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Online Travel Map

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We recently started fulltiming and I'm looking for an online travel map solutions so friends/family can follow us.  There aren't any options that I can find that meet what I'm specifically looking for:

  • Historic route
  • Stops/Points on the route
    • The ability to add descriptions or links to the points/stops
  • Ability to embed the map on a website or, alternatively, have a public link to the map.

Google Earth  limits the number of points per route

Most travel mapping apps are designed to for travel planning, not a historic record of actual travels. 

The closest I've seen is the "Nomad World Map" wordpress plugin.

I'm willing to pay for a premium service.

Are there any resources I've missed?




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The easiest way is Facebook.  You can add pictures, text, video, and geo tag your location.  If you want, set up a separate family group that only friends you choose will see.

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2008 Ford F450 crew cab DRW


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I am new to Facebook and am concerned about access to the information on my page. 

If you allow access only to friends you choose, will you show up in their friends list? and people on your friends list will have access to your info?

Hope that makes sense?

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Currently in preparation for full-time traveling, I have been considering several map programs to record my travels. I have decided on two programs to experiment with - Google's My Maps and SpotWalla.

I like Google's My Maps because i am familiar with Google Maps and comfortable using Google's map programs.

I like SpotWall because it appears comprehensive in its structure and uses technology and software that is mostly open source. I don't, however, have any specific user experience with SpotWalla that would allow me to recommend it or to identify any shortcomings in the program.

I may use both.

I would like to hear from others who have specific experience with SpotWalla.


SKP# 136386

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