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Sounds like a change at Amazon camperforce Campbell KY location.


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Was reading a blog of a full time couple we follow that has been doing the fall rush at Amazon at the Kentucky location for the past 4 yrs. According to  info they were getting from amazon campersforce folks would not be starting till mid Oct. vs starting late Aug or First of Sept.. that mean at best you might get 9-10 weeks of work and they were looking for more. 

Accordingly she indicated they would not be going to amazon this year. 


2005 Airstream Classic 31D , pulled with a 2003 F-250 7.3L, CrewCab with a Propride hitch for stability.

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Amazon is starting to tighten their belt on spending, I work for a vendor at a Delaware location and they cut me loose this year about 2 months sooner then previous years, didn't really bother me as I did have a ski trip planned already.

2017 River Stone Legacy 38MB

2001 T2000 Kenworth

2009 Smart Passion

ET Junior hitch


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Have kinda lost touch with the Amazon group. Worked several years in Campbellsville but broke a leg very badly only a couple of weeks after our last gig, a little over 2 years ago. Not sure I could handle that much time on concrete anymore.

Amazon tries what Amazon things will work well for them. If it works, they'll go with it. If it doesn't work so well, it will be tweaked.

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11 hours ago, BrianT said:

Amazon tries what Amazon things will work well for them. If it works, they'll go with it. If it doesn't work so well, it will be tweaked.

Boy you got that right they are great for the old Let's throw this at the wall and see what sticks!!! At the location I work at they have rearranged the yard parking for trailers so many times and each time they think it will work best. Why they don't ask the yard jockey's what will work?????

2017 River Stone Legacy 38MB

2001 T2000 Kenworth

2009 Smart Passion

ET Junior hitch


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Amazon is a business when you apply you acknowledge that you understand that your employment is based on Amazons business needs, hours and job placement and  may not be those that you desire.


2017 F350 King Ranch DRW 6.7 4.10 B&W hitch

2017 DRV MS 36RSSB3

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