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Motorola Droid Turbo vs Samsung S5


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I've always had Motorola's, currently have the RAZR M. Usually try to stay one generation back on the phone fronts, so that I can buy my phone outright to retain my Verizon Unlimited Data.


Have been watching the prices of used Samsung S5's drop some as the S6 launch comes nearer. So this seems to be a good price point to be one generation back.


But I also see some Droid Turbo's at a price point from $125-200 more (dependent on GB size). It is a newer phone, and has the faster Snapdragon 805, vs I believe 801 in the S5(?), processor. I think more importantly for my intended steaming usage, both are rated at LTE CAT4 speeds of 150 Mbit/s down. Turbo RAM is superior too, I'm sure also aiding in the faster testing speeds. GB size, well the S5 is available in 16GB for a potential lower purchase point. Toss in the S5's having Micro SD capability, and I'll call the GB size a wash. I also like the S5's USB3 capability. The Turbo's camera 'spec's' out as better, but the ratings on the Samsung's camera actual usage, seem to give the Samsung the nod on actual camera usage and abilities.


Samsung is good quality plastic and with an added case would be more than robust enough for my usage. However the build quality of the Dorid Turbo is standard Motorola toughness. One key area that is also a big edge for the Turbo, is the battery is so much more robust than the S5's with about 30% more capacity. (I always feel that battery life is an important safety item. For example, we added external battery cases for my wife's iPhone 4S and now her iPhone 5S.)


So, those are my thoughts. I keep coming around that I should just ante up the extra money and get the Droid Turbo. But, I know the Samsung S5 camp is strong here, so wanted to ask for opinions on what I might be missing? Especially anyone that has a Samsung Smart TV, and how the Samsung S5's interact with it while streaming.


Input and opinions please! And thanks for reading thru my rambling, and many areas 'off of memory' opinions, on the differences between these phones.




Be safe, have fun,


04 CC Allure "RooII" - Our "E" ride for life!

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I have an S5, my wife has the Turbo. Very similar. My S5 comes with S Health. This is not available with the Turbo. We had to get a after market pedometer for her. The S Health app also checks pulse and fitness that I haven't even explored yet. My S5 just upgraded to Android 5.0. The Turbo is still at 4.4.4.


We do not see much difference in picture quality. I can also use a fingerprint PW, she cannot.


I like the Settings function better in the Samsung layout. I can never find what I want on her Turbo, but I suppose if you are accustomed to Motorola this is not a problem.


The battery on my S5 lasts significantly longer than it did on my S3. We both seem to have as much power left at night when we plug in. We seem to always plug in at night. The S5 has a turbo charge cord. Not sure but I think the Turbo does as well.

GS Lifetime #822128658, FMCA #F431170


2012 Airstream Mercedes Interstate Extended Class B

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Thanks Medico - Having one of each in the family give you a hands on perspective!!


The S5 was the android phone of 2014, and way into 2015 - it literally raised the bar high from the previous series of androids.


The S Health is not much of a factor for me, as even though I've loaded some similar health related apps - I don't remember the last time I used them:)!


Fingertip PW I had forgotten, and that is a nice feature.


The Turbo does have a Turbo Charger available too.


I also forgot to mention that the S5 is also water resistant, which was important to my BIL who goes fishing frequently:)!


You nailed it in that I'm used to the Motorola, but not opposed to the shift over to Samsung's way of doing things. 5.0 vs 4.4.4 is a short term positive for the Samsung.


The money jump is not too much higher for the Turbo, at least for the price I'd be willing to pay.


I suspect that S5 vs Turbo decision will be based upon whichever one comes along first, at the price point that I'm willing to pay. I usually get my replacements from those that have just gone in and got a subsidized upgrade, that are wanting to cash in on the phone. I've done this a few times now, and get a new in box phone. I only meet at my local Verizon store, and have them validate the ESN is clean.


Don't think I can go wrong with either phone. Especially for how I use them. (I'm light on hands on phone surfing. Calling (do you remember when phones only were used for calls..), and quite a bit of Hotspot streaming support while in the RV.


Appreciate your sharing your thoughts on the two.



Be safe, have fun,


04 CC Allure "RooII" - Our "E" ride for life!

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I just liked my S3 and wanted to stay with what I was familiar with. My wife had an old Motorola Photon, so this was quite an upgrade for her. The only reason we went with the Turbo for her was the phone overall was slightly smaller. It fit her hand better. We both use basically the same apps. We have a separate MiFi Jetpack so do not use the hotspot feature of either. I suspect they are similar.


The Lollipop upgrade on the S5 made the different menus easier to see for me. They got rid of a lot of color in the menus and have a white background. I really like this. There is still some color in the thumbnails, but it's a cleaner look. I am really unaware of the other feature changes.

GS Lifetime #822128658, FMCA #F431170


2012 Airstream Mercedes Interstate Extended Class B

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the Motorola Droid Maxx. It is about a year old and like the phone quite a bit. I think you are too early to get a Turbo for 125-200. I just checked eBay and there is one closing in 20 minutes that is up to 295. To me the big benefit of the Motorola over the Samsung (please correct me if I am wrong as I don't know the Samsung product) is the voiceless commend and extra features you get from only the Maxx, Turbo, and newest Motorola's. These were added last year about September and I use them all the time. You just say OK google now and the phone springs into action. I also use the double flick of the wrist to activate the camera all the time.


Just my opinion, but I think all the top end phones from all the major brands to be very good. I am just used to Motorola and know where the stuff is on it. My wife has the new iPhone 6+. It is too big to fit into my pocket, but I really like the Apple screen compared to the OLED that both Samsung and Motorola use. Apple has over double the light output of the other screens. When you are using the phone in bright sun my wife's is much clearer than my Motorola.

Bob & Barbara
2002 Affinity 42' tag
2013 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited
2012 Airdale Terrier

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My wife's old/new iPhone 5S has a good display too, so know what you mean.


My wording could have been clearer on the cost of the Turbo. I added 'more' after the price, as in that much more then what 5S's were going for.


I'm still watching, in no hurry. If something pop's up as a good deal, great! If not, the Razr M will keep me going for awhile.




Be safe, have fun,


04 CC Allure "RooII" - Our "E" ride for life!

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We have Samsung Note 4's. We like the larger size and we should have had Notes before.

My better half thought that they were to big to hold up to her ear and talk. Buy then we figured that we almost never do that.

When we call someone or someone calls us we put then on speaker and set the phone down and talk. I like the hands free mode

because we mostly get texes and they are read to you. Before we get the Samsung's, we have had S 3's, we read about smart phones in Consumer Reports

and the Samsung's were always at the top. We us them as hotspots for internet service and they are fast. Good Luck

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Also a question of interest to me. But what about the os for that generation phone? I'm picking up from what I've looked into that Pdanet doesn't work in wifi mode, or maybe not even tethered with KitKat 4.4.4.


My Galaxy S4, and the S5's, have a native ability for tethering or creating your own hotspot. No added apps needed.


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About buying: I bought a NEW Samsung Note from a big seller on ebay. A month after I got it the GPS stopped working. Samsung would not honor the warranty as the seller was not a "authorized" Samsung dealer. I will never buy on ebay again.

Full-timer with my 2 cats FlipperDoodle & Buster

Originally from Northern Calif. (native)

2013 - 35 ft. Rockwood TT

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Any time you are expecting a warranty to be good you need to read the fine print and see if they require an authorized reseller.


I buy gray market (unauthorized seller) for a lot of stuff and know there is no warranty and take my chances. Sometimes the savings are really worth the risk, sometimes you are betting dollars against pennies and would be better off passing on the deal price.

First rule of computer consulting:

Sell a customer a Linux computer and you'll eat for a day.

Sell a customer a Windows computer and you'll eat for a lifetime.

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