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Bought the Casita -- adventure awaits!

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Hey all! Just wanted to wave hi and introduce myself to the community -- not an official Escapee yet, but will be soon. I bought a Casita (new off the lot -- the used ones were so close in price anyway, I couldn't resist) and head out to Texas to pick it up at the end of July. Then: the road!

I'm a full-time freelance writer and have been living a remote work/travel-focused lifestyle for a while now, though I did spend a full year here in Santa Fe. I felt like I needed a break and the chance to settle somewhere that felt like my own for a while. I'd basically been doing month-by-month vacation rentals/Airbnb, so I'm looking forward to the travel trailer life -- seems like the perfect combination of mobility and having my own private space!

I'm excited to find community here amongst other itchy-footed people; I've always had trouble staying in one place. First place I'm headed after Texas is Florida to set up domicile (I have family there), so if you're in the St. Augustine area in late July/early August, say hello!

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So I'm not the only crazy lunitick that's running around in a little Casita Trailer. I started out in a 20 foot Motor Home, but downsized 2 year ago. to a Tacoma/ Casita setup. These are great little trailers for traveling around in, and if your Rving solo there great too.

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Thanks for the warm welcomes, all! I've actually lived in an RV before -- but it was a 40 foot diesel pusher that hadn't been moved from my parents backyard in over a decade. I certainly wouldn't want to drive something like that, and I've always lived in small spaces... plus I wanted something I could actually afford 🙃. Took a lot of inspiration from Becky of Interstellar Orchard, also! 

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