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Classes of 2008 and 2009

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OMG 6 more days and Deb retires (again) !!!! we will head to the kenai peninsula for a month or more , fishing and doing dumb tourist stuff. lived here most of my life and never have done tourist stuff. Just cant fugure out how to bring halibut and salmon south with us when we leave. can not believe the price of small propane freezers !!!


tore out all the carpeting in the mh and put down allure cherry flooring, love that stuff and works great putting it down(if you are sober)


new flat screens in br and living area. cabinet surrounding dog kennel and shelves for computer junk. now no room to set down, also put in new leather recliner love seat(all i need is love now)


all is green here now, and finally warm 60 to 80 every day, in 4 weeks winter will start again,, jeezzzzzzzz. we will probaly head out in august, just not sure to where first, east coast new york then to florida then head west in november to be in vegas 1 december for sass convention and rodeo, and xmas in vegas woot.


bought the millenicom internet , in the mail to us , hope it works up here. stealing internet form son at the moment.


well thats all for now, we will keep in touch


mike and deb


Well, You could save a bunch of money by just shipping that halibut and salmon to us and not buy that propane freezer. You can certainly count on us to save it for you until you got down here. :rolleyes::lol:


We finally broke down and moved into the Kelso Elks. We are back in 3G internet territory and will be here for a week. Then? We don't know for sure.

Edited by Wanderin'

Just Wanderin'

On a permanent vacation!



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Dave: We can see that smoke to the south off us but didn't know where the fire was. North east and west of us is clear but the south is very hazy. Send Millie out for an Oxygen bottle.


All my packages and mail came today so I'm good to go on Tuesday. I haven't had a chance to read all my mail yet but I see I have a new insurance policy in the stuff that came from the Excapee's Mail Service. That means they want some more money. I'm going to hurry on up to Rapid City and get my address changed and maybe I can get it done before the insurance runs out and have them send a new policy which should be cheaper. Rates in SD are much cheaper than in Texas.


It is pretty well set in jello that I'll be going to Duluth to see my Niece. She has to make a trip to NY to help her sister get their Mother's house ready to put on the market, She died just about a week ago. So I'll have to spin my wheels a while and time my travel to be in Duluth when she is back there for the duration of her husband's job there.


I drove back out to Sugarite Canyon this evening to see another friend that just arrived. On the way out there we saw a herd of about 15 mule deer grazing beside the road. About half of them were on one side and half on the other side of the road so I slowed way down when I went between the two groups. They didn't even look up at the truck as I went between them. They sure know when they are in protected territory.


tomorrow I have to get my Hacienda mucked out and made respectable again befor I hit the road on Tuesday. When I get that done I'm going on strike and goof off the rest of the day.


Marsha: Tell your girls that growing older may be manditory but growing up is optional. And that it is your turn to pull all those teen age stupid things they pulled while you worried about them. Now it's their turn to worry.

Lee (IYQ)<p>Moving from Campground to Campground so the Grim Reaper can't find me.http://www.flickr.com/photos/iyq/2013 Chevy 2500 HD Diesel pulling a 2008 Hornet TT with Hensley Arrow Hitch. Plus a 2015 Itasca Navion iQ 24v to run around in.

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Another day has gone by. I was planning on goofing off today but the cleaning job lasted all day and still isn't completely done. I still have the stove and microwave to clean and the inside of the Frig to muck out and put new soad boxes in there so I don't pass out every time I make a sandwich. The nice thing about my frig is the bears run the other way when they smell it. Tomorrow I have a bunch of phone calls to make then gas the truck and get it hooked up in the evening. Otherwise I might be able to get the goof off day in.


I got the truck and trailer washed today. It Rained. :rolleyes:

Lee (IYQ)<p>Moving from Campground to Campground so the Grim Reaper can't find me.http://www.flickr.com/photos/iyq/2013 Chevy 2500 HD Diesel pulling a 2008 Hornet TT with Hensley Arrow Hitch. Plus a 2015 Itasca Navion iQ 24v to run around in.

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I got the truck and trailer washed today. It Rained. :rolleyes:

My favorite "make lemonade" story is about a church youth group holding a car wash. Of course, it rained. So they made a big sign that said, "We wash. God rinses." Did a booming business. :)



Blog: http://sandcastle.sandsys.org/

Former Rigs: Liesure Travel van, Winnebago View 24H, Winnebago Journey 34Y, Sportsmobile Sprinter conversion van

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6-6 to 6-13 We are at Keesler AFB in Biloxi, MS. HOT HOT HOT....and so humid the headaches make my head feel like some one is beatting a drum in my head! I am taking Advil like candy!! Looks like chances of rain each day for the next few days. Maybe it will cool things off. Will visit a friend, do some touristy things, and hit the casions for their AC and buffets. Feel a few pounds coming on just thinking about it! Not sure which direction we will go from here, maybe a little north into TN or MS.


Edited by Carol A

The Simpsons

Fulltimers from Va. Beach, VA

2008 37' Hitchhiker, 2008 Dodge Ram 3500

blog: cas32.blogspot.com

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I'm alread to head out in the morning. I'm all hooked up and raring to go. I hope to make Cheyenne, Wy befor I stop for the night that way I can ge4 to Rapid City by wednesday night. I called the insurance company today and they told me not to send in the money for the renewal but to hurry along up there and get my new address and registration them call them right away so they can make a new policy. He said he would re-figure the premium while I was still on the phone and I could pay over the phone with my credit card to get everything going before my old policy runs out on the 15th. I also called the Propane company that said I was past due on a $79 charge on the account I closed in Sept 2008. The gal brought up my old accound and said your right it was closed there must be a glich somewhere. I'll find it and correct it and told me to forget about all the dunn letters and she'll see that I don't get anymore of them and appoligized for the error. So that is out of the way. I also called America's Mailbox up in Rapid City and ask them for the address of a campground nearby. She told me their campground is completed and in use but wasn't very busy right now so just drive right on in when I get there. The new place is at Exit 61, I-90 in Boxelder right behind the flying-J. And, To just look for the American Flag. They are under it. So that should be easy to find. The road they are on is new so it wouldn't be on any GPS but that should not be a problem. So bright and early tomorrow I'll be on the move again driving like Jeri and Terry doing 300 mile days. I've jotted down a few other RV Parks along the way just in case I get tired early and need a place to hole up.

Lee (IYQ)<p>Moving from Campground to Campground so the Grim Reaper can't find me.http://www.flickr.com/photos/iyq/2013 Chevy 2500 HD Diesel pulling a 2008 Hornet TT with Hensley Arrow Hitch. Plus a 2015 Itasca Navion iQ 24v to run around in.

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Finally on the move again - in fact when I tried to move our flag - the marker went flying around the globe - not sure the marker has landed on the map yet.


We are just south of Green River WY at the Flaming Gorge. Had a wonderful time in Utah with Jerry & Janice and Dave and Nancy. Hope to see all again soon.


Happiness is a voyage, not a destination,

There is no better time to be happy than... NOW

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My favorite "make lemonade" story is about a church youth group holding a car wash. Of course, it rained. So they made a big sign that said, "We wash. God rinses." Did a booming business. :)





Love that~!~~


We are in MA for another week or so before heading back towards Michigan.

running around like crazy trying to see as many people as possible.

Luckily for us the tornadoes veered off the other day and we had packed our cat and "go bag" for naught.

Sad that people died and so much damage was done. they aren't used to tornadoes up here in MA.

Sue and Paul- fulltimed 2009 -2015 with Dozer, our Gray Tuxedo cat

 2012 DRV Mobile Suites 36TKSB4 pulled by a 2020 F350 Platinum

Our "vacation home" : 2018 Arctic Fox 1150 truck camper

RIP Dozey


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We are just south of Green River WY at the Flaming Gorge. Had a wonderful time in Utah with Jerry & Janice and Dave and Nancy. Hope to see all again soon.

We enjoying our time with you, Mike, Nancy and Paul. Hiking at 8000 feet was a challenge for me but everyone took it easy on me. We went to Demotte campground near the North Rim of the Grand Canyon and rode mules into the canyon on Sunday. Camped right in front of the beautiful meadow but no deer came to see us at the Rv park. Seen plenty to and from the Grand Canyon. We are now parked on the beach on Lake Powell, Az. Jeri and Joe are not the only ones with water views.



Just travelin' down life's highway-toot-toot!

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IYQ --- "....and early tomorrow I'll be on the move again driving like Jeri and Terry doing 300 mile days."


I'll have you know the last couple of moves we've made haven't even been over 20 miles. So, I don't know what you're talking about. :D:D

We're pretty stuck around here until Terry gets through with his cancer doctor. Why can't they schedule all the appointments on the same day or at least in the same week? He has his first colonoscopy tomorrow since his surgery, his CAT next week, the cancer doctor again the following week and then, the week after that is the Lab. What a zoo!!


We got our boat top put on today. It sure turned out even better than we thought it would. We can hardly wait to get down to the coast and steal some of those crabs before they make their way up to Spiker's place. I tried to post a picture of it here but this new little setup didn't pull the image in ... hmmm. Anyway, I put it on our blog.




Edited by Wanderin'

Just Wanderin'

On a permanent vacation!



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We enjoying our time with you, Mike, Nancy and Paul. Hiking at 8000 feet was a challenge for me but everyone took it easy on me. We went to Demotte campground near the North Rim of the Grand Canyon and rode mules into the canyon on Sunday. Camped right in front of the beautiful meadow but no deer came to see us at the Rv park. Seen plenty to and from the Grand Canyon. We are now parked on the beach on Lake Powell, Az. Jeri and Joe are not the only ones with water views.


So, how come you headed south instead of north??? Paul? Nancy's married to Dave. Did she have someone else with her? Or? :D:D Edited by Wanderin'

Just Wanderin'

On a permanent vacation!



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We enjoying our time with you, Mike, Nancy and Paul. Hiking at 8000 feet was a challenge for me but everyone took it easy on me. We went to Demotte campground near the North Rim of the Grand Canyon and rode mules into the canyon on Sunday. Camped right in front of the beautiful meadow but no deer came to see us at the Rv park. Seen plenty to and from the Grand Canyon. We are now parked on the beach on Lake Powell, Az. Jeri and Joe are not the only ones with water views.




Hey guys, glad to hear your enjoying things. But as you know, when someone is goofing off as much as you are, then someone else has to WORK to take up the slack. :P As for the water view, I've been to so many different angles of the water view this past week my poor head is still spinning. :lol: Think I might just have to get in the rig and go someplace for a few days. I could use the rest. :o




The "Doghouse" 04 Tiffin Phaeton 40TGH

TOAD--2008 Dodge Dakota

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We had a couple of tornadoes touch down about 15 miles from us last night. Today is rain and windy. I sure do like reading good weather forecasts from all of you out there. But a lot of you aren't doing much better than we are. Sailbad - I sure hope you and Millie can breath. Poor Arizona is just going to burn up and seems to be trying to take New Mexico with her.


Julie - we were at Cedar Springs Campground in Flaming Gorge a couple of weeks ago and it was really nice and quiet.


Carol - I think north might be a good idea cause it sure seems to be hot and muggy down your way. Be careful of those storms though.


Jeri - you guys aren't going to know what to do with yourselves when you're finally done with doctors. Sure hope all goes well.

Sandie & Jim Dixon

Traveling with Scooter and Skittlez


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I have been really lucky with wind direction the last day or so. The smoke has been going to Albuquerque. They have had reduced visibility down to a mile in some spots. That fire, whipped by the winds, is still completely out of control so I imagine we'll see more of the smoke. But not today. We did have a spattering of rain yesterday. Just enough to mess up the windshield. It did knock down the dust a bit. We need a touch of that "monsoon" season they hope will show up around here.

It's a work day for me. The used 550 gal. water tank has been seeping and I'm chasing a small leak. Of course it's in the back of the tank, very low, up against the wall. So I have to drain the tank to move it. A friend suggested putting some type of food coloring in it to see if we could spot the leak. So, couldn't find food coloring but did find a large packet of Kool-aid. Ran the tank down to 70 or so gallons and dyed that water!!! Anyone need a bunch of diabetic Kool-Aid? It does not have the sugar added. Smells sort of funny though. It's been in there for about 24hrs. That should make the leak show up on the outside of the tank. Once I find it, I have the cure all for that puppy. A FULL roll of Eternabond. If it's good enough for a hard hat diver to use under water, it should cover a little leak in a polypropoline water tank!

Dave C.

Millie the mooch

2500 D/M CC.

27RL Wildcat


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We pulled up stakes from Panguitch UT at the same time readytoride did, and then overnighted with them at the Walmart in Evanston, WY also!

Panguitch was lots of fun and we really enjoyed hanging with Jerry and Janice and Mike and Julie, but it was time to go, and our "boss" up at Island Lake (ID) emailed that the snow was gone from our RV space and could we head up there now. And so we are heading that way, but we stopped for a couple of days in Daniel, WY, at a nice BLM campground, and who should we meet but Pa and Di!!! I hadn't read the forum for a while, seems, and didn't even know that they were here! Great folks! Today we're off to the Mountain Man Museum in Pinedale, and then up to Island Park tomorrow.

Dave and Nancy


99 Foretravel U270 36'

02 Subaru WRX 14'


Photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/roundfeet/

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Hey, Dave, that is sure a pretty part of the country. My brother in law used to manage Henry's Lake state park, just west of yellowstone. We visited him in July one year and there was still a lot of snow up on the mountain beside there. Great cut throat trout fishing there. Steve

2007 Tiffin Allegro Bus 42 QRP
"BessyBus ll"
ATT hot spot
Winegard Traveler
M&G Braking system
Roadmaster Sterling tow bar
08 Dodge Dakota toad
Sea Eagle 10.6sr Inflatable

1957 Johnson 5.5
SKP 98998 Class of "08"

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Well, I'm at the F E WARREN AFB, Military campground in Cheyenne, WY. And as usual for Cheyenne the wind is blowing like mad. I had a strong cross wind all day today coming up here but my Hensley Arrow Hitch smoothed things out so I could hardly tell it was windy except for the rotten gas mileage. Tomorrow I hope to make it the rest of the way to Rapid City, SD. It's still a little over 300 miles up there but I have to move right along so I can get my new address and registration before my insurance expires.

Sorry, Jeri. I was refering to the 400 plus miles per day that you were making earlier this spring. I hope you get those doctor appointment out of the way so you can make some more long mileage days that I can harass you about.


I was stationed here at F E warren back in the 50's. The Air Force sent me to a clerk typist school up here. The place has changed so much I don't recognize anything. As soon as I get my business taken care of in Rapid City I'm planning on drifting slowly toward Duluth, MN to be near there when my niece returns from NY. But, if it gets too hot across the northern plains I might just pull another Jeri and do another one of those 300 mile + days. But boy that gets expensive with the cost of gas being so high. I like to spend it slower so I can count it every night and think I'm rich.

Lee (IYQ)<p>Moving from Campground to Campground so the Grim Reaper can't find me.http://www.flickr.com/photos/iyq/2013 Chevy 2500 HD Diesel pulling a 2008 Hornet TT with Hensley Arrow Hitch. Plus a 2015 Itasca Navion iQ 24v to run around in.

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A Hensley is a real comfort in strong winds. I fell in love with mine when I had a TT. Well I said we had been lucky with the smoke. That ended this afternoon. Now the sky is a dirty gray haze. The news said the fire is getting close to Luna and those folks have been told to get ready to evacuate. They think the fire will cross into New Mexico tomorrow.

The good news for me is that my friend Mike came by today to help me pull the tank. Once we were able to get to it, the repair was easy. Love Eterna-Bond. It has been replumbed and will be filled tomorrow.

Dave C.

Millie the mooch

2500 D/M CC.

27RL Wildcat


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Hey Dave - have you got your supply of breathing masks ready to wear? Hope you got some for Millie too. Watching the news it doesn't look good for that fire to be contained anytime soon. Glad you got your tank fixed and you're ready to go again.


It's still raining up here in MT. That sure doesn't help those poor towns that have been flooded out. We are parked up high on the hillside so we don't have to worry about it but boy is the Yellowstone River really full.

Sandie & Jim Dixon

Traveling with Scooter and Skittlez


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We enjoying our time with you, Mike, Nancy and Paul. Hiking at 8000 feet was a challenge for me but everyone took it easy on me. We went to Demotte campground near the North Rim of the Grand Canyon and rode mules into the canyon on Sunday. Camped right in front of the beautiful meadow but no deer came to see us at the Rv park. Seen plenty to and from the Grand Canyon. We are now parked on the beach on Lake Powell, Az. Jeri and Joe are not the only ones with water views.



We have a fantastic water view. All we need now are for you all to come up and share it with us.

Doug and Toni Laird

2008 Gulfstream BT Cruiser 30'

2014 Nissan Versa

Our newest furfriend - Zoe - a beautiful black and white cat

Our blog - http://stixandbrix.blogspot.ca





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Looks like I'm gonna trade one water view for another for a few days. Heading for the coast tomorrow for the weekend. Then back home to get started on projects. At least I'm gonna be able to work the flat spots outta the tires on the Doghouse. :lol:




The "Doghouse" 04 Tiffin Phaeton 40TGH

TOAD--2008 Dodge Dakota

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