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Everything posted by SuiteSuccess

  1. That was Rickeieio’s suggestion also but he’s kind of shady and didn’t know if I could trust him. 😂😂
  2. 2006 Volvo VNL 780 with D12D motor. Air dryer part number is Wabco 4324210090. There are two parts to the air compressor discharge line that feeds to the air dryer itself. The first is metal which circles to the drivers side from the passenger side location of the compressor. The second piece is rubber (shrouded) hose from a compression fitting on the steel line and connects into the dryer. I need to find a part number for that hose if anyone has it.
  3. Tragic. That’s why driving should always be defensive not offensive in a truck or car. We’ve all encountered bonehead drivers of both.
  4. Looks like we’re going to be able to make it this year. Nice to be able to see some old friends.
  5. Actually, I did a lot of scopes on both ends in my day. I would love to own a short Olympus scope and light source but don’t have an extra $5k laying around. Talk about the ability to get into some tight places for a look see.
  6. Got the scope and for the price works pretty well. A bit hard to maneuver in tight spaces and its semi-rigid design must be molded. For tight work really would need a controllable scope but they are going to be much more $$$.
  7. SuiteSuccess

    Shop prices.

    Around my neck of the woods dealer shop prices are $185/hr. I get a lot of work done at a local shop for fluid changes, air bags etc and they are $125/hr and do really good work. However, don’t do major engine work.
  8. Thanks Chad. Since these are Chinese, I’ll bet the scope itself is built by a single company with multiple name rebrands. Anyway I ordered it and will post a review after use.
  9. Thanks, David, but I need something cheap just to have around for a couple of times per year. This just looked pretty good and has fairly good reviews.
  10. Anyone ever used one of these and if so your impression? I’ve got to locate and fish a wire in a very tight place in my bass boat and have no other way to do it. Nobody around here rents bore scopes and I don’t want to spend a lot for occasional use. https://www.amazon.com/Endoscope-Adjustable-Semi-Rigid-Waterproof-Inspection/dp/B0BR7MKHF9/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=E3R6GJVQQLL2&keywords=borescope+camera+for+iphone&qid=1696715739&sprefix=Boresvop%2Caps%2C161&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1
  11. The shop (or you) can sometimes silicone around the leak. I have a 2006 D12 and that’s what had been done to mine. It still leaked but the head mechanic at the Volvo dealership I use said he would continue to drive it until it started leaking more. I replaced it at the next PM which was a year later. It’s costly a couple of thousand I think. They do make a patch kit to help keep it from leaking into the ECM. Early this year I had to replace my ECM and when they opened the back it had water and oil in it but also the sealant around the back plate of the ECM was deteriorated, crumbling and had gaps. My thoughts are the original “leaking” harness was not the culprit just old sealant. In summary, you pay your money and take your chances but in all likelihood will be fine until you can replace it. What I would recommend is, if you are mechanically minded, remove your ECM and look at the sealant on the back and reseal if necessary. OTR performance has a video on YouTube titled “Volvo Truck/Replacing ECM on D12”. Doesn’t look like a hard job. Might want to review this thread for the repair kit
  12. Naw not Big5er, lol. If my old man’s memory is correct it was “Gargoyle “! 😂(sorry only the old timers will get the inside joke).
  13. Understandable. I rely on Chet or Randy to steer me when it comes to electrical issues.
  14. Brad, Could you not just pull your old switch and test with a multimeter to see if you’re getting current across the poles?
  15. Randy, Not arguing but trying to learn. I thought the spring in the brake cannister was compressed by a diaphragm when air was applied. Absent that air compression the springs decompress applying the brake shoes. Have I got that wrong? It’s just not making sense to me that the emergency spring would not be applied at zero psi. https://www.google.com/search?q=how+does+air+brake+chamber+work&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:fbf60587,vid:A8kQ-vABYQ4,st:0
  16. Having a DW that can crawl under the truck really helps, lol.
  17. I have one of these. https://www.tooldiscounter.com/product/e-z-red-roll-pin-tool-ezrppt13?gclid=Cj0KCQjwmICoBhDxARIsABXkXlLAdyn0Zyrt-USKBrgeAKmtZAvv9SMfh_bZOO3yNu9pCZ4PvNH7hXcaAi7iEALw_wcB
  18. Randy, Don’t the brakes automatically apply (via springs) when the air pressure bleeds from your tanks? How do you keep that from happening?
  19. Yeah, I’m kinda embarrassed to pull out my Kobalt, Husky, and Craftsman around him, especially when he pulls out his Louis Vuitton Snap-On tool box. But you know those Kenworth folks. 😀
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