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Everything posted by sandsys

  1. Excited for you. Pictures, please. Linda
  2. That had never occurred to me. We could not have full-timed with no mail access even for 6 months of the year. Those pesky compromised credit cards would have been our main issue. Linda
  3. Nice to have family scattered around the country ready to feed you. We had that in Illinois, Phoenix and Minnesota. Now, we're down to Dave's sister having us over a couple times a year because IL and AZ are too far without having an RV. At least, she's a good cook. Linda
  4. The groundhog was half right? We are having 60° days with mostly sun!!! And it's not yet officially Spring!!! We normally get as much s**w in March as we have the rest of the winter total. But it was a dry winter for us this year so I guess that would impact our weather too. Linda
  5. Jeff, Sorry to hear about your doggone eye. Hope it heals well. Linda
  6. Just think of all the cowgirls that would offer to drive it for you! Linda
  7. My sympathies to Delcie and all her friends and family. Linda
  8. I'm glad to hear Denise is home with company. This flu Dave & I have reminds me of what she had that winter in Q so if she has it again she needs to not be living alone. I could not have kept myself fed. Fortunately Dave has not had it as badly as me ( I have the fatigue and shortness of breath that makes me have to sit and pant after walking the length of the hallway) so he's taking good care of me. And yes, winterizing--we'd need to do that here right now. It's definitely still winter here. Not much snow this winter but plenty of cold. Linda
  9. Glad you made it in safely. Hope you can get it fixed easily. Linda
  10. I'll take some of that food. We're having trouble keeping ourselves fed while fighting this flu. Lots of chicken soup and Ensure. 18 days now for me and 10 days for Dave. Nope, not just a head/chest cold. We now both have inhalers to help loosen up the chest congestion. Did you know there are now antivirals as well as antibiotics? Antivirals target flu symptoms. Buy stock in Kleenex. Linda Sand
  11. Glad to seeing you find some upsides to apartment living. Yes, having the washer and drying inside is great! We also love living on the top floor so we have no little feet pattering overhead. And underground parking so we don't have to go out in the weather when leaving here. Our primary physicians have an attached parking garage so we can go there without ever getting wet by rain or snow. Focusing on those positives helps with the mental health. Linda
  12. Not as vicariously as we do. I sometimes think about Boogity and wonder how he is coping. I can understand reading this forum could be too painful for him but I miss him. We met him and his wife and Steve and Carol all on the same day at Grand Casino way back in 2008. First of the group we met and the guys installed our booster while we were there. Good introduction to this group. Linda
  13. It's official. Dave and I have the flu. Hack, hack, cough. Apparently not going anywhere for months did not protect me as well as a flu shot would have. Glad none of you are close enough to us to get this, Glad none of you were hurt in the storms. Sorry Janice's eye surgery did not go as well as hoped. Wishing you all well and happy. We'll get there again one of these days. Linda
  14. X6. Or whatever we are up to now. Linda
  15. Lee, When you don't post for a few days some of us worry about you. I understand you not wanting to have this turn into your personal blog but, please, don't stay away too long at a time. Others, We all know how easy it is to stop posting when you are gathered with others. But, those of us not with you still like to know what is going on. I don't do other social sites so Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any of those don't let me know you are still out there and doing well. So, if you are only hearing from one of our group on those sites, squeal on 'em, OK? It's OK to just say I heard from...today and they are fine. In the meantime I'm worrying a bit about Denise again so if you've seen or heard from her I'd appreciate an update. Linda
  16. Wow! Three days with no posts?! Maybe I'm not the only one living from one dose to the next of cold medicine? Linda
  17. For those who don't know, this is a county park near Phoenix. Their website, http://www.maricopa.gov/parks/buckeye/, says currently no water or electricity. Which implies sometimes there is or will be? Linda
  18. We use our TV as a big screen for viewing Netflix DVDs or streaming shows we enjoy. We are currently watching Sherlock which is a Sherlock Holmes TV series set in modern day London. It makes us both laugh and think. Linda
  19. Before I had my knee replacements ramps were less painful than steps. But handrails were very important and I haven't seen any portable ramps that come with handrails. After my knee replacements steps no longer hurt but I still prefer to have handrails. Linda Sand
  20. Wow! You were not at fault but they aren't making it good?!!! This life has really not been fair to you any which way. Years ago we were forced to sell a mobile home for less than we owed on it so we do understand your pain. Hopefully you will be able to get better apartment than we were able to get at that time. We did eventually get out of the hole and I'm sure you will too but life can be rough in the meantime. Wishing you good fortune in the future; it's definitely your turn. Linda
  21. Then there was the time we were at Rainbow Plantation when people were hooking up their trucks to their 5th wheels to act as anchors. We drove up to Montgomery ahead of that storm. Turns out a hurricane doesn't have to come very close to have major winds hit you. We even had winds from an East Coast hurricane come through the fairgrounds where we were in Celina, Ohio, for a Gypsy Journal Gathering. I never watched weather forecasts so much as while we were fulltiming. Linda
  22. So it must have been the year before you joined us that we had 70 mph gusts. We not only pulled in our slide we repositioned during the night when the wind changed direction so we would be headed into it again. Broadside is NOT fun. Glad you are OK. Linda
  23. It rained here today. Yup, warmed up enough to rain. Won't last, though. I think today was our traditional January thaw. Linda
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