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checking oil in front hubs Volvo 770


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how to check oil and add in front hubs on Volvo 770.

I read somewhere here awhile back a procedure for filling the front hubs with oil..Darned if I can find it....Any help appreciated..Yup memory is the first thing to go for sure.

2001 Volvo 770-2003 travel supreme36

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Take a look at your caps.  There is usually two circles an add and a full and your fluid should be in between.  If you have to add pull out the rubber plug in the middle and put som hub oil in.  Most hub oil bottles will have a pointy cap that fits in the hole.


should look something like this


2006 Volvo VNL 430, 2006 smart cabrio cdi, 2000 Triple E Topaz 30'

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Thanks Nigel,kinda remembered that... wasn't sure and the plastic is not hardly translucent anymore to see the oil level.There is a screw in "plug" on the on the main part..Is that a fill point also .Thanks.Damn I'm acting like a 85 year old and I'm only 82.LOL

2001 Volvo 770-2003 travel supreme36

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2 hours ago, Nigel said:

I always thought it was a drain.

Right, sorta.  Rotate the wheel with the plug at the lowest point and it's a drain.  Rotate it to the proper position and it becomes the "gauge".  Rotate it a little higher and it's a fill port.

Newmar X-Aire, VATICAN
Lots of old motorcycles, Moto Guzzi Griso and Spyder F3 currently in the front row
Young enough to play in the dirt as a retired farmer.
contact me at rickeieio@yahoo.com

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OK guys thanks a bunch..I thought I read on here sometime ago,easy way tto fill and some other stuff about it,but search didn't find it.Got me straightend out.Thanks again  

2001 Volvo 770-2003 travel supreme36

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