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Home Hemo-Dialysis In a motorhome

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As I wrote over a year ago, we were being trained for doing Hemo-Dialysis at home, which happened to be a motorhome. Since starting the treatments at home, we have traveled for over 14 months and put on over 10,000 miles and it has been a success for us. We have now given up the dialysis as my wife received a live donor kidney on Nov 4th. On the 10th, when she was released from the hospital, I turned the machine into a nearby dialysis center, and it is with us no longer.


The important thing here is that something like kidney failure, while life changing, need not be lifestyle changing. We had to be adaptible and resourceful sometimes, as while traveling, the months supplies came in 55 boxes, most weighing 25lbs each. Both storage and weight issues had to be dealt with.


Anyone that may be contemplating doing the dialysis at home and wanting to travel at the same time, fear not, it can be done and quite handily.


I hope our experiences may help someone else continue with their chosen lifestyle.


Hope this may help.


Happy Trails



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Would be very interested in talking to you. I am currently on dialysis waiting for my fistula to mature so I can start my training for home dialysis. Would like to pick your brain on storage issue as well as supply replacement. Please PM me at don80444@gmail.com. Thanks.

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