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VA Disability Pay


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Last year I received a 10% VA disability rating for hearing after submitting 3 times. Because I am "retired" from the Air Force I started receiving a 10% tax-free offset payment taken from my retired pay. I figured that was it..a modest tax bonus. Then about 6 weeks ago (9 months later) I received three lump sum payments from the VA with no e-mail explanation. We have been on the road for 2 months without snail mail so just wondering...is this typically how it works? I will also try to connect with my county VSO but she is often out on Guard duty.

SKP 67414
2005 Mandalay DP
On the road in Fort Wayne, IN

Hank & Joyce

2019 Phoenix Cruiser 3100

2012 Honda CRV

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When you get VA Disability approved and receive $$, the first couple checks back date the pay to the date you applied.  My first round put me at 60%, took about 16 months from start to finish.  It was backdated to the day I applied so I received 16 months worth of *back-pay*.  I was able to pay off my wife's student loan with that check!  I don't understand why they gave you 3 payments though, mine came as one for back-pay and started the monthly check.  Did you get one big check and then 2 monthly sized pay checks?  You will receive monthly checks from now on.  Your experience is normal.  Have you gotten the hearing aids yet?  They now have some pretty nice ones with blu-tooth.  Mines connected to the TV and my phone, makes listening soooo much better.

2022 Coachman Leprechaun, traveling around to dark sky areas and chasing the stars.

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1 hour ago, NDBirdman said:

  Did you get one big check and then 2 monthly sized pay checks?  You will receive monthly checks from now on.  Your experience is normal.  Have you gotten the hearing aids yet?  They now have some pretty nice ones with blu-tooth.  Mines connected to the TV and my phone, makes listening soooo much better.

Sounds like he got his back pay in one check and since he was gone for 2 months his other checks was his regular monthly pay..




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I did get my hearing aids because in 2016 my VSO discovered my Vietnam Service Medal and got me into the VA system because of that. Then last year my disability was approved.  I started to get a small deposit which was subtracted from my retired pay and was tax-free. But no "extra" payments. Then about 6 weeks ago I got three deposits to my bank account out of the blue labeled VA for various amounts with no explanation. I am thinking my mail back home (held by a neighbor) will have an explanation of what the payments mean. Just seems a bit strange to get multiple payments all on the same day.

SKP 67414

Hank & Joyce

2019 Phoenix Cruiser 3100

2012 Honda CRV

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For travel pay?  They pay you to drive to them for each visit.  I keep forgetting under 50% they only give you a tax offset.  Guess I'm clueless what you were paid for.

2022 Coachman Leprechaun, traveling around to dark sky areas and chasing the stars.

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