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Grandkids memories


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Arm chair engineers.


2017 the fifth generation of grandchildren will be at the family cabin in Minnesota.


Planning, on hiding faux artifacts around the acreage for them to discover and keep them interested and occupied. Arrow's in trees, feathers, maps on paper birch leading to treasure, and stuff like that.


Sons idea is to have LED lighting, that look like eyes, and speakers to have a wolf, owls, and other critters make sounds while they sit around the campfire at night.


Preferably wireless, to avoid stringing up 1000 feet of wire, if avoidable.. Other wise will use wire.


Any ideas on additional pranks and how to do the installation.



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Arm chair engineers.


That flashlight idea is a swell idea, small squares of reflecting tape above head height would work, course a wolf howl near by could've make a few screams.


Told son and he wants to hang plastic spiders an silly string along the way.



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To make animal looking glow in the dark eyes, take toilet paper tubes and cut your eyes, some round, some oval. Put glow in the dark sticks inside the toilet paper tubes and hide them in bushes, grass lines etc. It will look like animal eyes glowing in the dark.

Pat DeJong

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