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I'm starting to see a slight cupping on my right front tire, so I probably need an alignment.  Called Freightliner in Portland, OR and was told no appointments first come first serve and they couldn't guarantee an alignment in one day. Do any of you folks know of a good HD alignment shop in the area?  Thanks Dick

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I think I stated this previously that the rear wheels were found to be not tracking at 22,000 miles. 6,000 miles later everything is looking good.


Clay & Marcie Too old to play in the snow

Diesel pusher and previously 2 FW and small Class C

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Talked to a trucker yesterday about my concern.  He looked at the tires and said all is well with no need for alignment.  I was concerned about the feathering on the edges of the front tires.  He said with the amount of mountain driving we have been doing I  should expect some feathering. He reminded me of the extra load on the front when trailering.  The tread depth is equal across the tires, so I won't worry.  Thanks for all the input. Dick

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