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She's Loving Windows 10 So Far


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We are into Windows 10 about 20 hours now on the DW's former Windows 8.1 machine and she is Loving it. She sat down this morning and made it her own. Added some apps and deleted some of the apps that were preloaded. She reconfigured some things to her liking. She has not turned on the Cortana assistant feature and I doubt if she will. She has Siri feature on her iPad and does not use it. She has all the Xbox stuff shut off as well as all the location and tracking stuff. The new season for Windows has begun. Has anyone read when the Mobile Win 10 OS will be out?


If you have upgraded to Win 10 and you figure something out or found something new please post.



USA Master Sergeant Ret.

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What's different about Windows 10? I have 8.1 on a touch screen computer. I like Windows 8.1 and haven't had any problems with it, so really haven't had any motivation to change to Windows 10...plus the fact that I don't have any reserve data to download it. I'm on 15GB per month and am currently on tract to use just shy of 11GB for this billing period...someone said on a previous thread that the download was about 5GB. Is that what you found?

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I am on a high speed cable modem here at the S&B so I really did not pay attention to what the download size was. I knew I was using the DW's 8.1 machine with all "The Good The Bad and The Ugly" that came along for the test bed so when it said I am ready I said go. She has said she thinks it faster and much easier to use then 8.1. She like how you can have the apps and the desk top on the same screen. That you can make the app portion larger or smaller as you want. She thinks Edge is much faster then IE. The MS store seems easier to use and arranged better.



USA Master Sergeant Ret.

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I have about 30 minutes with Win 10 now... no big deal. So far, it tweaks nicely, runs smoothly, no noticed degradation. I upgraded from Win 7. I never did upgrade to Win 8... All my applications seem to run without fault.


So far, so good.


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A couple of things that I had to work around. My WLM (Windows Live Mail) stopped working. Had to uninstall and re-install from the full off line file I downloaded from MS. Once installed I change the Store Folder to my Data (D) Drive and it found all my stored emails. My suggestion would be to download the off line file first, uninstall WLM, upgrade to Win 10, then use the off line file to reinstall WLM.


My Streets and Trips also broke. Since I do not have an Optical Drive, I may not reinstall S&T as I have it on CD.


Windows Edge does not yet allow add-ons. Since I use LastPass for PW storage and AdBlock Plus for ad blocking, these do not yet work with Edge. For now I am using IE 11 as my browser. I will switch back to Edge once it allows these ad-ons.

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