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Filter and more Filters today.

Pete Kildow

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Needed new Filters for my Kubota M4700. And also all Filters for the Kenworth T600. So after checking local, and online. Ordered 15 filters at https://www.fleetfilter.com/ Was the best price I found on them. The Hydraulic filters for my Kubota was $60 each it has 2 of them. AT FleetFilter $24. each. :D Then both air filters for the same Tractor. Here $100. for the pair there $47.00 for both of them.

Total was $297.29 with Tax. But got $50.88 off the order. 20% off over $200. order. And shipping charges of $42.91 shipped in 2 big boxes. As the Air Filter for the T600 took one big box its self. Unreal that for me to wait 4 days. I could save around $190.00 on Filters. Local parts places and dealers. Sure mark up stuff a lot. Wish I could get the same markup on our Products.

The air dryer cartridge was a great price there also. But man those things are heavy. I did mess up and order 2 water filters. So guess i will have one for the next change. So tomorrow get to change out 27 Gallons of oil and fluids. And then change out the Antifreeze later in the week.




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You just never know.......  I can buy the primary air filters for my Deeres at the dealer for less than half what NAPA charges.  Never tried on line.

Newmar X-Aire, VATICAN
Lots of old motorcycles, Moto Guzzi Griso and Spyder F3 currently in the front row
Young enough to play in the dirt as a retired farmer.
contact me at rickeieio@yahoo.com

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We get all our filters from John Deere parts on demand. They keep our inventory in stock in a special cabinet in our shop. Guy shows up once a week delivers what we need replaces what we use.

Farmer, Trucker, Equipment operator, Mechanic

Quando omni flunkus moritati-When all else fails, play dead
I'm a man, but I can change, if I have to, I guess.


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