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Changing Domicile- Success!


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Recently did the Escapee Domicile change in Livingston TX. Very pleasant experience. The office staff did their job efficiently and in a friendly manner. They pointed us in the right direction to maneuver the governmental agencies in town. The government officials were mostly friendly as well. We changed our state of residence, drivers licenses, insurance, and vehicle registration. While there we found a tremendous chiropractor as well! Our only regret is that we dont have time to take advantages of the other services they have, such as their weight analysis. All in all a positive time. Thanks Escapees

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It's good to hear that things went smoothly for you! We have been members of the Escapees RV Club for about 20 years now and have never had reason to regret our decision. Any chance we will see you at the Escapade in VT this summer? :D

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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ANG0225, on 14 May 2016 - 07:25 AM, said:

Our only regret is that we dont have time to take advantages of the other services they have, such as their weight analysis.


Depending on your direction of travel, you can have your rig weighed at several different Escapees' parks:



2014 Winnebago Aspect 27K
2011 Kia Soul


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Escapees has excellent reviews but they provide legal address in Texas, Florida, and South Dakota.

If possible, I would prefer to keep my driver license in California for both car and motorcycle.

So, I looked for mail forwarding companies which also provide a physical address.

Although, I am not sure the CA DMV would accept it :wacko: , so far here is what I found:

- mailmoreca.com/

- mailboxstation.biz/

- physicaladdress.com

- mailboxforwarding.com

Any recommendation or other companies you would suggest ?
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voyaginator, We never really considered California as a domicile due to the very high taxes there, SD and TX were much more tax friendly for us as full time RVers.

First rule of computer consulting:

Sell a customer a Linux computer and you'll eat for a day.

Sell a customer a Windows computer and you'll eat for a lifetime.

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We never really considered California as a domicile due to the very high taxes there, SD and TX were much more tax friendly for us as full time RVers.


If you're under 65 and have to purchase your own health insurance, SD and TX are two of the worst states to domicile.

SKP #79313 / Full-Timing / 2001 National RV Sea View / 2008 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon

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We are approaching the date to head out on our adventure and expect to be out travelling for 18-24 months. We currently live in TN and our goal is to eventually settle in Oregon. The more I read about establishing a domicile the more confused I am. We had decided to establish in SD. When we buy our rv it will need to be registered in TN before we go and since we will have sold our home we plan to use a relatives address for registering and also on our drivers license. TN will not register a vehicle with a p.o. box nor can we have that on our license. We are both on medicare with a supplement plan. We plan on establishing domicile in SD before years end. Our bank allows us to have account with p.o. box so am planning on establishing theEscapees mail service in SD before we go. Are we on the right track with above plan ?

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Are we on the right track with above plan ?

I see no problems in what you have planned. You may want to set up your Escapee address now to avoid needing a place ti reguster in TN. If you are changing domicile to SD, that needs to be where you register & insure the RV and automobile and also have your driver's license. No need to do things twice. This article may be helpful to you in understanding the domicile issue.

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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