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MyMaps and import of Days End


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I am trying to import Days End into MyMaps. I broke DE up into 3 files, all under the 2000 entry limit for a layer. File 1 and 2 import fine. When I try to import File 3 I get the message that Mymaps can't locate the entry, none of them. I have reversed the file but that didn't help. I have copied the first entry latitude and longitude to Google Maps and MyMaps, no problem.

I have made this file into a CSV vs. an XLSX and it still gets the error.

I am open to any ideas as to what can be wrong and how to fix this.

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I  broke up the file by making a copy of the original file 3 times. I then take the first 2000 records and create File 1, same for File 2 and 3. Done in Excel. MYMaps can take either an xlsx or csv. Accepts the first 2 fine in xlsx format, doesn't like the third in xlsx format. I only went to csv to try it as an alternative

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Thanks Gary, I am well experienced in MyMaps. I use it a lot and this is the first time I have had a hard failure. The tutorial is what I normally do. I guess I will keep playing with the third file, maybe one very bad entry is causing the problem. Though I did create a one entry file and that wouldn't load either. I might need to email support and hope they answer.

Happy New Year!!!

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How many layers do you have in My Maps? I see there is a 10 layer limit. I have not messed around with My Maps that much so this is kind of a thinking exercise for me. Forgive me for asking questions that may be common knowledge for you.

Happy New Year to you as well!


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  • 5 weeks later...

Can you attach the problem file and I'll try it and see what I can find? I've imported lots of files to MyMaps.

Or, if you've already found the problem, let us know.

Fulltime RV Travelers since 2003. Now touring the country in 37 ft Gulfstream Endura. With my husband, Jim, we are Geeks on Tour. We present seminars at RV rallies and computer clubs all over the country.

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