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Interesting "Pop Up Camper"

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Most of Australia does a very different type of camping than we do. Notice that the trailer has very high ground clearance, as do most of the RVs there and the majority of them are towed by 4WD vehicles that are diesel powered and that have a snorkel for air intake so that they can ford water nearly window deep. There are no paved roads in most of the back country and none that cross completely from east to west. We toured a couple of the more luxurious RV parks and they would be considered to be primitive here. Public campgrounds usually are just a place to park, a trash barrel and possibly a privy. We saw no public parks that had campgrounds such as we find commonly in state and federal parks here in the US. RVs such as we have here are very limited in where they can be used.

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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Shhhhhhh Kirk. Don't tell them how real 'men' go camping. :)

Here's a few more to highlight what 'real' camping can be like. https://www.google.com/search?q=cig+camper+trailer&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjS5O2N1sHMAhUBy2MKHQilDRMQsAQILg&biw=1366&bih=609


The simple fact is that Australians go 'camping'. Americans go 'RVing'. Big difference. Australian campers need to be far more self sufficient. Be far more prepared to improvise. Australians accept the weather for what it is. Americans heat or cool their RVs to suit their requirements. (Keep in mind these camper trailers erect in minutes and rain is a rare event in many parts of Australia. So rain is not really an issue).


Australians, in general, prefer to camp in the bush in a remote, secluded camp site. Whereas Americans, in general, prefer an RV park with full hook ups.


It's simply not realistic to compare one form of 'camping' to the other. We've done both. Top end motorhomes here in the USA and back in Australia. We also have a 4x4 and a tent. Which is best? Neither. They are simply different ways of enjoying leisure time.


And would you do this drive in your motorhome or 5th wheel? https://www.google.com/search?q=cape+york+by+4x4&biw=1366&bih=609&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjQkreh2MHMAhUU6GMKHVE_Df0QsAQIGw


Thousands do this trip every year. It's the ONLY road to Australia's north most point. Sure many don't make it. Yes and crocodiles are in all the creeks and rivers and only the foolish wade into water. And yes crocodiles do eat/take people on a regular basis. The government recently announced funds to build a bridge over the biggest river and eliminating a barge crossing. Same crossing that is full of crocodiles waiting for their next meal. :wacko:


So next time you sit in your air-conditioned 'camper' eating an ice-cream think of those poor Australians having fun towing their camper through a creek.



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