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Good morning and Happy New Year!

We own a 40' Class A motor home, with 1 1/2 baths, dishwasher, washer and dryer. Plumbing should be pretty straight forward except for the "gurgling." I put in a new vent (for the double-bowl sink) which is in the slide, cleaned the trap and have no apparent backups in any of the sinks, showers...BUT.

When the clothes washer is discharging or when my wife is in the shower, the gurgling in the kitchen sink is loud. I have put drain cleaner (Pequa) in all of the sinks, shower.

It doesn't seem to me that the gurgling is normal.

Anyone have any knowledge or experience of this "noise."









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Gurgling generally means a venting issue. If the washer or shower are not properly vented and are attempting to vent through the kitchen vent, there may be a vacuum present which causes the washer/shower drainage to suck the water seal out of the kitchen trap. If that's the case, the solution is to add a vent to the washer/shower system, or check the washer/shower system vent for obstructions. Jay


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Good morning and thanks. The gurgling started before and we (I) thought it was attribuable to something else. Just climbed up on the roof and indeed there is a vent pipe (cover) directly over the area of the shower and washer. 

I took the cover off. Not being a plumber, not sure what to do next. There certainly is a lot of caulking, etc. (which is a good thing, but wonder if I need to cut all of that caulking and try to remove/replace the vent? That is something that is way beyond my paygrade.

Next steps?


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6 minutes ago, Tim and Peggy said:

Good morning and thanks. The gurgling started before and we (I) thought it was attribuable to something else. Just climbed up on the roof and indeed there is a vent pipe (cover) directly over the area of the shower and washer. 

I took the cover off. Not being a plumber, not sure what to do next. There certainly is a lot of caulking, etc. (which is a good thing, but wonder if I need to cut all of that caulking and try to remove/replace the vent? That is something that is way beyond my paygrade.

Next steps?

The theory is simple enough, but I'm more familiar with residential systems. As I recall, there may be some setups that have a valve of some kind on the RV vent system. To start, hold your hand partially covering the top of the vent while your helper runs some water down the drain. If working correctly, you'll feel a slight suction at the top of the vent. If none, you have a blockage of some kind, perhaps either that valve, if one is present, or mud daubers/wasps have built a nest in there. Good luck! Jay


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23 minutes ago, Jaydrvr said:

As I recall, there may be some setups that have a valve of some kind on the RV vent system.

I don't know that I have seen them used outside on an RV but they are very common with a vent under the kitchen or bathroom sinks. 


It may be that you have one that is sticking as those vents do fail and are very easy to replace and inexpensive. It is probably what you should have for the new sink as well.

Edited by Kirk W

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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4 minutes ago, Kirk W said:

I don't know that I have seen them used outside on an RV but they are very common with a vent under the kitchen or bathroom sinks. 


It may be that you have one that is sticking as those vents do fail and are very easy to replace and inexpensive. It is probably what you should have for the new sink as well.

Thanks, Kirk.


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