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Using a Super Buddy between EA and WA

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I am setting up my Dish dish in TN about a half hr north of Memphis.  I started pointing to the WA with the new WA triple LNB I have for my 1000.2 and Hopper3.  I had the tripod plumb and the mast level, pointing at the correct az with the correct el and sk.  The SB was set for WA, and 1000.2.  The "LNB OFF" was displayed on the LNB soft key.  I pushed it and the SB turned off.  This happened 3 times and I had zero luck getting the sat signal.  After about 30 min, I swapped out the LNB for the EA LNB.  I keep the LNB coax on LNB 1.

When I swapped out the EA dual LNB and changed the SB to EA, along with changing everything else (az, el, sk) for EA, I was able to lock onto the EA sats within seconds. 

"LNB OFF" was displayed.  When I pushed the LNB softkey, "LNB1" was then displayed.  Pushed it again and "LNB2" was displayed.  Pushed it again and "LNB OFF" was displayed. 

Anyone know WTH happened when I was working with the WA LNB/settings?  Is it possible my new WA LNB is broken?  Or is it just operator error? 

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18 minutes ago, remoandiris said:

I am setting up my Dish dish in TN about a half hr north of Memphis.  I started pointing to the WA with the new WA triple LNB I have for my 1000.2 and Hopper3.  I had the tripod plumb and the mast level, pointing at the correct az with the correct el and sk.  The SB was set for WA, and 1000.2.  The "LNB OFF" was displayed on the LNB soft key.  I pushed it and the SB turned off.  This happened 3 times and I had zero luck getting the sat signal.  After about 30 min, I swaped out the LNB for the EA LNB.

When I swapped out the EA dual LNB and changed the SB to EA, along with changing everything else (az, el, sk) for EA, I was able to lock onto the EA sats within seconds. 

"LNB OFF" was displayed.  When I pushed the LNB softkey, "LNB1" was then displayed.  Pushed it again and "LNB2" was displayed.  Pushed it again and "LNB OFF" was displayed. 

Anyone know WTH happened when I was working with the WA LNB/settings?  Is it possible my new WA LNB is broken?  Or is it just operator error? 


I feel your pain........

Too Tall-Paul at the U of W wind Tunnel loaned me a english copy of the "Superior Soviet Aircraft of WWII" and imagine my disappointment when I found a 45 cal bullet hole in the lower right quad of pages 49 clear through page 57.......thankfully it was only one bullet hole but I had to fill in more than a few words .........fortunately it appears that some Ruskie was just cleaning his 1911 when it went off so there was very little blood on the pages .........


Ain't it a bummer when tech-details get in the way of our........."entertainment"


Drive on ..............(I once knew a SOB named........LBJ but he got even by sicking the IRS on ME.....TMI.....IMHO......)


97 Freightshaker Century Cummins M11-370 / 1350 /10 spd / 3:08 /tandem/ 20ft Garage/ 30 ft Curtis Dune toybox with a removable horse-haul-module to transport Dolly-The-Painthorse to horse camps and trail heads all over the Western U S

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I'm thinking the WA LNB is defective.  Set up my EA again today and no issues.  Decided to connect the WA LNB while standing in my RV.  Used the 3 LNB ports one at a time.  Each time I hit the LNB soft key, the SB shut down.  

I contacted the eBay seller and am waiting on a reply.

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21 minutes ago, Dutch_12078 said:

For your Hopper 3, yes, you either need a DPH LNB or a DPH42 switch for your DPP LNB.

Yeah, I won the wrong auction!!  DOH!!!  Gotta hit up eBay again for the correct auction.

But, it is still interesting to me that the SB turns off even when I have it configured for a WA DPP.

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6 hours ago, remoandiris said:

I'm thinking the WA LNB is defective.  Set up my EA again today and no issues.  Decided to connect the WA LNB while standing in my RV.  Used the 3 LNB ports one at a time.  Each time I hit the LNB soft key, the SB shut down.  

I contacted the eBay seller and am waiting on a reply.

Did you set your Super Buddy to the correct LNB type?

SKP #79313 / Full-Timing / 2001 National RV Sea View / 2008 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon

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