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Weirdest pets?


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  • 1 month later...

I met a couple from Iowa, traveling in a really nice Class A, who set up a fenced area outside their rig. Filled it with straw and brought out their hog. Not a pot-bellied pig, mind you. I'm talking full-size Iowa hog! Very well-behaved critter, quiet & well-mannered. They'd take her for walks around the campground on her leash, & she "heeled" better than my dogs!


Turns out the animal had been a 4H project, & they didn't have the heart to send her to, well, you know... (Good people!)

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  • 3 months later...

When we were sailboat cruising we met a couple in a 17' sailboat (which is a LOT smaller than a 17' RV what with cockpit aft and pointy front part) with a guy, his girlfriend, and a BIG german shepherd. It was a lot of fun watching them all go to the beach (they were anchored in a southern Baja cove).


We did not RV with him but we had a pet prairie dog named "Rugby" for 3 or 4 years. Quite a nice little guy, actually. Lived in a large cage in our farmhouse and loved to have his tummy rubbed. They do have a slight odor but not overly objectionable and are excellent watch "dogs". Anyone coming to the door got a greeting from Rugby.



1993 Foretravel U225 with Pacbrake and 5.9 Cummins with Banks

1999 Jeep Wrangler, 4" lift and 33" tires

Raspberry Pi Coach Computer

Ham Radio

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  • 3 weeks later...

I thought mine was unique until I read the posts.

We travel with 2 horses, 2 dogs and 2 cats. One of the cats is a 35 lbs Serval that stays on a leash. The other cat runs loose and stays around.

2005 Western Star, MDE 4000 ,singled mid, 12' deck with Smart Car
Bison Stratus 3 horse with 16' short wall 12' slide out


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  • 9 months later...

Anyone successfully keep a fish tank? We absolutely love our aquarium in our house and we're not entirely happy with the idea of giving that up entirely when we hit the road - but we may very well have to. I know - heavy, but we will have an HDT and a well built 4 season 5er, so I think the extra 500lbs for a 30 gallon setup wouldn't be a big deal -- that is if we can figure out how to keep them happy when we're moving the rig.

2006 Volvo VNL630
5th Wheel TBD

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Maybe for the fish a big tank for when you are parked and a smaller one for moving? You could mostly drain the big one to reduce the slopping that sudden direction changes would cause.

First rule of computer consulting:

Sell a customer a Linux computer and you'll eat for a day.

Sell a customer a Windows computer and you'll eat for a lifetime.

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I don't know that I would call it a "weird" pet, but my travel buddy is a sugar glider. It can be a little unnerving to some folks when you're standing there talking and suddenly a small animal comes shooting out between the buttons of my shirt, runs up my chest and ducks into my pocket. Or just out for a walk and a passerby might wonder why I'm chirping or barking at them. ;) They probably just wonder where my rabbit is. :lol:

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Hey Stanley, you could have a sealed lid on the tank with a tall pipe out of it to let the air out from the pumps and not allow it to slop over. The lid could me made from plexiglass and have some baffles in it from the top down with some holes near the top of the baffles to allow the air to move. Have a clear tube out the top to allow the air to escape as required but not the water.

Just use it when travelling, If the tank is almost full there will not be much water movement with only 1 vent.

2005 Western Star, MDE 4000 ,singled mid, 12' deck with Smart Car
Bison Stratus 3 horse with 16' short wall 12' slide out


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  • 9 months later...

In Az. the people next to us had two very large parrots in two cages inside their RV. During the day they would bring the cages with the parrots inside of them outside for fresh air. The birds were beautiful but very noisy as they squawked a lot. Dave.



We travel with 4 Parrot's which we lovingly refer to as our chickens. They have their own room in the cab of the rv with their cages. We do not put their cages outside but we do have a cart and carriers and we take them for walks.


If you ever see us please stop by and say hello,

Travels of the Lipson Chicken Coop

Ed and Patti Lipson
with their 4 parrots

Full timing in a
2008 Powerhouse Coach
Enclosed Trailer
2016 Smart Car

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We travel (2 months now) with a 5 gallon aquarium supporting a male Betta fish and one large snail. I usually half empty the aquarium and place it on a towel on the shower floor on travel day. We had 2-10 year old cats and had to put both down in the last 2 years due to diabetes. It seems that inactivity in a 34' fifth wheel camper is not good for long term feline health. So we are now trying fish as pets.

I also got my hands on a incubator and have 8 duck eggs due to hatch mid July. Wife says I can't keep them so I foresee a problem. I will post a ad on CL for free ducks in Mich.



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  • 4 weeks later...

They didn't make it. The first 6 eggs went bad after the first week and the last 2 made it 3.5 weeks. The problem I believe was the temperature difference in the camper which would drop to 55 at night and 85 during the daytime. The incubator would swing by 10 degrees which proved too much for the eggs. The good news is the mother duck finally got her act together a week ago and is now sitting on 12 eggs. So the wife gets her way and Shaggy (beta fish) will be our only pet for awhile.


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