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Everything posted by sandsys

  1. Lee, My iPad's iOS doesn't update until I tell it to. Wonder why your's doesn't wait? I bet Dave could tell us. You must have something that says update automatically turned on somewhere. Linda
  2. I checked to see if I could beat that with the local campground we stayed at when preparing to go full-time but my map says it is 12 miles so we only tied you. Then i read Dave's post about moving within a campground so I guess the time we had to move up on the hill to avoid a flooding river was even shorter than that. Those moves do help offset the occasional too long day, right? Although they don't help you feel rested at the end of one of those longer days. Linda
  3. Durham, NC, is not in the mountains. Snow is so rare there that the staff totally freaked out when we got about two inches. Linda
  4. If you have a good credit card you can take the gang to Silly Al's in Quartzsite next January. That will go a long way towards getting you accepted. Linda Sand ps. If you don't understand that's a joke you may have trouble fitting in to this group.
  5. Moving from one rig to another is one of those exciting/frustrating things. Hope you fall mostly on the exciting side of that equation. Linda
  6. When I got light headed and dizzy in an exercise class they sent me to have my blood pressure checked. It seems when you go on a very low-salt diet while taking BP meds you can get your pressure low enough that not enough blood reaches your brain. Just something you might want to have Lynn check out. Linda
  7. Remember when we thought rain was an excuse to run outside barefoot? Linda
  8. Toni's comment about their "other life: resonates with me. There's my life with Dave in the apartment and my life away from him whenever I travel elsewhere. Trying to switch back to the apartment is proving a little harder this time because I haven't figured out yet how to bring bits of the other life into this one successfully. It's just so much easier to let go of the other life and slip back into this one the way it was. But, I don't want to regain that 35 pounds nor do I want to lose that increased mobility. So, something needs to give somewhere. i wonder what and how it will be? Linda
  9. We have owned three Sprinters but only the last one had DEF. The only problem I had was getting the DEF bottle to the fill place. Too heavy for me to lift that high. Sorry to hear you are having problems with yours. I hope someone figures out a solution soon. Linda Sand
  10. Yes, he is. He got that last stubborn day/night shade out of my van's window. BTW, the new van owner likes the curtains you hemmed for me. My thanks go to both of you. Linda
  11. I made a reservation to go back next winter Jan 3-Apr 3. Now if their kitchen staff would just come up here and do all the meal planning, cooking, and cleaning up in the meantime it would be easier to stick with the plan. I'd move there full time if I could get Dave to go too. I miss him too much to be able to stay away more than three months, though. I learned that my first snowbird winter when I was ready to go home long before the weather wouldn't freeze my pipes. Linda Linda
  12. Too late for the bags; I already unpacked them. But the big box I shipped home is still waiting. Linda
  13. Two of my three checked bags made it past the layover. I guess that must happen a lot because Delta has a system here for delivering lost bags. That third one was delivered right to our apartment today. Now, if someone would just come unpack them for me. I sure do miss traveling by RV. Linda
  14. Honey can have one benefit sugar does not. If you eat local honey, it can decrease your susceptibility to allergies. Linda Sand
  15. Tomorrow is a travel day for me. By airplane. Boo. At least Minnesota is having Spring this year so it won't be such a shock to my system to go back there from North Carolina. Wonder how many of my bags will make it past the layover in Atlanta? Linda
  16. If you eat root vegetables like rutabaga you might try putting honey on it. I know people who put maple syrup on vegetables so honey might work there. Linda Sand
  17. Dang! Life is challenging out there. We once had a guy back into us in a parking lot. He tried to say we hit him but we weren't moving at all. Fortunately, there were three of us in our car and we could smell the liquor on his breath so he gave up his claim pretty easily. Linda
  18. Whoa, Steve! Glad you are both OK. May be a bit sore the next day as we often don't feel those things right away, Maybe the cops will find the car--can't be too many of that description driving around. Linda
  19. I claim dibs on one of the guest rooms! Just let me know when. And provide a ride from the Phoenix airport. I'll even house sit while you all go boating. Linda
  20. Either that or the liquor in the remedy made us not care anymore. Linda
  21. Thanks. I can get turkey rice soup here but not chicken noodle. Its just not the same. I wonder if I could get the kitchen to put some garlic in the turkey rice soup? But I think it's the broth that make chicken noodle soup work for colds and I know I can't get a good chicken broth here--it's all vegetable. Being on a low calorie eating plan makes all the tasty fats go away. But I've lost somewhere around 30 pounds this winter and they've reduced my blood pressure medicines twice so I can't complain too much. Now, if Davey had just not been generous enough to share his cold... Linda
  22. There are days when I'd like to give it away for a better one. Today I feel like a little kid. Cooped up at home with a head cold and feeling whiny. The drug store will deliver my medicine but no one is making me chicken soup. I want! Stomp, stomp. Linda
  23. I'm suddenly remembering Jack Benny. Linda
  24. The night after a bad one is usually very good indeed. Unless the reason for the bad night is a head cold. Please, pass the cough drops. Sure wish I had some Nyquill on hand. It's challenging being here with no car to go get stuff like that. The next bus to Target goes Monday at 6:30 pm then I have to kill about an hour there until time for the bus to bring me home. At least coming home it drops me right at my door. Maybe I should buy some chicken soup and a pan to heat it in? It's not on the approved food list here because of the high sodium and the noodles not being whole grain but I'm willing to go off plan if it helps me feel better quicker. Two weeks until I go home then I have to decide how closely I'm going to follow the guidelines here once I get there. I like the results I'm getting here but I have just a touch of rebellion in me still. Bet you all have trouble seeing me as rebellious. Linda Sand
  25. Steve, Glad you enjoyed the railroad; we sure did. It was not nearly as far along then as it is now. I'd like to go back someday and see all the improvements. We operated on the N-scale layout there, too. Showed them my uncoupling tool for N-scale equipment and they all went and bought some. I am famous in some places and infamous in others. Kinda like IYQ. Linda
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