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Medicare initial preventive examination cost

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Well, like anything controlled by the Gov, there is no straight answer. The answer is, it depends on what your doc charges and whether he accepts what Medicare pays. If you don't have a Medicare Supplement Policy (MediGap), then you may pay any difference between what Medicare approves as reasonable rates for the various services involved vs what your Doc bills for those services. Also if your Doc does not comply with the very specific requirements Medicare sets for this process, they may deny portions of his billing, leaving you responsible for those amounts. (or negotiating with your doc for discounts)
Medicare is concerned with the paper work, if the doc doesn't document that he discussed topics A,B,C,D & E with you during this visit, Medicare will deem it incomplete and only pay a reduced amount.
Looking back at mine a few yrs ago, for the Doc visit & consultation, the EKG and all the Lab tests (all done at the same office - same visit), the total billed was $900. Medicare paid $350 and my Supplement Plan F paid all the rest, leaving me with $0 out of pocket. your experience may vary

I can't get a straight answer so far, even from my doctor's office...so does anyone know how much I have to pay for the Medicare initial examination? I have Medicare part a & b.



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Your costs in Original Medicare

You pay nothing for the “Welcome to Medicare” preventive visit or the yearly “Wellness” visit if your doctor or other qualified health care provider accepts assignment. The Part B deductible doesn’t apply.

However, if your doctor or other health care provider performs additional tests or services during the same visit that aren’t covered under these preventive benefits, you may have to pay coinsurance, and the Part B deductible may apply.

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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