong, should game the system by shorting it???


The more I read investment articles, the more I like real novels where the authors admit it is all fiction and that any similarity to actual persons or events is coincidental.



http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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TWRs are supposed to be on track for a demo in about ten years or sooner. The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, which has his billions and Warren Buffet's Billions in it is backing it. I may not live to see them run all over. But I am sure I will see one start to provide power. I do believe I will see the oil industry start a serious implosion/crash as the reality of EVs and natural gas fired electrical generating plants and solar installs from companies like Elon Musk's other public venture Solar City which just got Goldman Sachs backing for financing to the tune of 500 million. http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20130516-706559.html

Edited by RV

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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Thanks Barb,

We're still in! ;)

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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Guest cindona

Yes, Derek, great posts. (Wink, wink).

Haha, Barb. You're funny.


Solyndra filed Chapter 11 (reorganization/restructuring)


A123 Batteries filed chapter 11, and has now emerged at B456 (cute, right? Next, they'll be C789)



Abound solar filed chapter 11.


Spectra watt filed chapter 11.


Evergreen Solar filed chapter 11.



The above companies are all on the list above. The 'faltering' companies and the ones that have filed bankruptcy have all received taxpayer money. IBM has also received taxpayer money (stimulus money) and is 'faltering'/struggling/not doing well.


You can't deny facts, Derek. You can point fingers, get defensive, divert attention, focus on one word and throw your little fit, but facts are facts when it comes to the the billions of taxpayer dollars given to companies that are failing. Sheesh. All this, because I pointed out that YOUR list of 'only TWO companies that have FAILED' was incorrect.


I found this little gem while searching for links. This one is about TESLA, so you may enjoy it.


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Good morning Cindona!

No fits here and no diversion. Two things first. I already told you that my mention of Solyndra was part of a para I deleted but missed the opening sentence. But sure have it your way, my post had an error.


Second thing. You new list makes much more sense. But you are still trying to say faltering about unspecified others with no falter facts mentioned. The chapter 11 filings are definitely faltering, no doubt, but overgeneralizations in place of facts seem to be the preferred article choice for you. A good example is the Tesla article you linked to. I'm sorry but I have to agree with the majority of the comments below the article.


For those who missed it, it claims Tesla paying back its loan early cost the government more than the loss Solyndra cost us.


Reading the comments at the bottom yields many that laugh at the article, but the one I liked best was from "Richard" who wrote:

"Does Slate not understand logic or even basic math?

Solyndra: $528 million down the drain.
Tesla: (($465 Million+ Interest (repaid early))+Interest on Future Profits

Loss on Solyndra << Profit on Tesla

Who you got writing article over there? A bunch of poop throwing monkeys?"


Thanks for the morning funny. You did mean to be funny right?

Edited by RV

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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Guest cindona

Falter Facts------


Mascoma Corp. -received up to $100 million taxpayer money, raised to create 70 jobs-----created a whole THREE jobs.

this is rich---In the company's filing with the SEC, Mascoma lists as a risk factor that it has "no experience in the markets in which we intend to operate."



ECOtality---Ecotality was awarded $99 million in 2009 and an additional $26 million in October 2011. Since the beginning of the grant period in October 2009 the company reported creating 144 jobs according to Recovery.gov .



First Solar--Brightsource and Sun Power. (Hey! Three in one)

"SunPower, another leading solar panel maker based in the United States, recently announced that it was reducing manufacturing in the Philippines. BrightSource Energy, which makes equipment for and develops large-scale solar power plants, canceled its initial public offering last week because of weak investor demand."



BrightSource--$1.6 BILLION government money



You're welcome. You did mean to be sarcastic, did you not?

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Ha! You guys crack me up!!


But it is interesting reading..... :)

Jack & Danielle Mayer #60376 Lifetime Member
Living on the road since 2000

PLEASE no PM's. Email me. jackdanmayer AT gmail
2016 DRV Houston 44' 5er (we still have it)
2022 New Horizons 43' 5er
2016 Itasca 27N 28' motorhome 
2019 Volvo 860, D13 455/1850, 236" wb, I-Shift, battery-based APU
No truck at the moment - we use one of our demo units
2016 smart Passion, piggyback on the truck
See our website for info on New Horizons 5th wheels, HDTs as tow vehicles, communications on the road, and use of solar power
Principal in RVH Lifestyles. RVH-Lifestyles.com

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I hear ya Jack!


Not me Barb! I am talking a start up, Tesla, that I invested in after threatening that when they finally go public. Took two years after they put their first EV, the roadster into actual production they finally did, and I did.


You will notice that since Tesla is considered green, and got a tenth of the DOE money that Ford got, and 1/3 of what Nissan got for advanced vehicle research, IMHO did lots more as far as concrete results and paid back their loan, they are under attack by folks that have an ax to grind about other unrelated programs they lump together as green, and therefore the enemy.


I am talking about my investment that I am still in on.


Cindona, I wasn't being sarcastic. I thought you were throwing out how silly some anti anything they think is green were with that article. I thought you were giving me something to laugh at. If you were serious and believed that article then my apology for making fun of your beliefs. I also respect druids and wiccans along with the big four. I don't do politics, and I was born at night, but it wasn't last night. Now that was tongue in cheek.

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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Guest cindona

So, which one of you reported me?


I have to wonder, Derek, did you get a warning, too? Considering you made the 'anti-Obama movement' original comment, which apparently is deemed political (because it has the word 'Obama' in it?). Or, was it just me...Barb??

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I have never gotten any warnings the whole 13 or so years I have been here on SKPs. The only person I ever reported was one here on Finances and investing back in 2004 or 5 I forget which, when a guy who I think is still here and will remember some pretty vicious invective he lashed out with at me about Apple computers having never been infected, not even once, then I showed him and he really believed it was a fake and impossible. Then when I posted that some folks were having serious issues with the Apple hardware, specifically the airport wireless router and the Time capsules that were failing left and right but Apple did not acknowledge them and even made their customers pay for repair/replacement, only admitting the issues two years later, he went on a rampage!



Once again don't take that comment out of context. I was trying to remove the stigma for some who are polarized politically that Tesla was the result of an Obama decision, when in fact the applications for the Advanced Vehicle program loans closed in December of 2008. No politics. Simply saying that Obama and Tesla are not linked, but I am sure he will not correct anybody giving him credit for that success. I am apolitical, this forum is about finances and investing and I am passing along my one investment in individual stocks and sharing that with my friends here. As well don't be too sure it was either/or. There are a lot of agendas on these forums that I learned to not respond to but are there regardless.


Perhaps you might take your anger into email. I will, as I offered before to you, be very happy to discuss politics, to the extent that I would with anybody, offline in emails. My website link below has an email link on every page. Feel free! But please cross check facts, it saves time and face.


So to clarify, I would be happy to discuss the other political topics with you offline.


Let me share a long poem with you that deals with the fact that we cannot read the minds of another, we can only see our own, and so, project how it works on others, when we are trying to figure out what another is thinking or their motives without asking. There are several folks here who depend on having elephants in the room. I don't have hidden agendas. And anytime you read into my stuff things that are not there, negative attitudes or grudges, or trying to sharpshoot another when all I am is happy at what IS being done, well it shows. I get emails from friends here wondering how one or another could read my posts 180 degrees out of what was on the paper. This was written for here back when another group was judging the thoughts and intents of others who believed differently than they did.


The short version is that when dealing with another who is adversarial they declare what they are and will do to me if given the chance. For example I do not lie. Not by omission or commission. So if someone accuses me of lying to them, when I never have, they just told me that they are liars, and will lie to me if given the chance. I also do not cheat or steal. So if someone accuses me of stealing from them, and I never have, I am forewarned they will steal from me. When another sharpshoots every post of mine convinced I am being clever and writing double meanings in my posts, then I can count on them to always try to out clever me. They can't read my mind, so when they want to figure out what another is thinking, they look to the only mind they have access to, their own. I am not your enemy Cindona. Nor your friend. It does not go either/or. Sometimes my choice is not to choose sides. Sometimes that decision is the only way to win some games people play. Just don't play.


This one especially applies to investors and their pundits who grind their personal axes from fear. Fear of disruptions from new anything in the markets. Fear of appearing to support or not support a wealthy or common man perspective. The worst are the liars who claim everybody else is lying, and trip themselves up like Barron's dis in retaliation to Musk telling them he would not continue the interview with them, by writing three articles over the weekend inventing things from Musk's own speeches, and mixing them up with the frustrations of the Engineers at GM who have not been able to come up with the battery technology to compete with Tesla. Smoke and mirrors, and worse. Fear, personal ego, power or thinking one has it. Most don't.


So here you are



The Bridge


When each we come from different paths, and on the road should meet,

We bring along the baggage of our land, our home, discreet.

On each side of a bridge we stand, our baggage still secured,

Until such time we see some sign, familiar, reassured,


It might start with the other, as they open just one case,

To show you from a distance where they come from far apace.

From the strangeness of their costume, they draw a flag of white,

Seeking only to get by you not desiring fight or flight.


Or you might first draw sword, seeking only that they see,

You're well prepared, if fight you must, and "no one treads on me!"

For in the past when faced with folk from far and distant land,

A sword was always safer when you did not understand.


The impasse now has widened, and the other side must choose,

What to show, or what to say, and what they stand to lose.

So the leader of the others shouts across the chasm span,

But the language vastly different your group doesn't understand.


In the presence of the foreign, kinsman all draw out their sword,

As you both eye one another, seeking any common chord

Or a sign of any weakness, any sign of hidden strength,

To gauge the danger each must face to cross that bridge's length.


Some kinsmen shout in anger, while some others shout in glee,

As they have no way of dealing, with those others peacefully

Still others silent, thinking, of a way to cross that span,

Courage yes, they do possess, but value every man.


A few they count in quiet, all the baggage that they see,

Negotiate! they say out loud, while plotting treachery.

Some also gaze across that span enthralled by the display,

Exotic folk, and foreign ways unknown until today.


You weigh each of your options, you weigh each of your risks,

And think of every time you’ve faced, men's honesty and tricks

But the basic confrontation, the decision you must make

Depends upon the course you think, the other side will take.


Not knowing what they're thinking, unknown if they are just,

No way to gauge, how they'll behave, yet cross that bridge you must.

Unknown the mind of strangers, you turn to your only source,

For the only mind that you can read sits high atop your horse.


If the mind you see is frightened, you'll assume the same of him,

If the mind you see is evil, you'll be first to do him in,

And the minds of all his kinsman must of needs be same as yours,

Sheath your sword? Hold it high? Another stab at words?


If the mind you see is gracious, your rule noblesse oblige,

Would that not, if of like minds, eliminate the siege?

Perhaps they won't be allies if beliefs that they hold dear,

Were found to be too different, were something that you'd fear.


Were it not the fate of man to bear the lonely cross,

Of isolation, of each mind, and fear of any loss,

Then bridges would not pose the threat we find most every day

Our swords would disappear, and we’d all be on our way.



©Derek Gore/RV Roadie 2006 All Rights Reserved. Three rights is left.




I am taking this time only because your political bent sees political agendas in my posts where there truly are none.


I am sorry Cindona but you are looking in the wrong place in my case. If you are so frustrated at not being able to discuss politics here take it into email where you can tell me what you really think, but remember that is a double edged sword.


Edited by RV

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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Guest cindona

Hey, no problem, RV. Just found it interesting that I was the one that got spanked.


Beside it being against the rules, I have no interest in talking politics with anyone on this forum, as I do plenty of that elsewhere.

However, sometimes I slip and interject my opinion...but, I tend to do that only when I see 'dumber than a pancake' comment that I won't let slide.


Not angry, just opinionated and unafraid to speak up.


Have a great day.

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  • 1 month later...

Tesla closed at $144.68 today. Boy am I glad I am still in! I put all my liquid assets there at 17 and 22.5. three years ago. Been a fun ride so far!

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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Tesla is doing very well. I just saw them coming. Told everyone here too from long before they IPO'd. This thread goes back a couple of years, and I mention them on page one. Another one coming soon is Space X, still privately owned by Musk. I will be buying a few blocks of them when they go public too.

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Are You Still In?"


Bonds? No!

Vanguard Long Term Treasuries are down 12.6% YTD - with most of that fall coming since May. And yet with all the bond selling going on, the money is not being recycled into stocks. Hmmm.


Cheers John

John & Karen "1/3 - timers"


The best things in life aren't things.

Avatar: Padre Island National Seashore, TX

2008 17' Taylor Coach, Lightweight Trailer, 2050lb Dryweight (axles and tongue)

2007 Chevy 1/2 ton, Reg Cab, 8' Bed, 4.8L, 2WD, 3.23 Lock. Diff., Highway: 25 MPG Solo, 15-16 MPG Towing

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  • 3 months later...

Vanguards version of asking "Are You Still In?"


It is pretty telling when Vanguard starts sending out emails to its customers about re-balancing (certainly not called market timing! - or is it?) with comments like:


"Buying stocks now may actually run counter to what many prudent investors should be doing,"


Cheers John

John & Karen "1/3 - timers"


The best things in life aren't things.

Avatar: Padre Island National Seashore, TX

2008 17' Taylor Coach, Lightweight Trailer, 2050lb Dryweight (axles and tongue)

2007 Chevy 1/2 ton, Reg Cab, 8' Bed, 4.8L, 2WD, 3.23 Lock. Diff., Highway: 25 MPG Solo, 15-16 MPG Towing

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