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Working from RV - Guest Authors Wanted


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Hi. My wife and I recently started a website called Work from RV. We plan on traveling in our RV and finding ways to earn an income on the road. We are hoping that we can get followers to our website and YouTube channel. Please stop in and take a look and consider following and sharing our content. We are also looking for people that would like to be guest authors on the site. If you have a business you operate out of your RV or you have found a unique "on the road" job we would like to add your content to our website. All that we ask is you write a new article that has not been published online before. We will look at the content and see if it matches our website's goal. A link pointing back to your website is fine to have in the article.


Thank you.


Tom & Kim Carlson

Facebook: www.facebook.com/workfromrv


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Since your site is income generating, do you pay those who contribute articles to the site? If so, can you give some sort of idea what rate it might be? Are you seeking original articles for exclusive publication, or reprint use or........... ?

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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Hi. We would not be paying those that contribute articles. Our compensation to the author would be allowing a link or two pointing back to their business or blog site. We would want original articles exclusive for our site. The search engines (google) does not index duplicate content very well in the search engine rankings.


We would also be happy to write articles for use on other people's websites.


Tom Carlson

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If the guest article is exclusive to your site, then you would basically own it, right? You would own the copyright to it? In which case, the guest author would not be able to use it later elsewhere. I might be wrong, but if not, then it's something to consider. If I am wrong, then thanks in advance for clarification.

Full-timing and enjoying every minute.

Blog: www.agingonwheels.com

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We would not own the copyright. If the author would later decided to publish the article somewhere else and that would be fine. However, in my experience the more unique the articles are the higher up the search engine the articles will be indexed. I have written articles for other websites in the past and as a courtesy I would never republish the articles on another website. The link pointing to my website is all the compensation I need.


We have been selling products online since 1999. My wife and I own LaundryBags.com, Pillowcase.NET, AssistedLivingStore.com and ElectricBlanket.NET through our other company. All of the content descriptions on these websites are unique. These search engine optimization techniques have worked for us in he past on these sites.


By the way the design on http://www.workfromrv.com will be changing dramatically in late February. I am going to redesign it using the same software that my ecommerce sites use. I think it will have a better look.


Thank you for the questions.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is what google says about generating links. This is why I do not pay anyone any money for mentioning any of my sites in an article. Google considers these link schemes and punishes websites if they violate these rules.


  • "Buying or selling links that pass PageRank. This includes exchanging money for links or posts that contain links; exchanging goods or services for links; or sending someone a “free” product in exchange for them writing about it and including a link."


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I don't think that anyone is expecting payment for links on your site, but those of us who write usually do get paid for the publication of our articles. For example, when I write for Escapee's Magazine, they pay me for the article's use, publish a link to may site in the author bio and I retail all rights to the article after it has been published.

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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Hi Chris. I am not trying to "skim off" any referral...I do not even know what that means.


We are simply saying IF you have an RV related business AND you would like to promote your business we welcome guest posts if they are unique. I realize some people get paid for writing content and that is fine. Think of an article on our site as a free way to promote your business, non profit or organization. If your blog has no commercial or non profit value (such as blogging for fun for friends to read) then this concept would not fit well into what we are looking for.



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  • 5 months later...

I just checked out the website. Very interesting. Nice layout. I will have to consider writing for you. I am a virtual assistant and work while on the road. Unfortunately it requires me to be within internet access throughout my travels. But because I do this I make my own schedule and my clients don't care if I am in Tennessee or their back yard. As long as the work is completed and submitted when they ask for it.



Virtual Assistant by trade, mother by grace & traveler by choice.

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Hi. We just finished the new design on our website. Please stop in and take a look and let me know how it looks. Please consider following us as we grow the site into a good resource.





How many monthly Page Views & Visitors for your most popular web page?

SKP #79313 / Full-Timing / 2001 National RV Sea View / 2008 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon

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