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Establishing our domicile in Florida


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We are heading to Florida next week to establish our domicile and we want to make sure we understand the procedure clearly before we go to the DMV there. Following along with the checklist of things from Escapees we should have with us at the DMV, we have the two documents from Escapees in hand that certify our new physical address in Bushnell i.e. their welcome letter and home Florida agreement. I’m not sure though how to fill out the Declaration of Domicile form for the clerk of the Circuit Court  that Escapees links us to in their guide as it asks us to swear that we currently reside in and maintain a home at that residence. Any advice? This is all new to us!  

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We filled it out and signed it there at the DMV/Tax Collector office, no outside notary. Call and ask to clarify. If you're coming from another state you may have to get a Sumter County Sheriff's Deputy to stop by the park and verify your vehicle VIN. The DMV folks are nice and used to Escapees.



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  • 3 months later...

I'm so sorry to be answering your question. We have been on the road and terrible about keeping up with our mail!  We were a little anxious about how easy the process would be for us, but it all went very smoothly. We had our recommended documents in hand when we arrived at the DMV in Bushnell, and they seeemed to be very familiar with our the RV park in Bushnell and Escapees’ relationship with them. We got our FL licences then and there, we paid for our car's registration - our car was in Boston a the time - and registered to vote. We also got our new licence plates then, but waited about a month for the new title to come in the mail. The people at the DMV were very helpful throughout our appointment and we were done in about a half hour!  That was back in December and all is good! 

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