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It's time to stop...


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Well, with hubby's eyesight declining (macula degeneration), it's finally time to stop running the roads.  We have made the tough decision to sell it and it's travel partner (Freightliner Century).  You can find the sales post over in RVs, Tows, and Toads for Sale.  It has been probably THE best home I've ever enjoyed (even more than the 4,000 sf custom "live in spec home" that Richard built back in 2005)!  We're really going to miss the lifestyle and the wonderful "tiny dream home" that feels more like a house than an rv, and our wonderful RV friends we've made over the years.  We love this open floor plan so much, and someone else will love it just as much.  I know one thing we'll really miss - the fact that you can live where it's warm when it's cold, and live where it's cool when it's too hot. It’s like having several homes stretched across the US!  We still plan to make it to Hutch one last time though. 

Richard & Sharon

For Sale - 2005 Freightliner Century RV Hauler



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