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Mobley "Stream Saver" video throttling - ALERT


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In a nutshell... AT&T has been auto enabling "stream saver" on our mobleys, which, in effect, detects video streams and limits the bandwidth to 480p resolution (SD). I'm not sure what affect/benefit stream saver has on a standard wireless line, but for our unlimited mobley accounts... that really bites!

I just checked my account and found that mine was indeed "enabled".

Disable instructions provided by Technomadia:

To turn off Stream Saver:

  1. Log in to your myAT&T dashboard.
  2. Click on "My Wireless"
  3. Click on your Mobley line.
  4. Click on "Manage Data"
  5. Turn Stream Saver off.
  6. Wait five minutes.
  7. Reboot your hotspot.
  8. Go enjoy Game of Thrones in glorious HD! *grin*

TIP: When AT&T enables the Stream Saver feature for a line, they turn it ON by default. But once you manually turn it off, it should stay off.

The full explaination and info is located here.

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I get it now (after reading ATT's blurb). So it actually "would" be a good thing if you have limited data. Still kinda stinks it's an auto added feature with default "ON". Seems to me it should be an opt-in vs an opt-out. Ah well... thanks to the "technokids" all is right in the world again. :lol:

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